The "galtierazo" of the Essequibo and the skateboard of Venezuelans

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español 

It is not the first time that the regime threatens Venezuelans if we do not vote in all the electoral events it carries out for its permanence in power. "Who does not vote, is thrown out" they shouted calling to vote for their illegitimate constituent in 2017 (see in Spanish El Mundo, Así amenaza el chavismo para forzar el voto, in "He who does not vote, does not eat," said Diosdado Cabello in December 2020 for his equally illegitimate legislative elections (see in Spanish El Mundo, in They have always threatened us to stand in "democratic" lines in their rigged elections to give the world the feeling that they consult the population, and then manipulate the results with their lottery machines.

However, memes and other information have been circulating profusely in the social networks aiming at threatening us again with denying us rights that, according to the Constitution, must be guaranteed to us. For example, the right to identify ourselves, preventing us from getting our identity card and passport, fining us with hundreds of dollars, the right to food, selectively suspending the criminal food bag, if we think of not attending the referendum on the Essequibo. Although the EsPaja portal denies this information, Venezuelans are already cured of our fears, and it is not at all strange that the regime is trying to make these threats effective (see in Spanish EsPaja ¿Los que no voten en el referendo sobre el Esequibo recibirán multas de $500 y otras sanciones?, in

This reminded me of the popular joke about the beggar who, with both legs amputated and riding a skateboard, bitterly insulted God in front of a church, blaming Him for his misfortune. A devout lady who was coming out of mass rebuked him severely saying: "Shut up, God is going to punish you!", to which the beggar replied: "Aha! And what is going to do? Take my skateboard away?

Just like that beggar, we are all Venezuelans. What is the regime going to take away from us? An ID card and a passport that are impossible to get? A bag of food that, although paid for, comes -when it comes- with products of the lowest quality, many times in a state of decay, and that only reaches those who they decide? An unpayable fine like the basic food basket? To throw us out of a public administration with miserable salaries and pensions of $3 per month, when we only survive through our relatives who have left the country? Please!

Why does the regime think that all the angry and indignant Venezuelans went out to vote en masse for María Corina Machado (MCM) on October 22? Have they still not understood that we do not want them? What difference will it make if we did not go out to vote in the same way in that referendum on the Esequibo? NONE.

That they are going to fabricate another Tascón List with that referendum? Well, they already have it, they do not need to make a new list. There is a proven probability in that great poll conducted on October 22, that 92.35% of Venezuelans are against anything the regime does, including a referendum. This means that if you stop a Venezuelan on any street in the country, there is a 92.35% probability that he/she is an opponent of the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros. In other words, all of Venezuela.

So, this "galtierazo" that the Venezuelan regime intends to apply to the Essequibo, imitates the solution of Leopoldo Galtieri, former head of the Military Junta of Argentina in 1982, when, seeing that the country rejected his government due to the economic crisis and the political disappearances, they invented an invasion of the Malvinas, islands claimed by Argentina, with the results that the world already knows (the similarity of this comparison alone is terrifying) (see in Spanish Galtieri y su última jugada, in

Galtieri's regime subsequently fell, but it took 650 people who died in that useless war due to the same nationalism that they pretend to create with the Essequibo, not to mention the fact that they lost the war (see in Spanish Bajas argentinas de la guerra de las Malvinas, in

Any question they want to ask us in that referendum does not excuse in any way the surrender of the Essequibo territory to Guyana by the regime, when Hugo Chávez Frías, "practically renounced the claim over the Essequibo when he told his Guyanese counterpart during a visit to Georgetown that "the Venezuelan government will not oppose any project in this region that will benefit its inhabitants""(ver  in Spanish PanamPost, La Trampa del Esequibo, en

Neither can the regime escape from its obligation to exercise the government of the country and, by that very condition, defend our historical borders. If they exercise de facto power, there is no justification for asking us if Venezuelans want the recovery of that territory. That territory belongs by historical boundaries to Venezuelans without asking anyone. Period.

But just like Galtieri, Maduro is not prepared for a war either and he will lose it. They have handed over not only the Essequibo territory to the Guyanese, but have already ceded territorial control to the FARC and ELN in territories of the states of Táchira, Apure and Zulia: "The presence of these groups of Colombian origin in our territory has a primary meaning and it is the clear loss of national sovereignty"... "that sovereignty not exercised by Venezuela, has serious social consequences, the ELN and the FARC exercise criminal governance in the territories they control, in other words, they impose social, behavioral and social rules, they impose social, behavioral and political rules on the Venezuelan people", he said: they impose social rules, of behavior and exercise control over the communities, they charge vaccinations and recruit their members in our territory, that is in the states of Táchira, Apure and Zulia" (see in Spanish El Universal, 26-02-2023, La guerrilla colombiana, un cáncer que hizo metástasis en Venezuela, in No existe ninguna diferencia de eso a permitir a una compañía petrolera extranjera explote el territorio venezolano bajo su control.

Pretending to involve Venezuelans in an obligation that is only incumbent upon those who exercise the government and their previous irresponsibility in allowing guerrilla groups to administer territories in the country, is yet another compelling reason, not only to leave the criminals who misgovern us, but to turn our backs on any referendum that would allow them to justify a military maneuver in the Essequibo territory, as Leopoldo Galtieri did in Las Malvinas in 1982, even though we know that they will fall like that wretch. We will always prefer to leave them alone, even if we run out of skateboards?

Caracas, November 3, 2023

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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