From fraud to coup d'état

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

The reaction of the Venezuelan people, who spontaneously took to the streets to protest the nonsense of Nicolás Maduro Moros to win a victory when he was the undisputed loser of the 28J elections, was the determining factor, not only for the world to turn its spotlight on the fraud committed in Venezuela, but also for what is yet to happen.

However, I believe that a bias, a wrong narrative has been given to this mega problem created by a fraud of biblical proportions committed by the regime and its CNE. And why? Because few people have pointed out that the actions of the regime, in my opinion determined by the imbecility and lust for power of those who hold it, forced it to carry out a coup d'état, in the form of a self-coup, which materialized with this fraud that is impossible to hide.

According to the definition of Miguel Angel Martin, former president of the legitimate TSJ in exile, a self-coup “occurs when the government of a country itself acts against the State it administers, to alter the rules in its favor and generally perpetuate itself in power illegally. These coups imply direct actions of the government to restrict rights, suppress opposition and control political and judicial processes” (see in Spanish Diario Las Américas, 23-06-2024, Miguel Ángel Martín, ‘No es un fraude electoral, es un golpe de Estado’, in And that is exactly what is happening today in Venezuela.

A mortally wounded regime is unleashed, exercising violence against the defenseless population, as its intentions of perpetuating itself in power are uncovered, overriding the will of the people. But, the difference today in comparison with what was already happening in its illegitimacy, the electoral fraud became public, notorious and communicational. The tools of that technology that it boasted of having, have turned against it to preserve the truth in favor of the population.

The warnings that for years we have expressed in this modest corner of the web, and the denouncements made by qualified technicians and experts in electoral systems, have finally made their way to a population fed up with manipulations. Today there is the conviction that the electoral system is a fraud and its change is urgently required, just as the nation and its institutions deserve a change.

If we were worried that there were no opposition witnesses at the polling stations to obtain the minutes of the process, those witnesses came out from everywhere in the centers that in a Venezuelan way provided the necessary evidence to prove that Venezuela won to shake off the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros. From multiple places they left the centers to inform the communities the results of the election live and direct, at the closing of the process and everything was captured in videos that will be contemplated in history.

When the regime carries out a self-coup through the electoral process, the narrative can no longer be that we have the minutes and we can prove the fraud, because the whole institutionality has been perverted. Before whom do we take this evidence? Before the regime's coup-plotting institutionality? How does the peaceful and civic transfer of power materialize if a tyrant decided to put the military boot on the will of the people? We must begin to look at this from a different perspective, because the fact is that the problem has ceased to be electoral and has become political.

That is why the regime goes ahead to say that it was the opposition that did the fraud, urging its servile Prosecutor's Office to prosecute and imprison the already LEGITIMATE President Elect, Edmundo González Urrutia (EGU) and the opposition leader, María Corina Machado (MCM).

The electoral role of MCM has already concluded when it managed to unite the popular majorities around EGU in the elections, to obtain the proofs of the process (minutes) to be able to demonstrate that the victory was indeed obtained. But in Venezuela this is still NOT ENOUGH. The people need to crown it and we are not going to achieve that by using the same methodology of the past of putting an unarmed people in front of the firing squads of the tyranny. We will have to be much better than that because now there is a big difference: the regime openly broke the constitutional thread and we have a President elected with the votes of the people, something we DID NOT HAVE IN THE PAST.

Going back to the definitions, “Originally it was understood, strictly speaking, as the rupture of the so-called ‘constitutional thread’, that is to say, the legitimate continuity of the holder of the executive power, and it followed the classic concept of coup d'état where a military faction assumed this power substituting a democratically elected one. However, at present, it is understood as any act that implies a usurpation of popular sovereignty, of the legitimately constituted powers or the violation of democratic principles with the purpose of remaining in power or assuming powers beyond what is allowed by the Constitution” (see in Spanish Access to Justice, Rupture of the Constitutional Order, in (emphasis added).

Well, it was clearly demonstrated on June 29 that Nicolás Maduro Moros, carrying out a proven fraud (the “all done” mentioned above) with the help of the heads of the rest of the Public Powers, has usurped -again and in a public, notorious and communicational manner- the popular sovereignty, breaking the established constitutional thread. And as stated in Article 333 of the Constitution: “…In such eventuality, every citizen vested or not vested with authority shall have the duty to collaborate in the reestablishment of its effective enforcement”. And I would add, civilians and military....

Understanding that this is no longer a problem of Acts that must be the proof for the correct investiture of Ambassador Edmundo González Urrutia as President of the Republic of Venezuela, but a coup d'état that must be attended and dealt with as such, the electoral opposition command must transform itself into something completely different, and begin to immediately execute the necessary internal and external actions, not only to protect the safety of the President Elect and the opposition leader, but also that of the millions of citizens who voted for a change, proposing a struggle very different from that of the recent past, with the least amount of blood possible, that will lead us as soon as possible to that promised end, which is none other than to achieve democracy and freedom for Venezuela.

Caracas, July 31, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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