The final dilema

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versiónen español

As the 28J is approaching, tempers are flaring and the fears of the regime are accentuated. They really do not know how to stop the political phenomenon of Maria Corina Machado (MCM), which ends in the consistent increase of popular support to the candidacy of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia (EGU).

This phenomenon, beyond political, has become an issue that has gone beyond the barriers of the natural. People cry when they see MCM passing by, calling her "Libertadora", the only one capable of bringing back home the Venezuelan family scattered around the world. And no wonder! MCM's campaign has turned out to be admirable -like the Liberator's-, overcoming all the obstacles that have been clumsily put in her way, making it even more successful. They even gave him a military "Hall of Honor" in Barrancas del Orinoco. This had never been seen before, in any previous electoral campaign in Venezuela.

The above makes the measurement of electoral forces very different from the ordinary. Maduro's regime is not facing a common opposition candidacy, it is facing a national sentiment. How do you compete with that? Making a fool of them with his surprise presence in Nueva Esparta, and by the way, gathering that massive demonstration in the island, left them completely baffled.

Faced with this unstoppable reality, the regime responds by deepening the electoral trap. And this time it was the turn of the assignment of electoral witnesses at the polling stations. In a recent article published by Diario La Calle, last Friday, June 14, we read "Polémica decisión sobre asignación de testigos electorales se dispone a aprobar el CNE" (see article by Carlos Subero in Let's see.

"A delicate discussion is taking place now in the National Electoral Council (CNE), when they are about to approve the rules that will govern the assignment of electoral witnesses to accredit candidates and commands. The controversial point is that in order to be accredited as electoral witness in a voting table that will operate on July 28, one must be a voter of that same table".

In effect, never before had they cared where the witnesses came from. Now they are imposing that the proposed person must be registered as a voter at the table where he/she will be a witness, implying an opposition reordering of thousands of people in all the tables of the country because previously the witness could vote at any table where he/she was to serve.

But it is not only the fact that the party of the regime is better prepared organizationally than the opposition, as the article of La Calle says, to comply with this new regulation, but also because it is the regime, through its CNE, the one that moves at will any person from any polling station in the country, putting to vote whoever it wants, wherever it wants. The opposition does not have this advantage. In other words, before the CNE lists with the voters per table are published, they have already made sure that their witnesses were registered at the tables prior to this regulation.

Some will say to me, on what basis can you affirm that? And I would answer, because they have the electoral control of the country! They can do it! The witnesses of the regime have already been appointed months ago! It is enough to assign them to their tables previously by crossing the databases of the regime's party with the CNE at the moment of deciding definitively how many and which are the tables to be created for each center. And if they can do it because they own the electoral power, they will do it. That is out of any "control" or "audit" that the opposition may demand or perform. And this could be one of the reasons why the famous definitive TABLAMESA file of the country has not been released to the opposition parties.

Faced with this "new" -which is not new- stratagem of the regime, what remains is for the opposition to identify as soon as possible, table by table, its own witnesses with the most recent TABLAMESA available, identifying which of those 600K witnesses will be available in each table of the country. And if they do not exist in the 600K witnesses for all the tables, make public which are the gaps to fill them adequately, summoning the opposition population. I do not have the slightest doubt that there will be a Venezuelan for every table in the country that wants to get out of this plague.

Again, we are not talking about a simple technical fraud. We are talking about a whole organization structurally built to commit electoral crimes because the regime has control of the electoral arbiter. What is emerging here is only the sample of an iceberg that we have been denouncing for years.

Now, this organization is what we will face on July 28. It is the national feeling of getting out of "this" that is being cried in the streets to MCM, in the face of deceit and cheating. All the actors of this electoral tragicomedy are fully aware of this, INCLUDING the Armed Forces, who will be the ones who will ultimately accept or not the national sentiment of a change in our quality of life.

I am not under the illusion that the Venezuelan people will change the situation of the country by themselves if these criminals steal the elections. If they do, clearly there will be protests as a consequence. But they alone will not change the situation. On 11A-2002 the millions of people who took to the streets of Caracas did NOT TUMBLE THE GOVERNMENT, it was the military who announced to the country that Hugo Chávez Frías had presented his resignation, "which he accepted", Lucas Rincón dixit. But the Venezuelan people in the streets was a necessary condition, but not enough. The military are the ones who in the end have historically completed this logical inference, and they will be the ones to decide whether or not we continue with this socialist political hell.

If the regime is very sure that the military will support them after the fraud that the CNE will carry out on June 28 and that even the International Community perceived, with Lula and Petro at the head, they will continue with this trap and will announce that Maduro won by "millions and millions" of votes. I have no doubt about that. But as the popular saying goes, "the sky is sure to be dirtied by the zamuros". And I doubt that they are sure of that. It would be safer for them to negotiate their exit beforehand, allowing the popular sentiment of the country to express itself without conditioning. MCM is nothing more than the expression of that sentiment. Anyone's life would be lost in that final dilemma...

Caracas, June 17, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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