Fraud as a political fact

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español 

When I started this blog 14 years ago, one of the first notes I wrote, which by the way was read by almost nobody (if now I do not reach many people, imagine at that time) had to do with my astonishment when I read El Nacional of February 28, 2010, which headlined: “Cubans handle Venezuelan Databases”.

That news provoked such indignation in me as a Venezuelan technician -at that time with more than 35 years of professional practice in that area- that I made a public appeal in the following terms to my colleagues: ...technicians in Information Technology cannot and should not be indifferent. They have an immense responsibility to the country. Technology and its impact cease to belong to them to become a good that affects countries, humanity as a whole. A technician, an analyst, a programmer, a CTO KNOWS what their constituents want and can do with the systems. And if he is aware that what he wants to do violates the Human Rights of the citizens, he MUST refuse to participate in it and denounce it. Otherwise, he is an accomplice and would be involved in violation of those rights as well (see in Spanish Cubans Manage Venezuelan Databases, in

It was from that moment on that I deepened in this site what the use of information technology meant in the violation of Human Rights and that it was openly expressed with this regime in power, through an automated electoral system imposed from the CNE to Venezuelans. From this small tribune I was able to meet other Venezuelans who, like me, rejected this violation of the Human Right to Authentic Elections, dedicating a great part of this corner of the net to denounce this violation.

I had already started living the reality of the technical fraud committed years ago by the CNE in 2004, by actively participating with our NGO, AC Familiametro, in the struggles of civil society in the Recall Referendum that began in 2003 in the ProSi Committee, an extraordinary initiative of more than 150 civil society organizations in Caracas, based in INAESIN (Institute for Higher Trade Union Studies of the CTV). After almost two years of intense work in that initiative, I concluded at that time that it was materially impossible for us to lose that Referendum. Not after having lived what we personally lived for almost two years in every neighborhood visited in the 22 parishes of Caracas.

The official opposition could lie to Venezuela by accepting this fraud to the regime, but not to us who were there. And the opposition political leadership of the Coordinadora Democrática was not even capable of coming personally to give explanations of that supposed defeat to the people that gathered in Caracas. We had to do it ourselves in the parishes of the capital from the civil society. It was extremely hard to explain the inexplicable.

From then on, it has been a crusade to consolidate the narrative that the CNE of the regime built an unbeatable technical platform to deceive the population, which was convinced until not so long ago that we were not the sufficient majority to shake the regime electorally. The official opposition actively participated in this line of thought, thus collaborating in the permanent fraud applied by the CNE, election after election. I can say without a doubt that since the first election in 2004, the year of the inauguration of electronic voting in Venezuela, we, the Venezuelan opposition, have ALWAYS been the majority and the results of the CNE electoral system have been consistently changed. That is why we do not expect anything different for the 28J.

The first real success we have had in all these years of permanent electoral struggle those of us who have consistently denounced the technical cheating of the CNE, was to sentence the regime's automated electoral system to the bench of the accused, being one of the greatest achievements the June 13, 2018 ruling of the legitimate TSJ in exile that annulled that system (see ruling in TSJ Legitimate TSJ Declares the Use of Automated Voting for Elections in Venezuela Null and Void, in

Although this sentence was neither applied in Venezuela, nor recognized by the official opposition, thus proving its complicity in the maintenance of the regime in 20 years of struggle of Venezuelans to get out of this nightmare, it finally managed to explain to Venezuelans the depth of the problem and the regime's cheating in the electoral processes.

But the system with its implicit fraud continued the same, even improving the trap with time, complementing it in the distribution of centers and voters throughout the country in favor of the regime, as well as the rest of the arbitrariness committed, such as the disqualifications to contestants that would somehow prevent the electoral triumph of the regime. Even if it was technically explained that there was a multifactorial fraud, Venezuelans insisted as a society in the electoral process in spite of that. We must recognize that the peaceful inclination of our people to want to settle the power through the vote is a seal that really distinguishes us, knowing that we are subjected to a tyranny.

But this time, unlike the unfortunate episode of April 2013 where Capriles won and did not collect the presidential elections fraudulently awarded to Nicolás Maduro Moros, the people KNOW WITH FULL KNOWLEDGE OF CAUSE THAT THE REGIME WILL TRY TO STEAL AN ELECTION OF WHICH THEY ARE AWARE THAT WE ARE A MAJORITY.

There is NO ONE in Venezuela and the world who doubts that Venezuelans who want Nicolás Maduro Moros and his regime out of power ARE A DETERMINANT MAJORITY. Now neither the official opposition nor anyone else can deny this truth as big as a cathedral, no matter how much of a rigged automated electoral system the regime has at its disposal. Fraud can no longer be considered as a technical problem, but has become an incontrovertible political fact.

By pointing out that this problem ceased to be technical to become political, I intend to affirm that after many years, there are definitely no more doubts in the population, and now the people, even knowing that the fraud is in full execution, instead of abstaining as in the past, have decided to participate massively, warning the regime “now dare to do it and be aware of the consequences”, openly challenging its vulgar intention to stay in power over the Popular Sovereignty. This is a historic change never seen before in the behavior of the citizens in their attachment to democracy.

The Venezuelan people overcame the electoral fraud that was carried out with their machines for 20 years, leaving behind all the complexity of the technological mammoth of the CNE, to turn this problem into a transcendental political fact that will be solved, with God's favor, in favor of the Venezuelan people on July 28th. Fraud as a political fact is the best transformation towards freedom ever invented by the Venezuelan people.

Caracas, July 18, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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