Abstentionism in times of negotiation

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

Since the mask of the MUD has fallen off regarding its official participation in the 21N elections, it is mandatory to address again the militant abstention as the main mechanism to reject those who insist on playing the game of the regime with the worn out excuse of "defending the spaces", spaces that the regime has been in charge of filling with its people, whether those who blame us for "losing" for not participating in illegitimate elections want it or not.

In this space I will not give the reasons that I explained extensively in 2012 (see in Spanish  Abstencionismo en tiempos de dictadura, en https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/2012/12/abstencionismo-en-tiempos-de-dictadura.html) and in 2017 (see Abstention in times of collaborationism, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_13.html) and that apparently have not been enough for those whose reasoning is still based on the fact that citizens "cannot do anything else" but vote or that "if we had not voted in 2015" we would not be in the "privileged" place where we are now, according to which "there would not be an International Community recognizing Guaidó as President in Charge". It is important to answer these questions for that population that is manipulated to vote in illegitimate elections as a result of a narrative that drives a "herd effect" produced by sectors colluding with the regime or others who naively fall into that superficial discourse, although as I have repeated many times, there is no such thing as naivety in politics.

A significant number of Venezuelan voters have not yet fully assimilated the hegemonic and authoritarian character of those who currently hold power in Venezuela. And this has not been free, someone has paid for it. To get there, the opposition political parties that depend on elections with the regime to survive and interested -and frequently paid- opinion groups have been a key piece so that the totality of Venezuelans are still not convinced that those who are usurping power in Venezuela will not leave it by means of suffrage, and that they still insist that the only way out is to vote in tyranny. Perhaps if there were a Military Junta like the one General Marcos Perez Jimenez had, it would be simpler to convince Venezuelans that the General in charge would not give them elections without first having the results in his favor. But in their place are Maduro and his criminals, who are much worse, and yet they still believe that they will get Governorships and Mayorships from an election with them.

So here we are stuck between arguments against and in favor of going to vote, without first walking around that the question is not whether to vote or not on 21N. The question is whether an election for office in a completely distorted and corrupt political ecosystem after 20 years of predatory socialism is going to solve Venezuela's problem. That is the real question. And if the answer is NO, then the next question should be what needs to be done first to straighten out what needs to be straightened out for that ecosystem to work in order to hold elections.

Faced with the spurious reasoning that Venezuelans cannot do anything else but vote in a dictatorship, the answer is to RESIST. Yes, resist as Alberto Carnevali did during the dictatorship of Perez Jimenez. when he called Venezuelans "in the most resolute manner (to maintain) a permanent state of civil rebellion, an undaunted offensive of popular opposition, that keeps the spirits of all Venezuelans aggressive and frayed against the humiliation of which we are victims to prevent at all times the dictatorship of Perez Jimenez from stabilizing without resistance", carried out before the electoral fraud of the Perez Jimenez dictatorship in the elections to elect the Constituent Assembly that was to be installed in 1953. (see in Spanish Rebelión Civil, in  https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/2013/11/rebelion-civil.html). As I said back then, if we change the name of "Pérez Jiménez" to "Nicolás Maduro Moros", the communiqué could well have been written by Alberto Carnevali for today's Venezuelan society.

Resisting to submissively accept that the tyranny of Nicolás Maduro Moros will last is what Venezuelans should be doing, including those parties that want to coexist, simulating a state of normality that does not exist in Venezuela, which gives excuses to the countries of the International Community that have supported the Government in Charge to say that this has no reason to exist because Venezuelans accept electorally a situation that is clearly unacceptable, reaching the conclusion that if we accept it, why shouldn't they do it?

If Venezuelans had not voted overwhelmingly for the opposition in 2015 only one thing would have happened: NOTHING. Here we have lost almost 6 years where the destruction of Venezuela has dramatically deepened. It has been rather a disgrace that this mediocre opposition was given the votes in those parliamentary elections of December 2015 and has not been able to shake off the tyranny by establishing a Transitional Government from the hands of the Parliament. The best proof that our votes were misused was precisely the outcome of that 2015 parliamentary election.

The new board of directors of the illegitimate CNE is walking around Venezuela trying to convince us that the electoral system is still "the best in the world" as Tibisay Lucena baptized it, and it turns out that the best spokesperson for this lie of Goebbelsian propaganda is the Rector who claims to be from the opposition. And what is the basis for this tour? That "it is impossible" to know the identity of the voter. And even if that were true, which it is not, that is not the problem. The problem is that the regime changed the counting system from manual to automated, leaving the machines to decide the results. That is to say that if they change the votes inside the machines, even if the interested parties have the minutes, it will not be valid by law but what their system says. And there is no automated system that cannot be violated. Any technician with enough knowledge can change the results (see in Spanish, La trampa del Voto Electrónico: De Escrutinios Manuales a Escrutinios Automatizados, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/2013/11/la-trampa-del-voto-electronico-de.html).

In what country of the planet is only a percentage of the ballot boxes scrutinized by lottery? That was the system invented by the regime to intervene in the ballot boxes that are not opened. Why does the regime not open 100% of the ballot boxes with the presence of international observation and witnesses from all parties with the people present? That is precisely the problem, we have a structurally flawed electoral system.

By definition, there is no abstentionism in tyranny, what exists is civil resistance to not validate elections within a system that does not believe in them and only seeks their legitimization. Not going to the polls, which are the sanctuary of democracy, is nothing more than the respect given to the institution of the vote by those of us who believe in this system, which has been trampled by the Chávez regime and then by the Maduro regime, and which must be reestablished from the hands of the Venezuelan people.

And this is not rhetorical because we do not know what to do after not voting. Venezuelans who know that we do nothing by going to vote in a tyranny, we must propose -and we are proposing- channels to bring about a change by FORCING the kidnappers to surrender Venezuela. If this is through a negotiation with the help of the International Community, negotiations are welcome, as we have already suggested. But if it is not possible to force through this way, sooner rather than later the facts will lead to another solution. And that is why we are organizing ourselves from the civil society, to produce the actions that will lead us to that solution that rescues the institutionality and the constitutional and democratic reestablishment. Those who want to sit on the sidewalk passively waiting for things to change by voting in tyranny, are those who will be actively collaborating, consciously or unconsciously, for that tyranny to be perfected and strengthened.

Nobody could have said it better than Alberto Carnevali in 1952, when he closed his communiqué from the resistance:

"...Because the patriotic national claim is conceived in another inexorable way: if we do not fight now until we triumph, the people will be enslaved ignominiously for an indefinite time. The people must defend their freedom right now at any cost and with whatever means they have in their hands. The people have to fight with their own resources, the endless resources of mass action, which in our country exist in invaluable conditions for the conquest of victory. We are the majority of the nation. We are a whole people. The dictatorship is without any social backing or moral support. An unbendable decision to fight prodigiously encourages our hearts. An overflowing faith ignites our blood. We count, in short, with precious human and moral factors sufficient to endow our combat capacity with a power a thousand times stronger than the hardest armor of despotism".

His imperishable word goes forth...

Caracas, September 12, 2021

Blog: https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


Instagram: @laguana01

Telegram: https://t.me/TICsDDHH

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