Necessary accomplices

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versiónen inglés

It would be impossible for anyone who has touched the subject of electoral fraud in Venezuela, to miss the recent statements made by Commissioner Iván Simonovis in his social networks, where he points out with names and surnames, the necessary accomplices of the technical fraud executed in successive electoral processes, to give victory to the regime.

Simonovis specifically points to PDVSA and CANTV technicians as responsible for the "construction of an integrated platform that manipulates the information transmitted from the voting centers to the CNE. And for that they rely on three institutions, PDVSA, CANTV and CNE. During all these years, the dictatorship has strengthened a multidisciplinary team, of high performance, with the purpose of taking control of the informatics that handles all the electoral megadata. The CANTV-PDVSA fiber optic project was used, which integrated the populated areas with the interurban areas in order to control all the information that traveled from the voting centers to the CNE. All with a homologated network. In addition to everything I have just mentioned, these criminals, because they really have no other name, have had the responsibility of creating situation rooms, which are nothing more than laboratories where information is manipulated and then posted on social networks. These same situation rooms are also in charge of processing information that is then used to alter electoral results in favor of the regime" (see in Spanish, Keep in mind these names and these faces, @Simonovis, in

After so many years of writing about this issue and denouncing the dangers of automated voting for the Human Right to Authentic Elections in Venezuela, enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international instruments, this is the first time that those responsible for this fraudulent technical manipulation, of which we have only seen signs in statistical studies and mathematical detection tools, such as the Newcomb-Benford Law (see in Spanish, Nature gave the CNE away, in

In view of these clear indications of fraud on the results of several elections, as shown in studies carried out by independent technicians, many of us asked for a thorough investigation of the situation, which is impossible to carry out, given the existence of a tyranny in office. Regardless of the names and their positions in the companies mentioned, the statement made by Commissioner Simonovis stating that it is already known who, how and where the cheating has been carried out, corroborates years of denunciations about the Venezuelan automated voting system, and strikes an accurate blow against one of the fundamental pillars on which the regime sustains itself.

And this is not to minimize in any way the direct responsibility of the persons pointed out as necessary accomplices in this serious crime, and who are mentioned by Commissioner Simonovis, which we assume comes out as a product of an impeccable police investigation, which this ex-official, recognized for his long and successful trajectory of service, dedicated to the security of the country, undoubtedly knows how to carry out very well.

My presentation is focused on the fact that the modification of the technical results at intermediate points of the informatics network of the CNE for an election, coincides with our denunciation of the change of the scrutiny concept imposed by the regime since the electronic voting was established in Venezuela. In other words, only the machines and not the witnesses scrutinize and only a part of the ballot boxes are manually "verified", which according to the stipulations of the regime is 54%, in the best of cases, leaving the remaining 46% closed by law, thus allowing the machines to dictate the total result without counting or "verifying" that important percentage, because the voting system in Venezuela was legally changed and the vote became electronic.

This transcendental detail allows the regime to manipulate at least 46% of the results at will through electronic means, and of course through specialists who lend their advanced knowledge for the regime to modify the results that are not subject to manual "verification", WITHOUT THE OPPOSITION DETECTING IT, because they make the minutes and the votes of the machines coincide in the process with the total result in the totalization center of the CNE.

Without knowing what Simonovis reveals today, in 2013, I presented a theory in a Forum in El Nacional entitled "Will there be Electoral Fraud on 14A?", with a paper I called "Construction of a Technical Fraud in 10 Steps" (see paper at There I exposed a possible theory of how a technical fraud can be made in the eyes of all and without realizing it, and that happens precisely because the CNE technicians who handle the machines of the centers can change the results inside them without anyone noticing it because the witnesses have no idea of what these technicians can do.

But if the network is effectively intervened and technically the control of what happens between the totalization center and the machines during the moment of the transmission of the results is taken, as specified by Commissioner Simonovis, it is perfectly possible that different results are placed in the voting machines than those that physically rest in the ballot boxes NOT AUDITED by the opposition, and that the results shown by the machines and the totalization center coincide perfectly at the end of the process. But the fundamental trick here is that the machine is not susceptible to "citizen verification" by the opposition.

The way for this to happen is for the CNE to allow such access to its servers and voting machines. And it is not that the machines are "hacked" by an outside entity, it is that the participation of the CNE is indispensable for that to happen by giving an open door to the system and the associated networks, hence they are complicit in that operation. This would explain the reason why in several electoral processes the results began to "flip" in favor of the regime as of 6pm, the time when the voting machines begin to close throughout the country, and the reason why machines in the same center historically show very different results among them in favor of the regime, contrary to the laws of statistics.

This was already reflected in 2012 in the report "Presidential Election in Venezuela 2012" by María Mercedes Febres-Cordero, Bernardo Márquez and Alfredo Weil of ESDATA in November 2012 where it was revealed that "The magnitude of the inconsistencies detected in valid votes are estimated in the order of 12% for centers with more than one table and 92% for centers with only one table" (see Report Presidential Election in Venezuela 2012 - An Integral Evaluation, María Mercedes Febres-Cordero, Bernardo Márquez, and Alfredo Weil, in

The only way to ensure that this does not happen in the face of a new attempt of electoral fraud is to impose the popular sovereignty, established in Article 5 of the Constitution, above all laws and regulations that violate the rights of the citizens. That is, that the conscious citizens and witnesses of the process by right, upon detecting an irregularity, proceed in each center to the citizen verification of all the voting machines and not only a percentage of them. If the regime has nothing to hide, this should not be a problem.

These modifications in the system of counting votes in Venezuela since 2004, in reality hide a massive technical fraud, beyond all the traps to prevent the presence of witnesses of the opposition by a supervening regulation of the CNE. This assessment would have to be accompanied by the support of the Armed Forces of the Republic Plan throughout the country, in defense of popular sovereignty. If the military refuses to allow the owner of the sovereignty to count all its votes, then they will be the real accomplices necessary for tyranny to prevail.

Caracas, June 28, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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