It's not María Corina, what now?

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versiónen español

Beyond the public statements of the protagonists of the whole plot that led to decline the nomination of María Corina Machado (MCM) or her appointee, Dr. Corina Yoris Villasana, for the 28J elections, in favor of Edmundo González Urrutia, a prominent founding member of the MUD. Corina Yoris Villasana, for the 28J elections, in favor of Edmundo González Urrutia, prominent founding member of the MUD, we are left with the bitter taste of the subsequent blackmail that follows, to those of us who, like me, voted in the primaries for a person because of her struggle and personal values, and who would now be left as “traitors” if we do not vote, in order to get out of the regime, for a person who represents precisely that supposed opposition over which MCM imposed herself with our votes.

Anyone would tell me that this is the way things are in politics, that the most skillful, not necessarily the most honest and for whom the people voted, is imposed. The general saying now states that we must close ranks around this new character, who without taking away his personal or professional merits, was, as they say in the towns of the Venezuelan interior, “buying kerosene” while the regime was destroying Venezuela, because until now no one knew him.

Without wanting to be against this unitary decision, I just want to say that in the net, the Venezuelan opposition is left without a candidate. Venezuelan opponents are left without a candidate, and now the political claque of that rancid opposition that lost the primaries in a thunderous way due to its execrable surrenderist and collaborationist behavior, demands that the votes she won for her persistence, personal courage and genuine representation of the feeling of all Venezuelan opponents, be endorsed to the new candidate for the “greater good” of the freedom of Venezuela. That is hard to swallow.

And I ask myself as anyone would, and just like that, without even any guarantee of what would happen in Venezuela after the undisputed triumph that would only be obtained with the votes of the MCM? I could agree that the skillful management of the tyranny, its CNE and the surrendered opposition, managed to close the way to the genuine representative of the legitimacy of origin. But from there to give a blank check to anyone without the promise of what will happen in the country after acceding to power, would be unacceptable.

Because what we are talking about here is TRUST. People voted for MCM because they trusted that she, as the legitimate representative of the Venezuelan people as a result of those primaries, would carry out all the necessary changes to give a different direction to the country. And that trust is earned with time and the impeccable historical conduct of the person who proposes those changes. But if, overnight, someone else appears who nobody knew, things can be very different. And that “unitary” endorsement could be insufficient -and in my opinion it is so far- to cause that trust to happen by spontaneous generation. And that is what these characters of the official opposition are betting on, celebrating the removal of MCM.

In a very well-founded and statistically supported analysis by the President of Meganalisis, Ruben Chirinos Leañez, he states “From Gonzalez, we cannot expect house-to-house electoral campaign displays, walks, rallies, or big speeches, he cannot and should not be sold as a traditional electoral candidate, because he simply is not, that is not his role. The walks, rallies and speeches should correspond to MCM. Edmundo Gonzalez is a Venezuelan who is making a historic effort for the opposition sector, trying with his name to protect a card, which PRESENTLY ONLY REPRESENTS AN ELECTORAL TOOL FOR THE DEPOSIT OF THE VOTE, AND NOTHING ELSE. TO WIN, THE PUD MUST OPENLY FOLLOW MARÍA CORINA MACHADO, AND SHE MUST BE IN CHARGE OF THE ELECTORAL RACE, AS WELL AS OF THE STRATEGIES AND DECISIONS, SHE IS THE FIGURE THAT HAS THE CREDIBILITY, THE LEADERSHIP AND HAS THE VOTES OF THE MAJORITY"... ”73. 7% OF CREDIBILITY AND 70.8% OF VOTING INTENTION THAT ACCOMPANIES MCM, CANNOT BE IGNORED OR HIDDEN UNDER THE CARPET WHEN THEY NEED THEM MOST” (see in Spanish Morfema Press, Sin María Corina, Edmundo no es para todo el mundo, in

What does this mean? That MCM cannot get it out of the way with just that Manuel Rosales meeting. They still NEED (or we need) MCM to win that election. But that CANNOT BE FREE.

When a presidential candidate is close to the election and it is clear that he will be the winner (polls, the tone of people's response in his speeches, the general sympathy of the country), it is not only the candidate who is the possible winner. It is his entire team, structured throughout the country, who will defend that triumph, and in this case literally at the cost of their lives. All the “collectors” in that election emerge and the one who pays the bill for that triumph is the winning candidate. The whole team wins and gets paid. And what do they get? Political position, positions in the States, promises of representation in positions of popular election in future elections. Because who would really win the election at the tables is those people from MCM. Who will guarantee those people that they will be paid? The Unitary Platform? Because MCM is not, now that she is not a candidate.

And here we are talking about the little girls of that election. Not “Edmundo is for everybody”. We are talking about how an election is won and with whom. Maybe many of these people would not mind if the regime stays after having done that trick to MCM, and La Plataforma Unitaria looks for a way to beat Maduro. Does what I am saying seem harsh to you? If you think so, get ready, because the regime is coming hard with a spectacular mega fraud, and we have not seen ANYONE prepare for that, as we have shown in the program of the series “Venezuela, elections and apartheid”, in which I have the honor of participating, from the channel Sin Filtros of journalist Maibort Petit (see Sin Filtros, Venezuela: Maduro altered the Electoral Registry and created mini-voting centers, at

Consequently, it requires people who are willing to give their all to defend the triumph. Will they do it for Edmundo as they would do it for MCM? In the present state of things I doubt it without a previous Pact where MCM and its people have the security to exercise the government of the country, whether Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia or whoever is the candidate for the opposition. This is a unique situation and as such must be approached in the same manner. And that is why I feel that in my last note I was not explicit enough in my proposal to the actors of the political opposition (see Candidate X, in

Venezuela desperately needs a transition and everyone knows it. No one alone will be able to deal with what comes after the regime. There must be a transition junta to lead the country. Any democratic government that manages to install itself electorally after overcoming the major milestone of this tyranny, will necessarily have to reorganize the country institutionally and call elections again after a thorough cleansing of the Electoral Power.

MCM was the person called to lead this process, but the different traps of the regime managed to impose a candidate coming from the political class that she precisely defeated in the primaries, which makes her by definition very weak to the trap that is being formulated in the CNE.

What would guarantee that the Venezuelan people see that person as a reality of change, as María Corina Machado was as a candidate, is that there is a previous opposition agreement of transition, a new Punto Fijo Pact, which tells Venezuelans that if we win on July 28 we will go through a difficult but possible path, all together, but that if we win on July 28, we will go through a difficult but possible path, but possible, all together, but which will have MCM as a main driver, placed in a relevant position of a transition board to make those changes possible, diluting from this moment on the figure of that new candidate, and turning it into the perception of change of a transition led by MCM. It is from there where the figure of the Constituent Convocation is justified, immediately after the transition.

Some people still think that I insist on the Constituent Assembly process as a personal mania since we presented it in ANCO as an inclusive solution to the political crisis of the country. Perhaps that is why it has been very difficult to communicate that the disaster is of such magnitude that it requires stopping and reordering the country. But from what has happened so far there are indications from very qualified voices that are beginning to see it the same way. Perhaps there is no better political moment to propose this route to Venezuelans, and it is in the hands of those who have been victims of a monumental plundering, precisely because the country has been turned upside down and needs to be re-founded. There is still time to assume this challenge.

Caracas, April 24, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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