The tour for Maduro

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

Truly, during this long struggle that Venezuelans have sustained against these monsters that destroyed Venezuela, we have seen everything from those who claim to be opponents. Betrayals, cover-ups, abandonments along the way, lies, negotiations with the regime, etc. .... and stop counting. But what I have yet to see is that they would go on an international tour to take away the punishment imposed by the International Community to Maduro's regime.

And all this to get some positions that will keep them alive politically, not to improve the suffering of millions of Venezuelans. And they do it precisely by using that excuse. Could you find anything more unworthy than that? And the worst thing is that they then pretend that we should give them our vote once they get their elections, using again the excuse that they are doing it for us, knowing that the few positions they will get will not solve -as they have not solved in more than 20 years- the Venezuelan tragedy.

The international community is not unaware of this, even if they publicly declare that an agreement with a criminal regime will enable “Venezuelans to express themselves politically through credible, inclusive and transparent local, parliamentary, and presidential elections.” (see US-EU-Canada: Joint Statement on Venezuela, in

In this communiqué, the regime again demands the "unconditional" release of political prisoners, the independence of political parties, freedom of expression and an end to the violation of Human Rights. In other words, that Venezuela becomes Narnia overnight after the official opposition signs this agreement with the regime.

“Welcoming" the fact that the negotiations with the terrorists and criminals who run the country have made progress. “substantive, credible advancements to restore core democratic processes and institutions in Venezuela”, then these three international actors, in return, would be willing to review the sanctions imposed on the criminals.

Of course, they call for “electoral conditions that abide by international standards for democracy, beginning with the local and regional elections scheduled for November 2021”. Will the countries that sign this communiqué assure them? That is not what they say there, so we infer that once again the regime will be in control of the votes of Venezuelans, how about that?

Have these international players said anything different for more than 20 years? No, have they? The only new thing is that they mention that all that would be starting with the regional elections, which according to the communiqué will be held November 2021, and by some time in the future, the presidential elections, since no dates are given. It seems that the Chilean package is ready to come out of the oven and Guaidó got something for which he did not have to send anyone out of Venezuela: elections tailored to the regime.

And I wonder, and what did we Venezuelans get out of that tour that was rather for Maduro? Will there be at least the promise to Refound the Nation as requested by the Presidency of the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference in its message for the Bicentenary of the Battle of Carabobo? Because the only concrete thing in that communiqué of the International Community is a regional election on November 21, 2021. The rest is something that can only be guaranteed in freedom and that will not come out of any negotiation table, and even less if those who should negotiate for us, negotiate for the regime seeking to remove the sanctions because they precisely violated everything that is stated in that communiqué.

Consequently, this cyanide candy that is already being brought to us from abroad for the better digestion of Venezuelans, has no other purpose than for Venezuelans to accept to leave the regime in place in coexistence with an opposition that surrendered our country. That is the only truth. However, the communiqué begins by leaving a loophole for those of us who continue in the struggle in search of a different solution to the problem. They indicate that the solution “has to come from the Venezuelan people themselves through Venezuelan-led, comprehensive negotiations with participation from all stakeholders (resaltado nuestro)

Venezuelan civil society is an interested actor and does not participate there. As far as I know Gerardo Blyde does not represent "the Venezuelan people itself", nor has he been given any capacity to negotiate for Venezuelans who do not participate in the political parties that make up Guaidó's G4, which we are the vast majority in the country. The US, the EU and Canada should know that. An agreement that comes out of a "representation" without support in the country is going to fall apart like a wet cookie. And the US, the EU and Canada will see that when they see how many people will participate in these regional elections that are not a solution but the unfortunate continuation of our problem.

Representatives of the US, EU and Canada: the solution to the Venezuelan problem begins when you begin to understand internationally that those who claim to represent us in negotiations with the regime, work directly or indirectly for it and its continuity. And the people you call to protect can never be protected if they do not have the right intermediary. That you must first begin to identify who can be the legitimate representation of the sectors of the country affected by the humanitarian tragedy caused by the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros, because no one in Venezuela feels represented by those who claim to be representatives of the opposition.

There is no longer a legitimate opposition representation in Venezuela, but an empty shell that desperately seeks to survive and uses the Venezuelan tragedy for that purpose, because the terms of that representation within the country expired on January 5, 2021. And if you gave them your international backing, that does not mean that it automatically generates that Venezuelans feel the confidence that is indispensable for any agreement to be sustained in the future. Holding elections of any kind in the country without the regime having left power will undoubtedly mean its continuity because THERE IS NOT THE CONFIDENCE indispensable in the factors that are negotiating, as a process of this nature requires.

Representatives of the U.S., EU and Canada: the ONLY way to generate the necessary confidence in a process that involves everything expressed in this communiqué is to CALL on the Venezuelan people to participate directly in the solution of their crisis and become the protagonists of the solution. And this cannot be other than the call for a constituent process of an original character where the delegates of the Venezuelan people themselves will decide in a constituent election their representatives to lead the future of the country. Venezuelans walked this path in 1946 with an election of Constituents who decided on a new Constitution that recomposed the Venezuelan institutionality and called for free elections with the direct participation of all Venezuelans for the first time in its history. This is what the Venezuelan Catholic Church and the majority of the country call REFUNDING THE NATION.

The so-called political representatives you are dealing with will NEVER put that solution on the table because they are not interested in the solution of the Venezuelan people's problem but of their own, and consequently the solution of the regional and global crisis that this has generated. We suggest that you examine the proposal of the Alianza Nacional Constituyente Originaria, ANCO addressed to the country and the International Community. (see in Spanish ANCO a los venezolanos y a la Comunidad Internacional: la crisis es del pueblo venezolano y solo el pueblo venezolano debe resolverla, in What other solution different from this one can come from the Venezuelans themselves, as the communiqué of these countries says, other than the Constituent solution? If the US, the EU and Canada would come to understand the serious crisis of representation that Venezuelans are suffering, I am sure that the next international tour to solve the problem will no longer be for Maduro but for the Venezuelans at the hands of a legitimate representation, and that we require a real international political aid to solve once and for all this serious crisis that affects us all. You have the word...

Caracas, June 26, 2021




Instagram: @laguana01


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