Beyond an existential struggle

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versiónen español

“I ask myself, is this a free choice? Obviously not. The citizens are not voting freely for the candidate they chose. It is not a free election. Is it a fair election? Obviously not. There are almost 10 million Venezuelans who cannot vote. Almost 10 million Venezuelans. The 4 and a half million that are outside registered in the registry that were not allowed to participate, plus half a million Venezuelans that have turned 18 years old outside, we already have 5, plus the 3, 3 and a half here that have an ID card, but are not registered in the Electoral Registry. There are already 8 and a half, plus those who have moved from one center to another against their will. I live in Paria and I show up voting in San Cristobal, how does that person do it? So we are talking about almost 10 million Venezuelans who cannot vote. This is not a fair election. This is an existential struggle for freedom. It is a struggle to be able to have free and fair elections. So, what is the reality? That these guys, as they know they are lost, are going to try, as they say, by hook or by crook, and we have to prepare ourselves for any kind of outrage and trap, and that implies a citizen organization as we have never done before...” (see in Spanish NTC Vzla interview to María Corina Machado (MCM), in, Min 1:33) (emphasis added).

And beyond all these clarifications correctly noted by MCM, there are also those denounced by the National Constituent Alliance, ANCO, in its last communiqué of May 11, in relation to the intensification of the techniques of electoral fraud with the movement of voters in the Electoral Registry that the regime is preparing for the 28J (see in Spanish Communiqué ANCO, A call to Venezuelans on the occasion of the presidential elections of July 28, 2024),, as well as the technical warnings addressed to the political opposition, which we have made from the programs of the series “Venezuela, Elections and Apartheid” of the channel Sin Filtros, by journalist Maibort Petit. You can watch the programs made to date at the following URL addresses:




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We can agree with MCM that in Venezuela we are fighting an existential struggle for freedom and not a fair choice. But undoubtedly it is still an election at the end of the day, accepted by the Unitary Platform, in the unjust and unacceptable terms of the regime, mentioned by MCM and denounced by us for years. All this without counting the approval of the MUD/PU technicians to each and every one of the CNE audits before the election. And then, how could we complain that they applied a fraud on us, when it actually happens, if those who lead the opposition do not express in any way and without even objecting the conditions under which this election will take place, hoping for a victory that the regime has never been willing to grant?

By accepting the infamous conditions of that election, the problem we have is no longer in the technical-electoral field, not only because it is a fact that the regime has already started the fraud by leaving MCM out of the election, as well as almost 10 million Venezuelans, as she pointed out in the NTC Vzla interview, but we go there expecting anything under the rules imposed by the regime and accepted.

And that did not turn out well the last time in 2013, when Henrique Capriles did not accept the CNE results and the regime ended up doing whatever it wanted, when the MUD candidate submitted a request to the electoral body “for a vote-by-vote recount” of the election results (see El Mundo, Capriles impugna de forma oficial el resultado de las elecciones en Venezuela, in

MCM and the former president of Colombia, Iván Duque, announced that the regime will try to stay through fraud, as we have expressed countless times. But the difference will not be so much in how well we citizens are organized to prevent the trap, as MCM indicates, but in how willing the opposition leadership is to accept the results that the regime will decide and act accordingly (see in Spanish Agencia Venezuela News, María Corina Machado and the former president of Colombia @IvanDuque predict that there will be electoral fraud on July 28th, in

We celebrate that MCM has clearly expressed the corresponding warnings in relation to this important matter in the two previous statements, because this gives him the moral authority to make a claim; and at the same time I regret that the candidate Edmundo González Urrutia has not yet pronounced himself in the same manner on this very important matter, especially when it is he, as the main opposition candidate, who should object to any illicit result incurred by the regime in order to remain in power.

MCM's attitude should be the same of all the opposition leadership before the country, considering the evident shameless advantage-taking shown, as never before, by the Castro-Chavist-Madurist regime. I would be satisfied with seeing in that Venezuelan opposition political leadership at least half the firmness of former Colombian President Iván Duque towards Maduro's regime.

As MCM did, it is necessary to start indicating to Venezuelans a clear and unyielding position in the face of a possible fraud in a country where nobody -including the regime's own people- would believe a favorable result for Maduro. That is why the call for attention made by ANCO in its communiqué regarding July 28, highlighting the following:

“ANCO calls the attention of the political sectors and the national country that the electoral system has deepened today more than ever, its anti-democratic and fraudulent character, and that everything points to the fact that it will try again, as in past electoral processes, to generate a non-existent victory of the regime through an automated electoral system clearly distorted from its very birth. At that moment, the only thing left is the commitment of the political leadership of the opposition before the people, to enforce the will of the majority of Venezuelans for a change in the political management of the country (Comunicado ANCO, 11-05-2024).

Certainly, we have an existential struggle for the freedom of Venezuela, but if those who brought us to this critical moment decide, as in 2013, to accept the unacceptable, sending the people to “play pots and pans and dance salsa”, remaining impassive before an electoral legislation that is drafted to favor the regime and avoiding to count the popular will in a transparent manner, they will cause much more damage to Venezuela in death and destruction than that which was caused by the lamentable and cowardly negligence of the MUD and its candidate more than 10 years ago. At that moment, those who are the legitimate leaders of the opposition, will have to prepare themselves to propose to Venezuelans to go beyond an existential struggle...

Caracas, May 14, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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