The hot potato of recognition

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español 

For how much longer will the International Community continue demanding the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros to “present the Acts” of July 28 in order to recognize or not its condition of “legitimate government”? The question is pertinent because until that does not happen, Venezuela will continue to be in a harmful limbo for all of us who live in the country and in the continent.

For this writer, this question is so important that it not only merits an open discussion on this issue by all national and international political factors, but also generalized pressure from the world to take a definitive position on this very important issue, since the near political future of Venezuela and Latin America, and consequently, of the main political actors in each country, is at stake.

The issue is not as simple as it appears superficially. For the majority of Venezuelans who voted on July 28, the regime simply “kicked the electoral table” and decided to seize power, ignoring the true results of the election. But for the International Community that does not vote in Venezuela, the procedures and evidentiary data are important for a full recognition of the result. And those can only come from the official entity that governs the electoral processes in the countries. And as we all know, that official entity is none other than the elections office of the regime, which could not give any other result than the one it gave in the early morning of July 29.

This being so, the game seems to be locked. On the opposition side, it seems that the publication of the minutes of the opposition witnesses in the election, the only official document delivered according to the law to the official participants of an election to verify the results, does not seem to be enough for the world to accept the true result. On the other hand, not even the official electoral entity of Venezuela, the CNE, has published the official results in the Electoral Gazette, after having proclaimed Nicolás Maduro Moros as “President Elect”, within the following 30 days, as required by the Organic Law of Electoral Processes and its respective Regulations:

Article 155 of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes of Venezuela in force: “The National Electoral Council shall order the publication of the results of the electoral processes in the Electoral Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, within thirty days following the proclamation of the elected candidates and the elected candidates.”

Article 395 of the Regulations of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes in force: “The electoral results shall be published in the Electoral Gazette of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, within thirty (30) days following the proclamation of the elected candidates”.

Therefore, if they have not published the results required by the Law and its Regulations, much less will they publish the Proceedings that support such results.

To this last point we must add that the CNE has never published the Minutes of any election, it only publishes the results of each electoral circuit, which is what the law requires of them. And this is a very important point since the International Community is demanding something that the CNE is not obliged to give according to Venezuelan law. It would be enough for them to simply publish the results without supporting Actas to continue to maintain that Nicolás Maduro Moros is the winner of the July 28th elections.

But, -there is the blessed “but” again- the Actas were published by the opposition. If we were in a country with the rule of law, the altered results thus published by the regime could be sued in a court of law and the final result of the election could be reverted, making the respective comparison with the Acts that the CNE has by law, with those that the opposition has. But unfortunately this is not the case. The regime staged a theater in its TSJ and unilaterally came to the conclusion that Nicolás Maduro Moros was the “undisputed” winner of the July 28 election, unleashing at the same time a political persecution against the opposition that has not yet ceased.

Then, the International Community that got us into this electoral predicament with the Barbados Agreement -an agreement that the regime also flagrantly ignored- has a hot potato in its hands and will not be able to keep on indefinitely demanding that “Maduro presents the Minutes” because, among other things, it does not have to do so. They will have to make a POLITICAL DECISION to accept or not any results presented by the regime, if they are presented at all, beyond the lamentable show of the President of the CNE in the early morning of July 29, and give themselves a very short deadline to do so.

At this point in time, it is very difficult for there to be unanimity in all countries to accept the legitimacy of the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros. But what cannot continue to exist is the “until Maduro presents the Actas”. They must decide, as soon as possible, whether or not to accept Maduro as legitimate President. And most importantly, the future of our country and that of Latin America will depend on the decision of the countries that do or do not accept Maduro as such.

Why do I say this? Because everything is shaping up that the countries that will accept Maduro as legitimate will be those of the anti-Western orbit, headed by China, Russia, Iran and Cuba, followed by Nicaragua and Bolivia, already included in that axis, regardless of the Acts or results. Colombia, Brazil, Mexico, will have to make a decision soon. Even Pedro Sanchez in Spain, whose government insists on the post July 28 “Maduro must present the Actas”, will soon have to decide whether or not to align itself with its own Parliament. The work of Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia (EGU) must now be focused on the decision of the European Parliament to get that body of the 27 countries of the European Union to recognize him as the legitimate elected President of the Venezuelan people.

This hot potato of the world of the recognition of a government in Venezuela must be resolved as soon as possible. If the U.S. and the European Parliament recognize EGU as the legitimate elected President, they will be giving valid proof of the promise they made to us that the way to solve Venezuela's political problem was through elections. Well, they cannot come up with anything else now. But that, although difficult, is necessary but not enough. They lack the transcendental step of making the anti-Western axis that has achieved very important advances in Latin America, through the Venezuela of 25 years of Chávez-Maduro, Cuba, Nicaragua and Bolivia, to retreat in our country.

If the fundamental force represented by the democracies of the West achieve with our active presence this step with Venezuela -and there is no reason, neither economic, nor political, nor military, not to achieve it- it will be possible to restore the balance lost in Latin America when the USA abandoned its own area of natural influence giving way to the main standard bearers of the multipolarity of the world. The recovery of Venezuela for the democracy and freedom of the continent is in the interest of everyone, including those who pretend an unnatural way of life for us. It is the task of Venezuelans everywhere in the world to make them understand, especially to those who have forgotten that this is the land of Bolivar...

Caracas, September 17, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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