Edmundo's opportunity

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

It is still difficult for me to understand why the explanation of the reasons that led Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia (EGU) to leave Venezuela continues to be more important for everybody than addressing the immense number of positive possibilities that his departure from the country has and may have for Venezuelans, for the materialization of the real outcome of the July 28 elections. It would seem that a part of the public opinion found some progress to our main problem -to get out of the regime- by reviewing the detail of the extortion to which EGU was subjected so that he would sign anything they put in front of him to protect his life and that of his family.

What part did they not understand that a dead EGU or locked up in a tomb of the regime would have meant that the 25 murders and more than 2,000 arbitrary detentions committed after July 28 were worthless? Of course there was a crime in extorting him and his family's safety to give him a safe-conduct to leave the country! And that he had to be out of the country to protect what some do not want or do not want to understand yet, for a myriad of petty reasons: THAT EGU IS THE ONLY DEPOSITARY of the Popular Sovereignty expressed on July 28! Without him there is nothing to collect!

And in the midst of the ocean of the most atrocious crimes committed by this regime through its main representatives in more than 25 years, why is it still being insisted on how EGU left Venezuela? That is why we continue in this struggle! For the restitution of liberties and the rule of law! Clearly, upon the return of legality in the country, the respective responsibilities of the actors in this unfortunate episode, both Venezuelans and foreigners, will have to be determined and the corresponding criminal proceedings will have to be opened.

But here I come to what I consider the most important aspect of this impasse in the political struggle: What interest could there be in discrediting or minimizing the character of EGU in this situation, placing him as a coward or as a supposed “puppet” of some Venezuelan or Spanish political profiteers? Who or who is behind all this that continues to add fuel to the fire, so that we do not get out of this sterile discussion? That is what we Venezuelans have to keep an eye on. Envy has become red-hot and there are many people from the old politics who prefer to destroy what has been achieved, rather than allow the country's recovery to continue moving forward, with the guidance of a different leadership.

EGU is already out of Venezuela! It is necessary to continue! What is possible that the regime would be furious with his family after having established that he would fight to enforce Popular Sovereignty, contrary to what was stated in the paper he signed? It is possible. But EGU is already above that, and he is not only responsible for their future BUT FOR THE MILLIONS OF VENEZOLANS WHO VOTED FOR HIM that remain also kidnapped with his family in the country. That was the heavy burden he accepted when he decided to represent us in the July 28 election instead of María Corina Machado (MCM). The votes were cast by EGU to reestablish a way of life that was taken away from us, and it belongs to us Venezuelans.

But those responsible for the attempt to discredit EGU by leaving the country are still alive and kicking. They will continue to lie in wait, seeking, just like the regime, a new opportunity for it to fail and with it, any initiative aimed at enforcing the result of the July 28 election. And they will be very close to EGU because they know that this is the only way they can make it fail. The mere presence of the true representative of the Venezuelan Popular Sovereignty in the international scenarios will open any door for him, and this is resented by the regime and apparently much more by the opposition which failed in its attempt to close the way to the popular sentiment for change in the country. The enemy will still be lurking there, even if it has lost the elections.

That is why, with EGU already out, the rest of Venezuelans should just give the President Elect the opportunity to do what he has to do. And that reminds me of a story that I read somewhere and that I searched unsuccessfully to refer to. My apologies in advance if any of you know it and it is not exactly as I describe it here. The story is about someone who asked God who had been the greatest statesman in all of history. And God went through history with him from the very beginning, introducing him to Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon, Bolivar, Churchill and many, many statesmen and leaders in human history. Which one is it, asked the anxious companion. Wait, we are not there yet, said God. Finally, they arrived at a small workshop where a humble shoemaker was working by candlelight. And God pointed out: this is the statesman you are looking for. The person in amazement said to God, how can a humble shoemaker be the greatest statesman in history? Well, that's the one,” said God, ”only he was never given the opportunity.....

I am not saying that EGU is a statesman now, but history and Venezuelans have given him the opportunity to be one. And God only knows he will have all the selfless help he can get from Venezuela's most privileged minds scattered all over the world. How could he fail? If Venezuela has had any opportunity to resolve and move forward, this is it if we know how to take advantage of it, especially if the person at the helm is a career diplomat, whose natural specialty is the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

If the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros is sure of something, it is that they will not be tolerated in the long term in their illegitimate condition. There is already enough official and unofficial information indicating that the regime violated the Popular Sovereignty, and the siege will close relentlessly with time. They will have to negotiate sooner or later.

However, there are external factors that push them to believe that they can get away with it. That is why they have to be addressed diplomatically. For example, what would be the problem if a multidisciplinary team headed by EGU, under the mentorship of the US and the EU, negotiates directly with China and Russia a form of coexistence that preserves their interests in the country, showing them that a democratic government with the majority support of the Venezuelan people presided by EGU, would be more beneficial for them than an illegitimate one, giving them a democratic and peaceful solution to the problem? It would then be the Chinese and the Russians who would tell the regime that it would be more convenient for the interests of all that they give up their attitude and negotiate a way out.

In 2020, ANCO addressed a communication to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin on the occasion of some words he delivered at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) in June 2019, reviewed by Sputnik Newspaper according to which “the crisis in Venezuela must be solved by the Venezuelan people themselves, and it is the people who must decide whether Maduro should remain in power or not, through dialogue, consultations and interaction between different political forces” (see in Spanish ANCO delivers letter to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin, in http://ancoficial.blogspot.com/2020/02/comunicado-anco-anco-entrega-carta-para.html). On that occasion we advocated a peaceful and electoral solution to the Venezuelan problem.

This communication was officially answered on May 25, 2020 through its Ambassador to Venezuela, Mr. Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov, where it was clearly stated on behalf of President Putin, that “Russia has advocated for the settlement in Venezuela by the Venezuelans themselves” (see in Spanish letter of reply from the Russian Embassy, in https://tinyurl.com/ybwsehce). It would be wrong for Russia as a country, after those words of President Putin in St. Petersburg in 2019, to oppose the fact that Venezuelans have decided by an overwhelming majority on July 28 that Maduro should leave power peacefully and democratically. Likewise, China and the rest of the countries that support the regime.

It is clear that none of this will be easy, but China and Russia are the main external pillars of support for the regime. Cubans would have to align themselves to what is decided there because they would surely be protected in such a negotiation. If the external is successfully addressed, the internal pillars that sustain them will not take long to give way. A personality like EGU, with the clear support of the Venezuelan Popular Sovereignty and countries like the US and the EU members, can reach legitimate agreements of that caliber with those countries, and ensure that this serious problem we have will be solved in a very short term. My imagination? Maybe, but these are just ideas of someone who truly believes that even a humble cobbler can become a statesman if given the opportunity...

Caracas, September 22, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos, https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


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