A primary that is not a primary

By Luis Manuel Aguana

English versión 

Apparently, a conflict still persists within the official opposition as to how to carry out what was initially called "primaries". From an event convened by the political parties with the clear intention of electing a candidate to challenge the regime in the year 2024, the matter has become blurred in view of the subsequent proposals of factors that demand that the civil society should elect, through its own mechanisms and Electoral Commissions, not only a candidate, but the entire opposition leadership, and once this is done, they may finally decide whether or not they will challenge the regime.

And then, are they primaries or are they not primaries? If we stick to the definition of the parties, which are the ones that can participate in elections according to the CNE of the regime, I hardly believe that they will allow others to lead this process. In clear words for people to understand, if they organize the party, they are the ones who decide who to invite, what to drink and what music to play. Otherwise, whoever wants to have a different party, let them throw it, but it will be a different thing, not primary.

That is why I think everyone is confused. When opposition leader María Corina Machado talks about "open primaries where everyone can participate" (see in Spanish Interview to MCM in Contrapunto.com, in https://contrapunto.com/especiales/entrevistas-ctp/maria-corina-machado-subestime-al-chavismo-y-sobreestime-a-esta-oposicion/), logically, he cannot be referring to the party being organized by the opposition as "primaries", she must be talking about a different party, not the one being called by the parties of the official opposition. Because if she is talking about the same, when he says that he will participate in the opposition primaries, the probability that participants other than the parties will decide which music to play or which liquor to drink will be very low, which makes the "participation of everybody" an uphill task.

I believe that by proposing to participate in primaries that are not primaries, without stating that we are trying to invite to a different party, but without saying so, does not send the right message to the Venezuelan opposition world. Yes, it is true, we want the opposition political parties to understand that we cannot continue talking about choosing a candidate for elections that will be irremediably managed by an electoral power corrupted by the regime. That it is necessary that the people, the Venezuelan people, disgusted with the behavior of the parties -more than 90% according to the latest opinion polls- freely choose their political leadership and a main leader, NOT a candidate, to define the most suitable strategy to get rid of these criminals who misrule us.

Unfortunately, the main concept is that the party summoned is called PRIMARIES and they are to elect ONE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE of the opposition for a presidential election. And the party that wins those primaries will be the one to run the next party. I would love it if it were something else we were being invited to, and had a different objective. But it doesn't. That's the party, period. Any confusion has no place.

Some members of civil society naively believe -although I insist, there is no naivety in politics, or assholes who accept it- that civil society should get involved in this process, even by proposing honorable non-partisan names for an Electoral Commission, or by encouraging the massive participation of the population in these elections in 2024. Nothing could be further from reality. When the party belongs to the parties, no matter how many honorable people they put at the front, they end up deciding what is and what is not done in the party, either because they are the ones who determine the most convenient candidate according to a pre-established plan (perhaps with the regime), or simply because they provide the real ones for the party to take place.

But the most important thing here is not so much that there is a confusion of parties, but why it is necessary for the civil society to organize a DIFFERENT party. There are more than 90% of Venezuelans who in no way feel represented by the conveners and participants of these "primaries". Hence, they are desperately looking for the highest possible proportion of honorability in those who participate in any of the roles of this process, in order to inject it with a legitimacy it has been lacking for a long time.

The Venezuelan opposition desperately needs a valid and legitimate interlocutor to represent us before the world. And what we have with the representation of the G4 with a Government in Charge that has demonstrated incompetence and corruption, that no longer represents anyone, is watering all over the place. And that is the only thing that countries have to understand those of us who oppose the criminal regime that holds power in Venezuela. And that pseudo opposition requires an urgent change, having demonstrated in 22 years, in all respects, its incompetence to lead the destiny of the Venezuelan opposition. That is what it is all about in the end! And that is why the official opposition parties insist on trying to give oxygen to a dead body in an advanced state of decomposition, because the Venezuelan people stopped believing in them.

What is left for us then? Either we organize ourselves from the civil society to organize a different party, where we can freely decide an alternative leadership without going through a primaries, or as we have been pushing for years from ANCO, that this alternative leadership comes from the entrails of the population through the legitimate representation of the Venezuelan people in a constituent process of an original character, and that this at the same time decides the destiny of the regime. Two birds with one stone.

Para que esto último suceda deberán producirse antes unas condiciones especiales que ya hemos explicado con anterioridad (See a Constituent Assembly with the regime, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/p/a-constituent-assembly-with-regime.html) and that it is necessary for the country to know. Both alternatives are not exclusive, and polarize with a primary process clearly rejected by the population. The only way to begin to get out of this regime is to call things by their name, without hiding their meaning. The primaries are what they are: the opposition route to perpetuate the regime...

Caracas, September 29, 2022

Blog: https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


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