Unitary Platform, the new fraud enablers

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

The following is part of an account by Eric Eckvall about the 2006 Chávez-Rosales election (those unfamiliar with the character can go to my 2013 article titled "Farewell Eric," in  https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/2013/11/farewell-eric.html):

"I spoke with Omar Barboza whom I knew very well because he had campaigned for the governorship of Zulia in 1995, and I told him: Omar, you have to listen to these people (here he is talking about ESDATA) because the trap is coming as it came upon us in 2004 and they know what to do. To my great surprise I heard the same words of Teodoro Petkoff the year before: "Don't listen to these people, they are crazy, crazy academics, they don't have their feet on the ground, they don't know how politics works, they are into something else, don't listen to them...". But Omar, what is hard for you to listen to? "No, no, no, no, we don't have time, we are campaigning". I went to my friend Diego Arria, who was part of the command staff, and I told him: Diego, I don't have enough leverage for Omar to listen to me, please intervene in this process. And Diego twisted arms in the command and finally they gave them (the ESDATA group) half an hour to make a presentation. They made the presentation in 15 minutes: "Here are the danger points, what we need are 2 people for each center, there are 340 people. We are not asking you for money, you go, see for yourselves what is happening. That is where the trap is, and that is where we are going to challenge the results of these elections...". Questions? Not a single question, not a single question! Thank you very much gentlemen, and you can leave now. They left totally confused. Nobody understood anything. And I asked Omar later, what happened, are we going to arm..., are we going to protect ourselves? No, no, no (unintelligible expression of rejection)... It seemed extremely strange to me, it produced another attack of cognitive dissonance..."... "When Chávez wins by the historical gap, never reached, of 27 points on December 3, at that moment I declare myself in open rebellion and I continue with a certain mockery knocking on Omar Barboza's door telling him: So Omar, don't you want to know about the fraud? There are people who claim to know, don't you? Come, let's see, let's talk! <expressions of rejection from Barboza>. And I just like that, almost to check my hypothesis, I went on like that until I realized, and I told him "You are part of the problem, you are involved in the fraud. As we would say in English "You're an enabler. You're enabling the fraud"..."  (see Eric Ekvall - Presidential Elections 2012, in  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSa0kgHgcjs, min 18:32 y 22:01).

Well, the main character of this story has been appointed by the official opposition as "Executive Secretary" of the renamed MUD, now called "Plataforma Unitaria", which will coordinate "the united struggle" to "achieve political change, understanding that it is the only true way to stop the suffering of millions of Venezuelans" (see communiqué of May 16, 2022 of the Plataforma Unitaria de Venezuela, in  https://twitter.com/unidadvenezuela/status/1526220127460540418). However, Venezuelans know from bitter experience that this is not the way to stop the suffering of millions of Venezuelans -quite the contrary- nor could its new coordinator be the best person to carry it out, given his credentials since 2006. I would not trust at all someone who was an enabler of the "triumph" (or fraud as I prefer to call it) of Hugo Chávez Frías in 2006. In fact, the exact same enabler of that year is being configured with the same protagonist, this time at the head.

The grave accusation made by someone of Eric Ekvall's ethical and moral neatness, who died with what he was wearing, is not only for me more than enough reason to affirm the above, but all the collaborationist garbage of the official opposition that accompanied Chávez's fraud in 2006, which was extraordinarily well exposed by Eric in 2012, when Mr. Barboza was part of the cover-up to deliberately prevent Venezuelan electoral specialists from exposing the regime's fraud before consummating it, and where Mr. Barboza played an outstanding role. That accusation reverberates from wherever Eric Ekvall is now.

And now the so-called Unitary Platform, a sort of "same man with a different smoking pipe" (old Venezuelan expression) of the MUD, pretends that Venezuelans accompany this new trap "hunting assholes" to exhibit before the world a "renewal" of the political leadership with primaries with a view to elections with the regime in 2024. How bad is the political compass of the official opposition! What part of the "we do not want elections with the incumbent regime" have they not understood?

And just as I pointed out the first time the MUD mutated like a virus with the name "Frente Amplio" (Broad Front), bringing in its own "civil society" and announcing in the Aula Magna of the UCV its relaunch in March 2018, a time when Venezuelans rightly stopped feeling represented by them, forcing them to change their face (see Two acts, one purpose: the re-launching of the MUD, in http://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/p/two-acts-same-purpose-re-launching-of.html), once again I point out that they are applying the same strategy of deception by fabricating a new face to the same known political claque, with the name of "Unitary Platform", to say that they will begin the search for "a unitary candidate" for 2024, thus requesting the "support" of the Venezuelans, in order to affirm to the world that they "renewed" the opposition leadership. Nothing could be further from the political reality of the country.

After these "primaries", they would claim that Venezuelan opponents chose our political representation. Likewise, this strategy would allow them to "measure" each other and establish a new scale of who goes first and who goes after, with the vote of the Venezuelan opposition, to continue this sort of infinite tale of the "Gallo Pelón" that the regime gets out with elections. All this would be ideal in the world of Narnia, which says that this is the way to get rid of the regime. And that is where their reasoning fails them, as they have little understanding of the rest of Venezuelans, who have seen this movie countless times.

What should we Venezuelans do in the face of this immovable reality of an opposition that insists on doing the same thing over all of us, and for who knows what interests, in order to have the same results? This Einsteinian madness can only have one answer: leave them alone.

I have the conviction, after seeing the historical trajectory of the characters that have led the Venezuelan political opposition, and who flatly refuse to urgently replace them since this tragedy began, such as Mr. Barboza, pointed out by Eric Ekvall as an enabler of the fraud, that he and his fellow members of this new platform will do in 2024 exactly the same thing they did in 2006: sell the legitimate feeling of this people to get out of the regime that plagues Venezuelans.

Do we have alternatives? Of course we do! To turn our backs on them. Not to legitimize anyone in those "primaries" and that in no way they can show the world that Venezuelans support such an electoral absurdity that will prolong the suffering of this people. And you will ask me: and if not that, what is it? To make force in each one of the States of the country to demand the immediate convocation of a Constituent process of an Original character for the Refoundation of the Nation. We have already explained it in ANCO, this is our only and last exit....

Caracas, May 17, 2022

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