Maria Corina's bare property

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versiónen español

It is one thing to close the Hotel El Paseo in Maracaibo because María Corina Machado's (MCM) team stayed there, and quite another to send the SENIAT, with all its repressive power, to a small business in Corozo Pando, Guárico, because its owners sold empanadas to the opposition leader and her campaign team (see complaint in,

In other words, to put all the repressive and institutional power of the State, not on a prestigious company in a city like Maracaibo, but on humble Venezuelan women from a small town that exemplifies the helplessness of Venezuela, and which Chávez was so full of mouths to defend, and with which he justified all his misdeeds until God decided that they were enough.

Well, it seems that the instrument of that God who took away the Galactic in good time, will be the common people who are watching live and direct that injustice through all the social networks and who will very justifiably dispatch out of power those who have not yet understood that the time has come to vacate power.

Do they really think that those people who barely survive in every corner of Venezuela, after taking away their livelihood earned by selling empanadas, will vote for them or help them commit a fraud to stay in power? How stupid and grotesque that is! And the worst thing is that they keep on doing it over and over again! It seems that Maduro's worst enemy is the one who is coordinating this persecution against MCM, by trying to prevent his tour in Venezuela. What they have achieved is the opposite! That more and more people in all corners of the country are joining this campaign, which has been admirable.

When they deliberately cut the electricity in their meetings, it is the same attendees who illuminate the site with their cell phones, leaving for history imposing images of citizen presence, which makes the rallies incredible experiences of fervor towards MCM, reaffirming her condition of being the true candidate in this process.

But the most recent ridicule was not letting her pass the Angel Maria Nieves Bridge, which links Guarico with Apure. What would have been in the mind of the Governor of Apure with such a foolish action? That she would stay on the other side of the river because he wanted to flatter -not to say the correct expression- his political boss? That was a classic example of when a grace becomes a morisqueta.

As a consequence of that action, MCM got on a boat and crossed the Apure River, just as our liberators did before fighting for independence and thus he was able to arrive at San Fernando de Apure, in one of the most apotheosic receptions that any campaign has ever had (see Vente Venezuela, Así esperaban a MCM en San Fernando de Apure, in

And one thing led to another. He was prevented from using the barge in Puerto Paez to cross the Orinoco and reach Amazonas. So he embarked on a curiara. The images of MCM in the curiara on the Orinoco and the immense and extraordinary of our main river and geography are truly impressive. A tour that is colorful in itself in a barge, because Venezuela is truly beautiful, became an admirable tour of an indomitable spirit that invites everyone to participate in the liberation of this extraordinary country (see in Spanish, María Corina Machado succeeded in crossing the Orinoco, in

This MCM's journey will remain for the history of political campaigns in Venezuela, and should especially be remembered by those who will be the usufructuaries of the triumph of this monumental effort. And I deliberately use the word “usufructuary”, in its 2nd meaning of the DRAE: “2. adj. Said of a person: Who has the real right of usufruct over something in which another has the bare ownership”. That is why I always say that our language is spectacular. Read well, “real right of usufruct over some thing in which another has bare property”.

Let's see: “The nuda propiedad is the right that corresponds to a person on a thing of which he has the property, but of which he cannot make use. That is to say, the bare ownership cannot use the good that is his property because its possession and enjoyment corresponds to another person who has the usufruct over it” (see Simarro García, Abogados, Nuda Propiedad, usufructo y pleno dominio, in

The candidate Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia (EGU) and the MUD-PU have the real right of usufruct of the presidential candidacy and the possible presidency of the Republic, something over which MCM has the bare ownership. And why do they have it? Because they are owners of the card that should have belonged to MCM by its own right, having won a primary election under the terms of that MUD-PU, and which the latter very skillfully did not want to defend before the regime, preferring to negotiate a substitute convenient to its interests.

EGU is part of a decadent political elite that stopped giving answers to Venezuelans long before 1998. That is why Hugo Chávez Frías won the elections of that year. MCM represents the next chapter forward of a Venezuela that desperately seeks to enter the XXI century, far away from this political claque that refuses to die.

The usufructuaries of that property will prefer to accept the blatant fraud planned by the CNE for June 28, and remain in politics, rather than disappear from the scene. That is why they have used tricks such as forcing MCM to accept the blackmail of running a campaign for their representative, which only belongs to her. Only a person who deserves to lead the destiny of this Nation is capable of such nobility.

But this story is far from over yet. The usufructuaries of MCM's triumph have shown enough shrewdness to survive October 22 despite their crushing defeat, but it will not be for long. That is the great political conundrum that MCM must solve before 28J, because after that it will be more difficult for it to negotiate with the usufructuaries.

At this point, I believe that the usufructuaries are already going ahead without her to negotiate with the regime a victory that does not belong to them, putting on the table to negotiate whether or not to accept a monumental electoral fraud. This election will be won, I have no doubt about it. But it can be lost at the table if the usufructuaries sell the election at their convenience.

It is time to exercise the true property, not the one they “graciously” ceded to win them an election by proxy through midnight blackmails, but the property of those who have believed in the change that MCM represents in Venezuelan politics, and which is none other than the property of the millions of Venezuelans who came out from all the unseen corners of Guárico, Apure and Amazonas, and the rest of the country, to the triumphant step of MCM. That is the property that is worth...

Caracas, May 24, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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