Constituent Salvation

By Luis Manuel Aguana

English versión

The first reaction that many Venezuelans had to the communiqué issued by the Rector's Council of the Citizens' Conference for Constitutional and Democratic Restoration (see in Spanish Propuesta a la Nación y la Comunidad Internacional, in, was that how were we going to call for a "new negotiation process" that would include the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros, given that all those processes had served the regime to delay and gain time to consolidate itself in power. Many wondered -and rightly so- if this was not another strategy that would serve the regime for the same purpose. I will try to explain this apparent contradiction in this note.

ANCO, as a participant in this important instance of civil society, established through a Pact for the achievement of compliance with the binding mandate of the people obtained in the Popular Consultation held from December 7 to 12, 2020, made this important proposal that was approved by its Rector Council, 4 years after the Popular Consultation of 2017, as the next natural step of those who with good reason, not only demand to participate in the decisions that concern us as a people, but as proponents of a new route that avoids precisely that this is the excuse the regime uses to prolong the suffering of the Venezuelan people.

Those of us who signed the Pact for Constitutional Restoration firmly believe in a peaceful, constitutional and democratic solution to this crisis, and thus fully agree with the fundamental principle that the way out of the crisis is to bring all interested parties to the negotiating table, as stated in the Declaration of the US, the EU and Canada.

But when it is indicated that all the interested actors must participate, it is not possible to leave out who we consider to be the main actor, THE VENEZOLAN PEOPLE, represented by its civil society, which in a full exercise of protagonist democracy, demands to participate today more than ever in all the decisions that affect its welfare and the search for a democratic solution to the crisis, without ignoring the political representation of the National Assembly, which has already been recognized by the International Community.

In this sense, it is also recognized that there are some actors that exercise power in Venezuela, that have control of the Public Powers of the State, and that sooner rather than later they will have to understand that they cannot hold them without the legitimate endorsement of the Venezuelan people. This is precisely what a true process of political negotiation is all about. And that is what the International Community intends to make Venezuelans understand, without resorting to violence for political reasons.

Our proposal is for the Venezuelan people to decide the destiny of the country through their legitimate representatives, elected as Constituents from all Venezuelan territory, with the technical-electoral assistance of the International Community. Nothing could be more democratic than that. And let those representatives elected from both sides in a process whose bases are negotiated by the two parties, with the mediation of the International Community, be the ones to decide the destiny of the Executive Power, as it was already done in two previous Constituents, the first one legitimately called and elected in 1999, and the following one illegitimately called and elected in 2017. If the Original Constituent removes the Executive Power and the rest of the Public Powers, it must decide the appointment of a Transitional Government that guarantees an Electoral Power that will lead us to free, fair and verifiable general elections afterwards.

The international community has offered its support to participate in this process, making it clear that it is fully willing to lift the sanctions it has imposed on the members of the regime, if a negotiation is reached that will result in the return of institutionality in the country. Whether this is possible or not will depend on the willingness of the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros to accept a route that allows a way out of the systematic destruction that we are already seeing in the country. To the extent that it does not allow it, it will get closer to the point where no negotiation is possible, giving the International Community to understand that the way would no longer be peaceful, bringing as a consequence the exhaustion of this path, leaving the International Community to analyze other alternatives to face the Venezuelan crisis. But we are not there yet, and part of this exercise is to define (force?) this as soon as possible.

Those who rightfully do not believe that this is possible, that is, to negotiate with the regime a true peaceful, constitutional and democratic exit, instead of sabotaging this proposal, would do better to dedicate their time to design an alternative path and work for it, if they truly believe in its viability under the current international conditions, where most countries refuse a non-negotiated exit. I wish them the best of luck because in the end both routes lead to the same destination.

We believe that this is the most appropriate moment to propose a Constituent Assembly process because it is, by its nature, an inclusive process that resolves at the same time, not only the transition towards a new stage of the necessary transformation for Venezuela, but also the re-foundation of the country, as the Venezuelan Catholic Church has rightly stated. It is a process that does not imply a "take you off to put me on", as a presidential election in the middle of a destroyed and divided country, with one part of the population against the other. In the scenario of a Constituent Assembly, both parties in their fair proportion would have to agree together on a country where we all fit.

If the people leading the country are very sure that they will remain in power for 60 or 100 years, they should look at themselves in the Cuban mirror, which is cracking every day at a faster pace. The conditions of today's world are no longer those of the middle of the last century when Fidel Castro came to power coming down from a mountain. Instantaneous communications, the reality of a world that tends to seriously respect Human Rights, the increasingly fierce international fight against terrorism and drug trafficking, as well as the pressures of a globalized economy, will sooner rather than later make them flee through the back door. A Constituent process offers them all a front door through which to exit. My recommendation is that all the actors of the regime -especially the military- and the opposition take it, because if they do not think about the salvation of Venezuela, I can assure you that it will be for your own salvation...

Caracas, July 19, 2021




Instagram: @laguana01


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