Political hacking

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versiónen español 

The verb "hackear", or its synonym "jaquear", according to the Diccionario de la Real Academia Española, is currently understood as "1. tr. Inform. To introduce oneself in an unauthorized way into an informatics system". Building on this definition, former candidate and former Rector of the CNE, Enrique Márquez, goes beyond this formal definition, expressing that the CNE "is politically hacked", even having maintained days before the elections, "his full confidence in the system of the National Electoral Council (CNE) and in the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB) in the face of the presidential elections to be held on July 28" (see in Spanish Enrique Márquez assures that he trusts the voting system and the FANB in the face of #28Jul, in https://contrapunto.com/nacional/oposicion-nacional/enrique-marquez-expreso-su-confianza-en-el-sistema-de-votacion-y-la-fanb-de-cara-al-28jul/). Let's see:

"...but the CNE ignored everything, the CNE is checkmated, but the cybernetic system is not checkmated, it is checkmated politically! The CNE is not acting! The CNE does not speak! The CNE does not say! Over there he arrived, the media say, I was not there, he took the results, or the Minutes. Nobody knows them. I demand the publication of those results. But it is no longer enough to publish the results. This has gone too far. Let's count the votes. Who can oppose that? Who in his right mind can oppose appealing to the will of the people? Well, I appeal to the will of the people. I did it in the room, it did not give me voice, I could not, but I better have left it in writing....The CNE is so checkmated, it suspended all further audits. There are no audits. The set of audits, which are 5 subsequent audits, it suspended them all. Hill. Under the CNE's sanctuary. Instead of saying closed by inventory, say closed by check. The whole world is checkmated, the rectors and all. Mute. This situation is inadmissible for the country...". (see in Spanish Explosive declarations by Enrique Marquez, in https://youtu.be/lhIJUUhyLeg?t=1046) (emphasis added)).

After years in this corner of the web demanding exactly the same thing, based on the statistical and mathematical indications of proven fraud of this automated electoral system of the CNE, it had to happen the disaster that occurred on June 28, for some protagonist of the process to fall for it: Each and every one of the votes must be counted, as expressed now by the proposal of Enrique Marquez, who verified in his own flesh, as the rest of all Venezuelans, that the automated system of the CNE went over the popular will and what remains in the background, is what is expressed in the ballot boxes themselves, which were never attended because some machines assumed for us the scrutiny and the elaboration of those Minutes, which now everyone is requesting.

Although the proposal made by Enrique Marquez comes 20 years late, when Jorge Rodriguez imposed this system for the Revocatory Referendum of Hugo Chavez Frias in 2004, I must acknowledge that he begins to understand where the true popular will resides and demands that it be revealed, in spite of the fact that the demand is hardly attended:

"I say and I demand the Court to generate a vote-by-vote count, to order the National Electoral Council, or the Court to do it, to order to bring all the little boxes, all the ballot boxes, because there it is, paper by paper, the vote of the Venezuelan people to verify what has happened, because now imagine there are two truths, what is the real truth? Who has to say it? Who has the truth? The people have the truth! And they have it in the vote deposited in each one of those ballot boxes. Where are those ballot boxes? The CNE must have them in safekeeping. Because it is the safeguard of the popular will and it has to respond, we say, present the results already with the boxes!..." (see in Spanish Explosive declarations by Enrique Marquez, in https://youtu.be/lhIJUUhyLeg?t=576).

And this is the bottom line of any electoral process. That the real truth that Marquez demands be seen and understood by the representatives of the parties in the electoral dispute, and that it be accepted in full view of all. This is the true logic behind a human process such as the electoral process, that the flesh and blood witnesses COUNT THE VOTES AT EACH TABLE AND CERTIFY WITH THEIR SIGNATURE what they saw and counted, and then write down in a HAND MADE REPORT THE RESULTS THAT THEY THEMSELVES PRESENTED, and not a machine whose results anyone can put in question because it can be "checked" or changed at the will of some interested party. If this had been understood when the electoral system was changed in Venezuela in 2004, we would not be in this problem.

And that is the concept that everyone should and must understand. And if those manual results are then taken to a computer for their transmission and subsequent totalization, that is another matter. The popular will will have already been in sight of all and certified by the witnesses, there being no possibility that ANYONE could "hack" the Acts because these would be UNIQUE, since they could not be manufactured later by a machine that could duplicate them with other results, already being out of the cybernetic territory. It would be impossible that manual Protocols could be forged and/or duplicated later after the electronic transmission of the results, since it would be very easy to check if someone interfered with the transmission on the way or at its destination in the totalization because each witness would have his own copy signed by all of them in his hand.

Why will this logical proposal that demands respect for the will of the people not be heeded? Because this popular will has never been verified since 1998, when each witness counted the votes of his table -and of all the tables-, and because the justification put forward by Enrique Marquez, alluding to the case of the 2013 presidential elections, does not correspond to what happened. But read first what Marquez said:

"... Because in 2013, when President Maduro won, Henrique Capriles lost, by a few votes, and Henrique Capriles requested the CNE, the now deceased President of the CNE, may she rest in peace, Tibisay Lucena, to open all the boxes, because he had doubts about the result. And what was the response of the CNE at that time? Yes, of course, of course! We are going to open the boxes to clear the doubts. And all the boxes were opened. And what happened? The triumph was given to the current President Maduro, Nicolás Maduro, that is to say, that this formula has worked! That is the way the people are demanding today! To be able to guarantee the clearing of the reasonable doubt that we all have, and to clear, let it be redundant, this state of commotion that the country is in..."  (see in Spanish Explosive declarations by Enrique Marquez, in https://youtu.be/lhIJUUhyLeg?t=661).

In effect, Henrique Capriles demanded that all the boxes be opened, but after almost a week of having the country in suspense, the President of the CNE came out with the "solution" of counting 400 boxes daily until completing 30 days of the unaudited group of 46%, all of them randomly chosen by this CNE. Tibisay Lucena said "We have agreed... to extend the citizen verification audit in its phase 2... on the 46% of the ballot boxes that were not audited on election day" as I reported in my blog days after the election and the press of the time. You can read it in my note of April 19, 2013 (see Tiby's 12,000 boxes, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/2013/04/las-12-mil-cajas-de-tiby.html). And if Capriles was not given the victory it was precisely BECAUSE ALL THE BOXES WERE NOT OPENED as Márquez now demands, and clearly Maduro will now prevent it because he had lost the elections from the beginning as he has now.

This chronic illness suffered by the country, much of it a product of a completely opaque and easily manipulated electoral system, as now confessed by the CNE itself when shouting to the whole planet that it has been "hacked", and that is why it does not show the Acts that its systems in 30,026 tables, printed in their great majority, when they claimed to be the "best electoral system in the world", will not be cured without a thorough change of this technological juggernaut towards a system based on the principles that democracy imposes. Enrique Márquez is right in affirming that the CNE has been politically hacked, but not for the reasons that he is wielding, but for something more fundamental.

The CNE has been "politically hacked" for 20 years and we are all contemplating the final result, inside and outside the country. Within this misery demonstrated on June 28 and subsequent days, it will not be possible for Venezuelans to regain their confidence in the voting institution, without dismantling the whole automated system, with its successive "improvements", which was built in 2004. The only positive thing that can be rescued from this disaster is that it became clear to everyone, especially to the opposition, that we never had a secure electoral system, leaving in question ALL the electoral processes from 2004 to the present. The return of democracy to Venezuela will depend on the dismantling and substitution of this technical mammoth.

Caracas, August 11, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos, https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


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