The final stage

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

In the best style of the cops in the crime investigation series, we Venezuelans should ask ourselves who benefits from the failure of María Corina Machado (MCM) and Edmundo González Urrutia (EGU) to be able to collect the July 28 election, swearing in EGU on January 10, 2025. Because that is what it is all about here, both in Venezuela and in Spain, because the Venezuelan problem crossed the famous pond since EGU left Venezuela.

Hence, we Venezuelans should be very careful when reading opinions, whether from here or from Spain or any other socialist place in the world, when properly situating this controversy. The problem IS NOT whether EGU is a hero or not because he decided to leave the country, as a consequence of a full-fledged extortion perpetrated on his person, on the premises of the Spanish diplomatic territory in Venezuela, by Venezuelan officials, in the presence and/or presumed complicity of the ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Venezuela, representing his government, nor that he has “put his personal situation above the political struggle in his country”, as expressed by Ms. Ana I. Sanchez, a prominent militant in Venezuela. Ana I. Sanchez, a prominent militant of the Spanish Socialists, in a recent opinion article (see in Spanish, El Nacional, Ana I. Sanchez, “El lío de Edmundo”, in

The problem IS that Edmundo González Urrutia, with all the health ailments he may have as any other person of his age, IS the President Elect of the Venezuelans, and those who call themselves socialists in Venezuela stole the election, even though their Spanish counterparts, such as Mrs. Sánchez may repeat a thousand times that “he is not going to be the solution for Venezuela”. That is a matter that Venezuelans decided on July 28, 2024, and whose result has been demonstrated since the very next day with the Minutes published by the opposition on the web, and which are now physically and in original, in possession of the Carter Center in the USA, as was informed to the world by Jennie Lincoln, during her presentation at the Permanent Council of the OAS, which represents the conclusive physical proof of the victory of EGU in the elections in Venezuela, for any country that wishes to verify it (see in Spanish X account of @mariacorinaya in

So let us place ourselves in the right stage. What is the interest of Mrs. Sanchez of the Spanish PSOE to discredit EGU, other than the protection of the government of Pedro Sanchez not to recognize EGU, trying to convince the world to forget that his investiture on January 10, 2025 will not be possible because “he is not going to be the solution for Venezuela”? Rather, Ms. Sanchez should remember that the Parliament of her country politically recognized EGU as President Elect, something that the government of her party, the PSOE, headed by Pedro Sanchez, should already be doing. Smear attempts like that will come with more force in the days to come from both sides of the pond.

Discrediting EGU is the first step to make fail the only possibility we have to get rid of two cancers at the same time: the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros and its complacent opposition, which require a defeated MCM on January 10, to then convince Venezuelans that returning to the electoral ground with the regime for the regional elections of 2025, is the only option we have left, given “the failure of the radical opposition of MCM” to invest EGU as President of Venezuela.

Part of that strategy is focused on getting EGU “sworn in” outside Venezuela, under the auspices of a sold-out opposition and forming a “government in exile” from where endless resources from governments and the diaspora would flow to sustain politicians living off our tragedy abroad for the crusade of “recovery of our country”. This is how clearly identified are those profiteers who almost shouted it out loud when they extorted EGU to leave the country, thus helping the regime and its complacent opposition. EGU will then have to decide how he will want to die, if as President Elect fighting to get to Venezuela to make effective the elections that we Venezuelans gave him to win at the behest of MCM, or abroad being just another Guaidó, as a puppet managed by some vultures.

To those who are desperate because they still do not see the “cheese on the toast” of the departure of EGU and the clandestinity of MCM, I ask the following: How long has MCM been leading the Venezuelan opposition against the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros? Some of you will answer me, “since the primaries of October 22, 2023”. And I would answer them that they are wrong. MCM has held the reins of the opposition since the beginning of the electoral campaign for the July 28 elections, which was when the hard decisions to win the election throughout the country began to be taken, as opposed to the traditional parties, including the famous impasse with the CNE about who would be the candidate against the regime.

The presence of MCM was determinant, from deciding who would be at the tables to the defense of the results and the final decision of the EGU candidate, product of a negotiation imposed by the regime with the MUD/PU because they rejected the candidate chosen by it, Dr. Corina Yoris. And when was that? A little more than 6 months ago. That is the time we have had a real opposition against the regime of Castro-Chavismo-Madurism. An opposition that wants to get out of this nightmare, not one that wants to coexist with it and that has despised the leadership of MCM. And with all that and many expect instant results against the more than 20 years that the official opposition has had to remove the regime, including the majority election of December 2015 where Venezuelans gave the 4 parties of the G4 the control of the Legislative Power, the largest Public Power of the country. Please!

And this without counting that in all this time the MUD/PU has been the one negotiating with the regime in all instances, including Barbados, as well as in all negotiation tables that have been set up at the request of the International Community. Has the leadership born in the ballot boxes of the October 22nd primaries manifested itself, beyond defending the elections that we all Venezuelans won on July 28th? No, right? Well, that is what has to change, and that is precisely what that moribund leadership, after the scrapping of October 22, will try to prevent it from changing at all costs. For them it is a problem of survival. The unfortunate thing is that in that survival they are taking ahead the aspirations for political change of the Venezuelan people, which is precisely why they trusted in the leadership of the MCM.

It is their survival versus the collective welfare of Venezuelans leaving the regime. That is how serious it is. So make no mistake about where the interests of all the actors of this tragedy are placed. And most importantly: where are the interests of the Venezuelan people! This is the final stage in the face of January 10, 2025, where the fight to death is taking place between those of us who seek to change the way of doing politics in Venezuela and those who intend to leave it as it is, with the regime included, for their benefit and future political survival. That is why interested opinions are coming out and will continue to come out, with the help of world socialism, trying to create a defeatist narrative among those of us who won on July 28. It is impossible to be more shameless!

Never before, with so little time, and with the right political leadership, we have come so far in the recognition of the Venezuelan opposition people as a majority, without discussion against the regime that governs Venezuela, and with the evidence in hand. It is about time we start believing it. That is the first step to dare to finish what began with a deep desire for change on October 22 and which is still not fully developed because it is being fought on two fronts simultaneously, the regime and its cohabitant opposition.

If we do not allow them to steal the representation we gave on October 22, and this is firmly translated into negotiation decisions led internationally by the legitimate representation of the winning people of the July 28 elections, not only will EGU be sworn in on January 10, 2025 in the Federal Palace of Venezuela, but we will have the opportunity to subsequently improve, and at a level never seen before, politics as an activity at the service of the citizen.

Caracas, October 3, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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