A real national salvation

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

In my previous note I wanted to highlight the new turn of the Government in Charge towards a recognition of the regime through the development of a National Salvation Agreement, from an ethical and moral point of view (see The risk of being heroes, en https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/p/the-risk-of-being-heroes.html). This should be more than enough in a civilized country without the political barbarism that affects us. In some countries public officials resign and commit suicide when they are caught committing a crime. But in Venezuela talking about ethics and morals in public and political affairs is just a joke.

Why did I want to make this first note on the subject based on these principled postulates? Because when things are opaque and cannot be well understood, one has to go back to principles. No one who has principles and who asserts them can, if he wants to stick to them, consider a new negotiation with the terrorists and narco-criminals who usurp power. But they say that politics was invented by the devil, and if this is so, how could anyone who wishes to remain in it follow in the footsteps and principles of the patron saint of politicians and rulers, Thomas More, by letting himself be beheaded by them?

Let's put a magnifying glass on this National Salvation Agreement proposed by Guaidó. The President-in-Charge in principle has been consistent in rejecting the new CNE rectors and the regional elections called by an illegitimate National Assembly of the regime. Guaido said in his intervention, "The dictatorship will seek to continue seeking parallel and partial negotiations to give alleged concessions. To divide the opposition, to lower international pressure, as it has done in the past. They will seek to divide us by calling regional and municipal elections, to pose a false dilemma, that with this imposed CNE that we do not recognize and that they control today. This scenario should find us united. And to all the leaders and actors who have fought and sacrificed so much for this country for years and who see in this milestone an opportunity, I say that you can count on me to fight FOR TRUE CONDITIONS that will allow us to truly compete and allow Venezuelans to choose, not to go to a trap..."  (see in Spanish Mensaje al país de Juan Guaidó, 11 de Mayo 2021, in https://twitter.com/jguaido/status/1392162453195218947).

According to this speech, Guaidó is in a position that is indeed not new for the International Community by demanding elections with conditions. What we as Venezuelans criticize at this point is that there can be no real conditions as he demands them if the regime remains in power while they take place. That is a fundamental difference that was clearly established in the December 2020 Popular Consultation by 6.4 million Venezuelans. On the one hand it says that it does not recognize the CNE of the regime and that it controls the electoral system and on the other hand it seeks that the international community guarantees something that is impossible to guarantee with Maduro in power.

Guaidó continues: "I am convinced that protecting and reclaiming spaces is very important but without falling for the lies of the regime. As long as there is no real pressure, no negotiation with the International Community, the dictatorship will continue stealing elections, appointing protectors and mocking Venezuelans...". And that will be so as long as Maduro and his narco-terrorists hold the power they usurp. A real negotiation, as we have always pointed out, requires that the regime feels a credible threat from the International Community and allows what the President-in-Charge is proposing.

But, at this point, is that possible? According to the different actions of the parties that accompany him, as a consequence of this approach, this is no longer possible, and they prefer to abandon the President-in-Charge, practicing the "real politik" of continuing to negotiate with the regime through "space-seeking" elections. And that is what is happening because Guaidó with this approach is inventing lukewarm water. He is belatedly summoning all political factors to join together to negotiate with the regime so that it accepts something that it is not in a position to force, with the consideration of the suspension of sanctions. And this is nonsense since the usurpers already have an opposition that long ago bought itself with the scorpions at the head and with whom they negotiate whatever they want. They do not need Guaidó for that, not even their only card that does not depend on him which is the lifting of sanctions.

What did the regime do? What Maduro said to him and what anyone would say to him in his position: "If he wants to join the dialogues that are already underway, developing on all issues, he is welcome to join the dialogues that already exist, not to believe that he is the supreme leader of a country that does not recognize him" (see in Spanish Maduro rechaza el Acuerdo de Salvación Nacional de Guaidó, in https://es.euronews.com/2021/05/12/venezuela-maduro-rechaza-el-acuerdo-de-salvacion-nacional-de-guaido). That is what someone in a position of power says. He also had the luxury of telling him to hand over CITGO and Monomeros as a condition for a negotiation: "The first of all, is that this extremist opposition renounces the path of coups, of interference and calls for invasion of the country, that they recognize the Constitution and the Powers" and that "they render accounts of all the resources that the Government of the United States has given them and that they return the resources and accounts that they have to Venezuela, as well as the companies Citgo and Monomeros" (see in Spanish, Maduro condiciona negociaciones con una agenda que exige reconocimiento y entrega de activos, in https://hastaquecaigalatirania.com/detalles.php?id=10491834964996420210515093107).

So, is such an agreement viable with these narco-terrorists? Obviously it is not. That is why the main people close to the President-in-Charge are abandoning ship en masse, even though he has been accompanied in his intention by the Secretary General of the OAS (see Statement from the OAS General Secretariat on the Initiative of Interim President Juan Guaidó for a National Salvation Agreement in Venezuela, May 17, 2021 https://www.oas.org/en/media_center/press_release.asp?sCodigo=E-052/21).

In my opinion, the most important thing in which the Government-in-Charge and the parties that accompany it continue to make mistakes is in their proposal of negotiating free elections without freedom, contrary to the decision of the Depositary of Sovereignty in a Popular Consultation. This insistence of discarding the decision of an entire people and not following the constitutional path, beyond being a mistake, is a betrayal to the democratic principles that sustain the building of public representation. What right do the leaders have to disobey their constituents to a constitutionally emanated order? None. And if they do so, it is for reasons that do not correspond to the mandate they received, giving rise to an ethical and moral judgment. That is why the saint Thomas More let himself be beheaded.

It is one thing to reach a truce with the regime to vaccinate the entire population that is dying of a pandemic in the middle of a fierce political struggle, and quite another to reach agreements with criminals who will never - let it be understood - never comply with any agreement unless they have a rifle in their ribs. It is one thing for some kidnappers to let in a doctor to attend to a wounded person so that he does not die in a hostage situation, after a negotiation with the criminals, and quite another for the police outside and the hostages inside to agree that the kidnappers can stay indefinitely.

We Venezuelans need to find a way to convince those who have the possibility of entering the hostage site or have real influence with the kidnappers to convince them to surrender. I firmly believe that this is possible but only if we act in accordance with the constitutional path, starting by obeying without any doubt what the people decided and in clear harmony with the feelings of all Venezuelans. Doing it behind the back of that is the surest formula for failure before it even begins. Only in this way will we be able to attend to all the hostages and apply the necessary corrective measures to proceed with a true national salvation. Mr. President-in-Charge, if you really want to save Venezuela and regain its support, start by fulfilling your constitutional mandate...

Caracas, May 18, 2021

Blog: https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


Instagram: @laguana01

Telegram: https://t.me/TICsDDHH

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