The Statute is not the problem

By Luis Manuel Aguana

English versión

"Politics is an infinite human enterprise to find the answers to all the sorrows caused by the Almighty..."


Anyone who understands politics as something sublime, far removed from personal ambition and ways of enriching oneself with what belongs to all, can only agree with these anonymous words. Those who made the greatest sacrifices in that activity are perfectly identifiable just by seeing how they spent the final days of their lives.

However, neither can we expect politicians to be saints who renounce everything for the good of humanity, nor can we expect that there is no clear dose of ambition for power in political leadership. In fact, it is a healthy necessity in order to bring about the changes that every society needs. That is why balance in the mix of attributes is indispensable as well as a strong dose of propensity to serve others.

The unfortunate thing about this whole story is that we, the citizens, do not have a meter to know that mix before choosing those who will occupy positions of responsibility and political leadership, letting ourselves be carried away by what the image builders package for us as candidates. A recent example of that is the President Elect of Chile, Gabriel Boric, who went in a turn of weeks from a poorly dressed radical firebrand, co-responsible for the 2019 terrorist explosion financed by the Maduro regime, to a fresh and young Presidential candidate of a "moderate left". That change made him President of Chile. God only knows what awaits Chileans in the coming months. Do you realize the importance of this on the welfare of the citizens?

And so on, we could cite more examples of impure mixtures with more components of ambition for power and domination, of hidden agendas, than of true desires to serve the citizens. Without going too far, the example of the unresolved insistence of the next episode of the series of terror that we could well title "Transition Statute and Interim Presidency", which has polarized -again- Venezuela between those who believe -rightly or wrongly- that we will not get out of the regime without an Interim President and an expired National Assembly of Deputies, and those of us who believe that Venezuela is much more than that.

Apart from all this legal discussion of the unconstitutionality -again- of the new Statute, which I baptized as retreaded (see Retreaded statute, in, Venezuelans have to focus our discussion on another question: are those same politicians, leaders, or whatever you want to call them, the ones who will solve the problem caused by Maduro's regime, if they have not been able to solve it since they were elected deputies on December 6, 2015? Do they really think so? Will we continue to give them another year of chance when the economic situation of all of us worsens every day and every minute that passes? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to think of a different mix?

I will not spend the rest of this note discussing whether this Statute for the Transition is unconstitutional or not, which by the way I have already done in past notes, because that is definitely not the problem. Perhaps it could be the justification of an argument for or against continuing to plow with the same oxen, but the oxen are no longer useful! They are dying or are already dead! That it is preferable that we take the hoe ourselves and plow the land because feeding useless oxen delays the sowing and prevents us from moving forward to get the food. It is already a matter of life or death for everyone!

And here I do not stop to give or not to give support to the proposals that go in the direction of the renewal of the political leadership, which by the way I already mentioned a few days ago. (see Towards a new opposition representation, in It is absolutely an incontestable truth that we must change the political leadership - the oxen - but that cannot be the end in itself of this struggle. Of course there must be drivers with the right mix of attributes to serve the citizens, that cannot be disputed. But the objective discussion must be how we agree to achieve that. However, how can we ever get there if we don't even agree that the oxen that retard our sowing are no good? That is the fundamental problem!

That is why ANCO's expression ¡Que el pueblo decida! is by no means hollow. Since the sides in political struggle will never agree, then let the people decide! Let the people decide the destiny of Venezuela, as the Liberator wrote to Santander in the 1826 letter that we reproduce at the end of each ANCO communiqué. And not only let them decide representatives or leaderships, but also let them decide in which direction those leaders and representatives will develop the country. That is what the Constitutional provision of an Original National Constituent Assembly is for. Nothing can be more democratic than that, and the answer has been there all along.

If those of us who are somehow involved in politics fail to understand that this "is an infinite human enterprise to find the answers", then what are we doing here? If I were in the situation of those tired oxen, but enriched with power -and some with money- eager to continue, I would be very afraid that we will be sacrificed. But they will have no other fate if they themselves do not stand up and let the planters decide whether they live or die. At least then they would have some chance of surviving...

Caracas, December 28, 2021




Instagram: @laguana01


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