A Transitional Citizenship Government

By Luis Manuel Aguana

"A confession of part, relief of evidence" is a phrase known among lawyers when it is no longer necessary to promote any additional evidence because the accused confessed. And that is exactly what the official opposition in the National Assembly did yesterday when it confessed the negotiation for elections with Maduro's regime, openly declaring itself in permanent session for the appointment of the rectors of the CNE, a decision that goes in a completely opposite direction to the route agreed with the Venezuelans on January 23, to first cease the usurpation of the regime, thus formalizing the betrayal that we have repeatedly denounced (see in Spanish Asamblea Nacional se declara en sesión permanente para buscar acuerdo por CNE, en https://www.panorama.com.ve/politicayeconomia/Asamblea-Nacional-se-declara-en-sesion-permanente-para-buscar-acuerdo-por-CNE-20191029-0054.html).

As you can see, they did not declare themselves in a permanent session for the "Cessation of Usurpation" but to take Venezuelans to an election WITH THE REGIME OF NICOLÁS MADURO IN FUNCTION. To a confession of part, relief of evidence. As of today, Venezuelans have bitterly confirmed that the Government in Charge of Juan Guaidó, far from being the solution, has turned out to be part of the problem. They have just told us that they believe that the criminals will give them any position of power by negotiating the vote of the Venezuelans. Until when? How can we believe that this is innocent? What I have seen and heard in 20 years allows me to infer that in Venezuela there is no one innocent in politics and even less so with the size of the corruption that has been presented here.

The thesis of journalist Nitu Pérez Osuna in Patricia Poleo's program, in the sense that this criminal delay of not addressing the "cessation of usurpation" with the urgency that Venezuelans needed -and still need- has given the regime enough oxygen to subvert the governments of the region and exponentially aggravate the problem, precisely to stay, following the Sao Paulo and now Puebla Forum, and the agreements signed in Caracas (see in Spanish Agárrate, Guaidó no lo logró, en https://youtu.be/6pq5zwx3PXY). We could conclude then that this incapable opposition has, besides having made us lose a year to expel the regime, the "guilty" responsibility of the disaster financed by Maduro in Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Bolivia and of course Colombia. This is a monumental crisis that requires monumental remedies.

In circles, meetings, opinion programs, public forums, where we have presented the solution of calling for Popular Sovereignty through the mechanism of Popular Consultation administered by Civil Society and the Venezuelan people themselves, established in the Constitution, we have done so with the conviction that this is the way to resolve the "Cessation of Usurpation": to call on Venezuelans to decide their future, without intercepting their Sovereignty.

We have done so in the belief that once the regime and its criminals are out, we will succeed in handing over power in a Transitional Government to the one the people appointed on January 23, as their legitimate Constitutional President in Charge and his work team. But now, how can I promote that it be the people who give power to those who defrauded that confidence yesterday in the National Assembly, having modified in our face for unavowable reasons the route promised to that people that has spent a year waiting for a "cessation of usurpation" that does not arrive because it is being negotiated with criminals? Where do we leave the dead, diseases, suffering, hyperinflation, the inhuman exodus and the hunger of a whole year of inaction? THAT IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.

After yesterday Juan Guaidó and the parties that accompany him are not up to the political height of representing in any Transitional Government, this noble people who gave them their trust and support on January 23, 2019 to stop this massacre that Maduro is leading in Venezuela, and yesterday confessed that he prefers to negotiate with him the votes of Venezuelans, abstaining from taking the transcendental decisions that have been requested to expel criminals from Venezuela. How do we entrust a Transitional Government to those people without waiting for them to negotiate the Republic and guarantee continuity in power after that Transition?

Without changing the route that we have proposed to call the sovereign people to a Popular Plebiscite Consultation for the "Cessation of Usurpation", and that we have already explained -and will continue to explain- because the promised trilogy continues in its essence, a modification will now be necessary for the people to pronounce on how this Transitional Government should be integrated, once the regime is expelled by the mandate of the Sovereign of the people, before calling for Free Elections.

As of yesterday, the design of the Popular Plebiscite Consultation should be such that it leads the people to decide who should lead the Republic in a Transitional Government and the conditions under which they will do so, to ensure that there will be no deviations, traps or betrayals of those who are designated by the will of the people to hold power in Venezuela during that period. But that cannot be done with people who sell the aspirations of a people for political reasons or corruption as has just been demonstrated, but with people of unquestionable recognition who lend a citizen's contest to the welfare of Venezuelans. If the Government in Charge of Juan Guaidó had that prerogative after the 23E, since yesterday it ceased to have it because of its performance. Now that Popular Plebiscite Consultation should result in a solution that does not show any political partiality in its development, and as a result a Transitional Citizenship Government, in order to re-establish the validity of the Constitution, leading Venezuelans to Free Elections without any advantage. Only in this way will it have the credibility of all.

Caracas, October 30, 2019

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com

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