The 29J decisión

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

Some will say that there is a mistake in the title of this note. There is not. The decision of June 28 was already taken by Venezuelans to expel Nicolás Maduro Moros and his thieves from power with their votes on July 28. What remains to be made is the decision on July 29, when the CNE will take the real results to their bosses of the regime so that they may decide whether to obey the will of the people or not. What do you think they will do?

There are mixed opinions on this matter. Maduro offered a “blood bath” if they lose the elections, in a sort of violent denial of the political situation. Others say that they will hand over power, but will engage in damage control, calling for a consultative referendum to impose a new Organic Law of the People's Power, as unconstitutional as the original one. Others say that there will be a collapse and the regime will fall like a house of cards and everyone will flee like rats from a sinking ship. Others, like Freddy Bernal, are organizing their violent motorized vehicles to attack the defenseless population that may protest the result to be given by the CNE, of course in favor of Maduro.

Regardless of all these opinions, on the other side appears an opposition leadership very sure of the electoral triumph, and they have every reason to be, given the massive electoral preference against the regime in all corners of the country, in favor of the change represented by María Corina Machado (MCM) and Edmundo González Urrutia (EGU), trusting that the criminal gangs of the regime are only shouting, and in the end they will end up understanding that this is the will of the people and will accept peacefully the adverse result. It is for this reason that no one of the opposition campaign indicates what they will do if the regime decides in the early morning of July 29th like the Mexican Jalisco, that “it never loses, and when it loses, it snatches”.

And this would materialize with a result that “fits” product of an automated system that has become more sophisticated in more than 20 years and of which the opposition stubbornly insists on dismissing its scope and depth, even defending it also as the regime “the best electoral system in the world”, being a system specially designed so that the votes are not fully counted by the witnesses but by machines controlled by the CNE, and of which there are mathematical and statistical indications that point out that they are intervened to change the votes of Venezuelans.

Already in itself, the mere fact that the witnesses cannot count all the votes of an election due to an invalid Electoral Regulation constitutes an irregular fact UNACCEPTABLE by anyone competing in that election. But the official Venezuelan opposition has accepted this outlandish condition since the first time in 2004, and has not denounced it either in the 20 years that it has had this system of counting votes with us. Since then, the opposition has not won a single election without the approval of the regime.

I am not going to waste time analyzing what would happen in Venezuela if the regime accepts that it lost the election and the CNE proclaims EGU president elect of the Venezuelans. Hopefully we will be in that situation, as a former boss of mine used to say. Following the Cartesian logic of an election that reflects what is really happening in the country and the feelings of its citizens, that is precisely what should happen for sure, if we did not have the tyranny we have in power.

But we are not in a context of Cartesian logic. We have criminals who have assassinated opponents in prison, who keep civilians and military in subhuman confinement and have robbed the public treasury to the unthinkable point of bankrupting an oil producing country from its foundations in 25 years of power. Along the way, they have acquired all the necessary electoral technology to make the results of elections work in their favor, against what the voters have decided with their own senses. We have spent years trying to explain that it is not enough to have the votes in front of a very complex technological system that will always yield results in favor of the regime.

Some will tell me that there are “audits” and that “it is impossible for the regime to change the votes”. To that I respond with knowledge of cause that the appropriate technology can do anything, including manipulating the result of the minutes of an election. Programs can be changed in any computer and set up to work in favor of the manipulator; data can be intervened in the middle of a transmission; a well-trained operator can change anything he wants live on the machines in the centers. There are an infinite number of technical possibilities that can be handled in the world of information technology in the middle of a system of this complexity, especially today. Nobody could even imagine a few years ago that a machine could talk to a person, and now it is possible.

What is the ONLY sure thing in this ocean of technology? What people saw with their own senses and deposited in a ballot box. Nothing else. In all those ballot boxes lies the truth of any electoral process. The minutes are nothing more than the reflection of that and the totalized summary of that expression. That is what is counted in the end, hence the expression “acta kills vote”. But if we are to believe what a machine programmed by a criminal regime produces, I doubt very much that its results correspond to what is deposited in the ballot boxes, and what Venezuelan voters saw and verified with their own senses.

When, in the early morning of July 29, the President of the CNE informs us that Nicolás Maduro Moros was the winner of the elections, rest assured that he will do so based on the fact that the results of the voting tally sheets show Maduro as the winner of the process. At that point, what will the official opposition and MCM do? Accept a result that contravenes any logic we have perceived with our 5 senses all over Venezuela? Will MCM and EGU accept that just because the machines of those who run a corrupt CNE said so? That will be Venezuela's turning point.

It is very possible that there is a strong internal inclination, especially from the MUD-PU, to accept that result, not only because they have done it before, but because deep down there is an absurd belief in that vote stealing system of the regime. But I do not believe that this result will be accepted by the millions of voters present in the already legendary MCM rallies all over the country, and who saw with their own eyes and deposited their ballots in favor of EGU. And the ONLY WAY to settle this conflict that will threaten the peace and tranquility of Venezuela for many years to come, will be for the military of Plan Republica, the witnesses and the Venezuelans present in all the centers, to OPEN EVERY SINGLE BOX AND COUNT ALL THE VOTES.

That would be the only way for Venezuelans to believe that Maduro was the winner on June 28. That is, IF THE SUM OF EVERY VOTE CAST AND RECORDED BY EVERY VENEZOLAN WITH THEIR FEELINGS corresponds to that statement. It is for that reason that in all the towns of the world PEOPLE SCRUTINIZE ALL the votes of the citizens, and the technology what it does is to help in the accounting of the votes.

And how to verify the truth of what happened in the early morning of June 29? With the firm, but peaceful and massive presence of all of us who voted for a change through the votes, outside the centers where we voted throughout the country, in a sustained protest, demanding the manual counting of all our votes cast in the respective centers. And in an in-person demonstration around each voting center, so that the world can verify whether or not Maduro really won that election.

This note is addressed to the Venezuelans who will be able to vote on July 28, not to the opposition command or the political leadership, who may be the first to accept what the machines of some criminals say as truth. In the end, it will be up to them to do what the people demand of them, because it is the Popular Sovereignty that must manifest itself in the most critical moment of the country. The responsibility of the political leadership should be to direct and defend “until the end” what was expressed in the ballot boxes. But what will happen, the decision of 29J, will be the people's, nobody else's, because this may be the last opportunity to do so. Let's hope that they can accept that.

Caracas, July 22, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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