Out of the box solution

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

People have heard of thinking outside the box and although they intuitively know what it is, they hardly manage to do it. The expression denotes that we are so used to using the closest and most familiar elements to solve problems, that we reach a point where the solutions are exhausted and it will be increasingly difficult to solve a problem if we do not expand our perimeter of awareness. The most common example of this is the famous nine-point box, which can only be solved by joining the points outside the box, hence the name (see in Spanish, Solución del enigma: como pensar fuera del marco, in https://www.lavanguardia.com/vida/20151104/54437608969/solucion-enigma-pensar-fuera-marco.html). As the note says, "our brain, almost automatically, draws a square in which it frames the nine dots and tries to join them without leaving it", when the problem only indicates to join them without lifting the pencil. The brain is stuck in doing it inside the square formed by the 9 dots. And the solution is outside it.

I read recently in the networks another example of this situation, where a young man in a job interview was asked how he would solve the following problem: you are driving in your car under a heavy storm and you see three people waiting at the bus stop: the woman of your life, a friend who saved your life once and a dying old woman. You can only give a lift to one of them, who would you choose? The young man thought quickly and answered: I give the car to my friend to take the old lady to the hospital and I stay with the woman of my life waiting for the bus! Obviously he got the job. No one told him he had to keep the car.

People like this young man with "out of the box" thinking is what we desperately need in Venezuela, where young and old politicians apply withered solutions within the framework they have known for many years, without washing or lending the batter, so that other Venezuelans can propose new and "out of the box" solutions to this serious and complex situation that we Venezuelans live in.

But we also face another serious problem, in addition to proposing an "out of the box" solution: that it be heard and considered by those who have the possibility of making it a reality. What is the point of proposing another solution to a problem if you cannot communicate it to anyone, and no one can discuss it as a solution, either because they do not understand it or, worse still, if this new solution is not presented because it goes directly against the interests of those who have the possibility of presenting it? Then things get uphill because there is a conflict of interest with the country.

This is the situation presented by the Constituent solution proposed by the Alianza Nacional Constituyente Originaria, ANCO, in its communiqué to the country and the International Community. (see in Spanish  Comunicado ANCO a los venezolanos y la Comunidad Internacional: La crisis es del pueblo venezolano y solo el pueblo venezolano debe resolverla, https://ancoficial.blogspot.com/2021/06/anco-los-venezolanos-y-la-comunidad.html). ANCO as a civil society organization has important limitations, like the rest of the non-partisan civil country, to bring this solution to an international discussion table, because it does not have the necessary loudspeakers to make it known, even though it is doing its best to make it be considered. But that may not be enough. The political parties have so primed the ears of the International Community that everybody out there believes that the CNE of the regime, the paramilitary and the armed PSUV party, will act in a "balanced" way before an international observation, especially when it is intended to get the regime to agree to presidential elections. All this reminds me of the nightmare of the recall of Hugo Chávez Frías in 2004, with the international observation of the OAS. The regime's little machines did their job under the nose of the Carter Center and the OAS Secretary General, César Gaviria, and the opposition accepted those results which were proven to be fraudulent in time. From those waters came these muds. Solutions inside the square, remember?

The solution we put forward in ANCO has always been "out of the box". If it had been assumed by the parties of the legitimate National Assembly in its first session after obtaining an overwhelming majority in January 2016, we would not be talking about this now. They had enough votes to summon the country to a Constituent Assembly with the absolute backing of the International Community. But the opposition citizen deputies decided on the "recall" course which posed greater difficulties to solve the crisis. Constitutional Article 348 establishes that the Constituent Assembly can be invoked with the agreement of 2/3 of the members of the National Assembly, while a recall, established in Constitutional Article 72, requires 20% of the voters registered in the RE, besides waiting for half of the term of the official to be recalled. Of course, the regime prevented it. At this point the legitimate National Assembly disintegrated on January 5, 2021 and now we are trying to do something that we could have done comfortably and perfectly in January 2016.

And why do I say that it has always been "out of the box"? Because those who are still locked in the box of the nine points, have not realized that if they were to apply the Constituent solution, getting rid of Maduro would be the least that could be done. If what they are looking for are "charges", we are prepared to raise with all the technical seriousness of the case, as has been indicated on several occasions by Eng. Enrique Colmenares Finol, National Coordinator of ANCO, within the framework of this new Constituent Assembly, a Commission to study in depth a new political-territorial organization for Venezuela in accordance with the present needs of the country, taking the current Parishes to Municipalities for a closer attention to the needs of the population, following the guidelines of a Project already conceived in ANCO and that you can already review in our proposal "The Great Change" that we have been publishing for months (see in Spanish, El Gran Cambio, Una propuesta para el país que queremos, in https://ancoficial.blogspot.com/p/documentos-fundamentales.html).

This new Venezuela would require more than one thousand one hundred Mayors as opposed to the current 338, and the multiplication by at least four times the number of Councilmen, within the framework of a profound modification and decentralization of the power structures in Venezuela. In Caracas alone, the Project proposes no less than 29 Municipalities with their respective Councilmen. The parties should be the most interested in reviewing this proposal because they would be the ones to fill these vacancies. Once again, they should get out of the 9 points and look "out of the box" so that they understand the solution to the Venezuelan people's problem.

But there is something else. The Constituent solution is by its nature INCLUSIVE. We cannot invoke it without including absolutely all Venezuelans, and especially those who are not in the opposition. It is about CONSTITUTING THE STATE. This makes that this approach is transferred to the whole world, and that those who invoke negotiations with the regime seeking electoral agreements for representative positions, assume this solution as the principled approach they must defend before the International Community in order to force the regime to accept to be counted in a Constituent election, which would give the Constituents representing all the regions and all the political currents of the country, the supreme power to dissolve the regime and constitute a new Transitional Government, until free, transparent and verifiable elections are held to change all the Public Powers, based on a new Constitution. The solution would respect the principled postulates of the Popular Consultation of December 2020.

Can this opposition representation be the spokesperson for the fundamental solution and "out of the box" to fight for us in the international arena? Allow me to doubt it because they have demonstrated that their interest is different. But that representation is required to defend this proposal, it is required. Venezuelans must achieve a dignified representation that truly defends the interests of all of us in order to clean up the country, not to seek electoral conditions for the parties to fill positions that will not solve the Venezuelan tragedy. The proposal has already been made. Let's push it and let's spread it among all of us so that the world may know about it…

 Caracas, June 18, 2021

Blog: https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


Instagram: @laguana01

Telegram: https://t.me/TICsDDHH

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