The Revocatory, the last bet

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Version en español

The discussion on whether to hold a constituent assembly before or after leaving the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros is not new. In fact, in a very different political context in the country, I commented this because of a statement made by Dr. Jesús Petit Da Costa in 2014 (see in Spanish, Constituyente: ¿antes o después?, in where, based on the maxim "the Constituent Assembly is convened to draft a Constitution that legitimizes the new regime and establishes the new political-legal system, as conceived by those who have seized power", he dismissed with a stroke of a pen any attempt to summon the Venezuelan people before leaving the regime.

And the whole issue was centered on the "why" to convene the constituent assembly, whether to legitimize the political situation of the new rulers, as had been done throughout our republican history, or to create an institutional ecosystem capable of facing the challenges of a new Venezuela that needs to rid itself of the vices of the past in order to be able to develop. This last proposition is the very definition of our proposal in ANCO.

An old Venezuelan saying indicates that "the goats always pull for the mountain", suggesting that even though we explain and explain the fundamental reasons on which we built our proposal to change Venezuela, El Gran Cambio, to bequeath to our children and grandchildren a country with the minimum conditions to be able to grow and develop without the need to emigrate, there still remains the reminiscence of a past that pulls for the mountain of backwardness that caused this situation.

Why are there still people who say that it is necessary to get out of the regime in order to be able to go to a Constituent Assembly? That statement is in itself a contradiction. ONCE ANY FORCE DISPLACES THE REGIME, THESE SAME FORCES WILL DICTATE THE TERMS ON WHICH THE NEW ACTORS IN POWER WILL BE ERECTED. That is what has always happened in Venezuela. That was precisely the discussion I had with Dr. Petit Da Costa in 2014. Do you believe that if the official opposition puts its hand to the government of this country, it will make a Constituent Assembly? Or even worse, they will make a Constituent Assembly to suit themselves, like the one made by Hugo Chavez in 1999 and the rest of the rulers that came before him, after a disruption in the Venezuelan political process.

Hence the transcendental importance of this discussion. I ask you, why do you think that the official opposition has flatly refused to call a Constituent Assembly since the issue was raised after 1999? Because they would be displaced by new political actors and new forces that exist in the country given the unparalleled rejection in history of all political leaders on both sides, those of the regime and especially those of the dedicated opposition, for the deficient management of the serious Venezuelan crisis. The Constituent Assembly would be like the acid that would clean the stage to the bottom in order to give a chance to other actors in the national political scene. That is the real problem we have on our hands.

When we suggest that within the framework of a new process of political negotiation that must take place in Venezuela to try to peacefully get out of this hole into which both the regime and its opposition have sunk us, we do so in the conviction that only the Venezuelan people will be capable of resolving the deep crisis that afflicts us. And the ONLY constitutional and peaceful instrument we have is to convene all of us in a Constituent Assembly to REFUND the country, as we have been proposing for many years, and now the Catholic Church has joined us in the concept because finally this institution has understood that without doing this there will never be peace in Venezuela.

Why do the old political leaders say that the Constituent Assembly must come "later"? Because their problem is not to solve the problem of Venezuelans. Their problem is to solve first THEIR problem by establishing their salvation first -take off you to put on me- and then "see" if it is convenient or not for their interests to have a Constituent Assembly. That is what we have to reject categorically!

The Constituent Assembly, my dear friends, is the instrument, the mechanism through which the people decide and express their decision to determine their future. It cannot be the instrument of a winner (as in the case of Chávez in 1999) nor is it the competition to get rid of a ruler. The recall of Maduro is mistakenly placed as the new panacea as if the problem were of the ruler. The problem of Venezuela IS THE PODRID POLITICAL SYSTEM that has been plummeting since before 1999 and that must be changed urgently to save the life of the patient. We are not proposing to give the country a pacemaker or a coronary catheterization to continue suffering. We are proposing a complete heart transplant so that the institutional body of the country may continue to live.

But those who live by continuing to thrive in the same political system that has led us to the greatest humanitarian abyss on the planet, continue to insist on the "take your place so I can put mine", apparently without realizing that NO ONE WANTS THEM ANYMORE. But they have realized it all too well. That is why their last bet for their survival is to sell us a solution where "it seems" that they want a change but so that nothing changes. They propose a recall in the best of conditions for Maduro.

The regime will pretend to "give in" for that recall in Mexico because that is the most convenient for its interests, and the "opposition" will accept it with joy because it is equally in their interests. In fact, the regime will pay for that recall because by winning it on its terms it will gain international recognition that it does not have now, opening a new disastrous chapter for the history of Venezuela. At this moment, it is no longer relevant who proposed this recall (although we will never forget that it was from the "opposition" side). Now the most important thing is that we know why they proposed it and act accordingly, rejecting with all its letters the illegitimate regional elections that will be negotiated in Mexico and will take place on November 21, and the supposed recall "solution" that will come out afterwards. The regime has already won just by having sat them down in those negotiations and that this "opposition" has recognized them by accepting the Memorandum of Understanding written by them. What Venezuela will have won is that after the 21N and the bad bet of the recall will be the beginning of the end for an opposition that was never opposition...

Caracas, August 30, 2021




Instagram: @laguana01



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