Unsustainable fraud

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

Unlike what many of my readers may think, my astonishment was not the fraud in the open that the regime and its CNE carried out in the early hours of this morning by declaring Nicolás Maduro Moros the winner of the elections of July 28. It was the clumsiness of not accepting the sovereign will of the Venezuelan people, who in clear rejection of the regime went to the polling stations to vote against the ruin in which they have plunged us in 25 years.

Just imagine how the Maduro regime would be now, had it accepted the true results! It would have been catalogued as a “model democracy”, with an impeccable electoral system and respectful of the rights of its citizens. How about that?

After that, it would have been much more difficult to convince the world of the illegitimacy of a regime that has been whipping us for 25 years, if they had admitted that they lost the elections. I can almost thank them for having done so because what will come in the future will definitely purge them from Venezuela.

With 4 of the 5 Public Powers in their pockets, the International Community would have recognized them and opened all the doors, lifted the sanctions and handed over the money withheld, removing the “Wanted” signs with millionaire rewards to the criminals in power. What level of imbecility can those who came up with such stupidity have!!!?

At the end of 2015 they handled the situation much more intelligently. They accepted to lose the National Assembly in December of that year and immediately castrated it with their TSJ, they let it run a few months with a Recall Referendum in 2016 that they finally blocked, and in May of the following year, in 2017, they called for a Constituent to finish stepping on it. Now they lost the golden opportunity to materialize the saying “losing is also winning”. And that the National Assembly is by far the most important State Power in Venezuela.

But after 25 years of macabre successes, they managed to lose all that in a single night. Just like the anonymous alcoholic who out of desperation gets drunk after 25 years of abstention. But as they say, the goats always go for the hills. They couldn't wait for the frog to get past them down the river and they stung it in midstream because “that's their nature”. And that is so because they are naturally criminals.

Although it is true that we knew that they could commit fraud, as we had reviewed so many times, the size of the tsunami of votes against them was such that they did not know what to do with it. They desperately tried to prevent the presence of the witnesses as in other opportunities, but they found themselves faced with an angry people who imposed themselves in all the centers. They blocked the CNE servers from receiving the voting tally sheets, but each winning tally sheet had already been collected mostly by the opposition. It was not even necessary to count each vote. The response of the population was of such magnitude that they were frightened to the point of sending their assassins on motorcycles to shoot the voters in the centers. The collective madness itself. Even in Acarigua, in Barrio La Romana, the National Guard stole the boxes with the voting receipts, like someone who steals a chicken, taking it and sticking the race (see post by @TAMARA_SUJU, in https://x.com/TAMARA_SUJU/status/1817758716713689360). That is the best illustration of what happened yesterday, some chicken thieves stole the election. 

But something happened that had never been seen before in Venezuela: the results began to come out of the centers themselves, and went viral through the social networks, giving differences of 3, 4 and 5 times the vote of Edmundo González Urrutia (EGU) over the regime in all regions of the country. Who then could doubt the real result of that election, no matter how chavista-madurista it was? No one...

Then this fraud of the CNE and Maduro is unsustainable. Before, technicians like me and others who have investigated and worked on the technological modalities of fraud, and who were considered as laboratory cockroaches, nobody listened to us that the regime has stolen ALL the elections since 2004.

Now this fraud is being verified in the street in a wild way and in the eyes of the whole world. It was necessary for the theft to be credible. That both options were close enough to put the regime to win by a small margin, safe enough to remain in power. But on this occasion that was impossible. The King was left naked in front of everyone, not just a few of us who could technically see him and shouted that he was. How could Maduro now govern in the face of the open contempt of the population, his own and the opposite, who now know him to be a proven usurper? Because even his own people will reject him when they know him as a certain loser and election thief. And this cannot be sustained in the long term.

Now, after this open-air heist, what's next? Calm and perseverance. And this is the hardest part for us because that is not in our DNA. As I have mentioned on other occasions, we Venezuelans are the inventors of operatives. We like things to happen immediately. And what happened yesterday was a great operation that should have resulted in the expulsion of the regime.  “I want them to give me what is mine now”, and this time the regime blocked that exit. We do not have a culture of systematic and persevering work to address and solve problems. And this is supported by academic and managerial studies:

 “We are good at dealing with emergency situations and at command-type actions to handle critical situations” (Granell et al., p103, 1997) (1). But we fail miserably when it comes to carrying out a long term plan: “In general terms, we can consider that Venezuelan culture is essentially short term, with a predominance of synchronic thinking, a very flexible conception of time and oriented towards obtaining immediate results rather than inferring future rewards” (Granell et al., p107, 1997) (1).

But if we want to materialize in the future the immediate reward they denied us yesterday of seeing Maduro out of Miraflores, we will have to wait and persevere, following the guidelines of a clear leadership such as that of María Corina Machado (MCM). The regime has committed, beyond a fraud, a coup d'état. Why do I say this? The former president of the legitimate Supreme Court of Justice in exile, Miguel Angel Martin, reasons this situation days before 28J: “Why is the Maduro regime committing Autogolpe?”, and his answer leaves no room for doubt:

“The Maduro regime is systematically undermining the popular will and established constitutional norms to perpetuate its grip on power. These actions include repression against the opposition, manipulation of electoral processes and restriction of civil liberties. This erosion of institutional stability and democratic legality reflects a clear attempt to remain in power despite widespread opposition and the country's economic and social deterioration. This situation in Venezuela highlights how coups d'état can manifest themselves not only through direct military actions, but also through political strategies and institutional manipulations that threaten the fundamental principles of democracy” (see in Spanish Diario Las Américas, 23-06-2024, Miguel Angel Martín, “No es un fraude electoral, es un golpe de Estado”, in https://www.diariolasamericas.com/opinion/no-es-un-fraude-electoral-es-un-golpe-estado-n5358763).

This configures a situation even more serious than the one that occurred with Juan Guaidó Márquez, being President in Charge by application of the Constitution, but WITHOUT THE VOTES, in 2019. Unlike then, as of today, the Constitutional President Elected WITH THE VOTES of all Venezuelans, is called Edmundo González Urrutia. The response of MCM and EGU to this gross and disproportionate fraud of the regime and its CNE could not have been better, proclaiming as a certified fact the Presidency of EGU to all Venezuelans and the world.

The International Community started by demanding proof of this nonsense, as the USA, the main country owning the sanctions: “It is essential that every vote is counted in a fair and transparent manner, that electoral officials share the information immediately with the opposition and independent observers without delay, and that electoral authorities publish the minutes” (see X account of the U.S. Embassy, Venezuela, @usembassyve, Statement by Secretary of State Antony Blinken, in https://x.com/usembassyve/status/1817793921776341207). I believe that their recognition will depend on it.

And no matter how much recognition his international political allies give him, Maduro is officially confirmed today as a USURPATOR and, read this correctly, any action taken to restore the constitutional order in Venezuela, to place its legitimate holder in the Presidency of the Republic, will be valid. This should be a clear message to the Armed Forces. It would have been better for them to recognize EGU. In that fraudulent bet in the style of Rosalinda, they may lose everything, even much more than power...

Caracas, July 29, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos, https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


(1)  Éxito Gerencial y Cultura, Retos y Oportunidades en Venezuela / Managing Culture for Success, Challenges and opportunities in Venezuela, Granell, Garaway, Malpica, Ediciones IESA 1997, ISBN 980-217-189-1

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