About constituent impertinence

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español 

To all the impertinent people of Venezuela

My apologies for interfering in a discussion that is not mine. But we Venezuelans are by nature meddlers. To meddle in matters without being asked to do so is our trademark. If it were not that way, we would not be involved in this disaster that started when half of Venezuela was lining up to visit the detainees in the Yare prison to bring gifts to those arrested for having carried out a coup against the government. More meddlesome than that, impossible?

And the matter started when Dr. Blanca Rosa Mármol de León, Magistrate Emeritus of the TSJ, had the audacity to point out in an interview, what should happen if the winning candidacy of a primary candidate is not allowed to be registered due to a political disqualification: "...when that moment arrives if we have gone all the way for a fair elections, if we have done everything that the law and the Constitution establishes and they do not allow it, well then a Constituent Assembly will have to be called..." (see in Spanish, El Político, @elpoliticove, in  https://twitter.com/elpoliticove/status/1699113128900825501).

This intervention was immediately answered by the lawyer and representative of Vente Venezuela, Perkins Rocha, stating that "It is not the most pertinent thing to do at this moment, it is first necessary to politically recover the institutions and, based on that, to consider the legitimization of new authorities"... "I do not mean to say that what Dr. Mármol de León is not important, only that it is not the most pertinent moment. There are no free spaces in the country to make such a call, there is no one who can guarantee a result that would force the regime to abide by this new constitutional text" (see in Spanish, Efecto Cocuyo, in https://storage.googleapis.com/qurium/efectococuyo.com/politica-convocar-una-constituyente-para-habilitar-a-maria-corina-machado-esto-responde-vente-venezuela.html) (emphasis ours).

It is not the first time I have heard for many years the expression "it is not pertinent" from the Venezuelan political opposition. The mere mention of the word "constituent" has an astringent, unpleasant effect. It is like mentioning the noose in the house of the hanged man, as I already pointed out in a previous note referring to some statements made by María Corina Machado (MCM) in connection with the constituent topic (see MCM's constituent proposal, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/p/the-constituent-proposal-of-maria.html). Now imagine a legal authority such as Dr. Mármol de León mentioning it, not in the house of the hanged man, but at the funeral itself! A world ending, then...

And Dr. Mármol went even further, daring to point out what the political opposition should do when they have to face the true face of tyranny: "The opposition is an overwhelming majority, of that I have no doubt, the leadership would have to convene it to replace the frustrated election". Please, what audacity! Without even having reached the primaries, telling them what they should do is too much to swallow.

But there is something to understand that unfortunately is not part of the common political discussion, especially of the leadership. Hugo Chávez Frías changed the model of political functioning of the country by imposing, legitimately or illegitimately, a new Constitution in Venezuela in 1999. The rules of operation of the State changed, but in favor of a new regime created by seditious individuals who attempted a coup in 1992. This was dropped on all the defeated politics of the country like a bucket of insecticide poured into a cockroach's cave. And excuse the expression, it was literally like that. Everyone ran in all directions in search of refuge and survival.

From that moment on, Venezuela was a different Venezuela. The followers and delinquents of all parties that used to do tricks for their political leaders, aligned themselves with the new owners of Venezuela. There is no leader of the regime, except for those who accompanied Chávez in his uprising and the young people who have been formed since then with them under this criminal regime, who do not come from the old parties. There is no one there who comes from another planet. That is the main reason why we have such a criminal regime in Venezuela.

A new political reordering that would bring about a so-called Constituent Assembly for Venezuela, bringing together the legitimate representatives of all sectors of Venezuelan society for the construction of a new Social Pact, the farthest thing from this absurdity that has been the sustenance of more than 23 years of misery, exodus and destruction, is the most impertinent thing for anyone who wishes to establish a new political order in this country from those in power. They think that unleashing these forces is for them like opening a Pandora's Box that would destroy them. In fact, they do not even consider it feasible, even when in power.

And that is our biggest difference with those who think like that. Someone who claims to be a new political leadership should not be afraid of democracy, even less so when all indicators show that the people are no longer with those who subjugated them and destroyed their dreams of a prosperous country with a future. We would very much regret a new political leadership that believes that they must first control the situation before letting a legitimate popular representation draw and build their own model of the house where they wish to live, wanting first to put them in a tent with the impossible to guarantee promise that they will live better in the future. In the true bottom line they would be no better than those who changed the political course of Venezuela the first time.

A new call for a new constituent process is pertinent from the very moment the 1999 Constitution was in force, because there are simply Constitutional Articles 347, 348 and 349 which give the sovereign people of Venezuela the right to call it at any time it deems convenient. And if "there is no one to guarantee a result that would force the regime to abide by" the decision of the people, there is no one to guarantee the registration of an illegitimately disqualified candidate, which is exactly the same thing.

As a people, we have always had the possibility of calling for a Constituent process to Refound the Nation. Dr. Mármol de León reminded us of this, even to those of us who in one way or another have been putting it aside as impertinent. And if there is any valid meaning to the slogan of multiple interpretations "until the end", it is that the people should be the ones to decide what to do finally with this disaster, which is now the country. No one else has the right to do so....

Caracas, September 7, 2023

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


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