Venezuela, point of no return

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español 

From the statements offered by the Unitary Platform through its spokesman in the negotiation with the regime, Gerardo Blyde, after the confirmation of the disqualification of María Corina Machado (MCM) by the illegitimate TSJ, two fundamental things can be summarized:

1) MCM is still the candidate of that group of parties that called for the primary process, and is still considered by them as their representative for an eventual electoral process: "...then the democratic opposition was unified with the primaries in a single candidate that contest, who was not from the Platform, entered the call of the Platform and overwhelmingly won that primary process recognized by all the leaders, leaders and political parties of the Unitary Platform. The candidate won, and I repeat, the candidate María Corina Machado" (see in Spanish VPItv, Unitary Platform reacts after TSJ rulings, January 27th, in

And 2) After denouncing the violation of the Barbados Agreements, the Unitary Platform demands the cessation of the political persecution and the reversal of the decision taken, returning to the previous situation prior to the decision of the illegitimate TSJ: "We demand the counterpart to comply with the agreement in its entirety, it is not by bits and pieces. This agreement is integrally designed to have a free electoral process, and the absolute cessation of all this repressive escalation against social activists, against political actors, against campaign and party operative teams and commandos, and against candidate María Corina Machado. We also demand that this decision taken yesterday be reversed for having violated the procedure, and the agreed procedure meant a trial, not a summary trial, not a wall where there is no possibility of allegations and evidence and access to information from the Comptroller's Office. It must be reversed and return to the previous status..... We reiterate, the only way that the Unitary Platform, the MCM candidate has chosen to access to power, is electoral..." (see in Spanish VPItv, Plataforma Unitaria reacts after TSJ rulings, January 27th, in

But the regime, through its spokesman at the negotiating table, Héctor Rodríguez, considers the legal discussion closed, considering "res judicata" the decision of the illegitimate TSJ, arguing that since MCM had attended that instance, it should "accept" its results, pointing to MCM as implicated in a plot of assassination and coup d'état, and hence she cannot be a candidate (see in Spanish Héctor Rodríguez's response to the statements of the Unitary Platform, January 27th, in

Now, taking into account that all Venezuelan opposition that is not a collaborator and/or bought by the regime is considered and persecuted as a coup plotter and conspirator for an assassination, it was by no means strange that this was the response of the regime. Rodriguez did not even bother to give answers to the express summary trial, without the right to defense given to MCM, nor to the violation of his human rights. But that has never been the concern of anyone in the regime. She is a coup leader, period, and as such she has no rights. That has been the permanent reaction in more than 20 years of Castro-Chavist-Madurist tyranny.

For the regime, this is a valid response and should be enough for the whole world, including the International Community. If in 1992 this had been the treatment given by the government of Carlos Andres Perez to the 4F coup, we should have listened to David Morales Bello when he shouted "death to the coup perpetrators", locking up Hugo Chavez and his gorillas for 30 years, and throwing away the key. And perhaps that would have saved us this calamity of 25 years of destruction, and the declaration in favor of a judicial outrage of a fanatic who does not know what a real coup leader is, because he was not yet born in 1992.

But that was not done. The "due process" was given to true confessed coup perpetrators, so much so that they were not even deprived of their political rights because there was not even a trial to condemn them, as should have happened. Democracy thus created the germ of its own destruction.

The situation now confronts the positions taken by both parties at the negotiating table. MCM IS THE CANDIDATE OF THE OPPOSITION by the way of the votes and unknown by the regime due to an irritating sentence that does not stand the examination of any lawyer. The question here is, will the so called Unitary Platform at the negotiating table also agree to this, or will it stand up defending the sovereignty of 2.4 million opposition voters who elected MCM?

I do not have a very flattering answer to that question. So far, we Venezuelans have not won a single one with the regime through that negotiation table, in spite of the fact that in those statements Gerardo Blyde argued that they as negotiators were responsible for leaving the primary process in peace and for not persecuting us as voters in the streets on October 22, for leaving the members of the Primary Commission alone, as well as for the release of the first victims of forced disappearance, such as the President of SUMATE.

But, is that really what the Unitary Platform considers as winning positions in this negotiation? That the regime does not persecute or kill us? Is that not what they do when they feel like it, whether they intervene or not? If that is so, we are in serious trouble, and I already see that Unitary Platform and its main negotiator Blyde giving in again before the regime, in view of the electoral pretension of the International Community, bringing as a consequence the elimination of MCM from the elections of 2024, in favor of elections that guarantee "the peace of the cemeteries" of this tyranny, as Juan Vicente Gómez's peace was called.

This demand to "revert" the decision of the illegitimate Supreme Court will crash against the wall of the regime's "res judicata". If the US endorses, for other interests, the pretension of continuing those negotiations as if nothing had happened, willingly accepting the outrage against MCM, and much more than against her, the outrage against the sovereignty of all Venezuelans who voted for her as candidate, it will be more beneficial to the interests of all Venezuelans if those negotiations are concluded as of now, which have only served to open the jails to the criminals and drug traffickers of the regime imprisoned in the U.S., and to the few Americans, who kidnapped by this regime, do not guarantee that citizens of that nationality will continue to be kidnapped to be exchanged for the demands of the tyranny at that useless table.

We are not the ones to advise MCM on what to do, but there is one thing we can say: the slogan that the group of Venezuelans grouped in ANCO has consistently maintained throughout the years, let the people decide! And the Venezuelan people decided on an electoral route with MCM at the head of the opposition option.

If this is not possible due to the traps of the regime, we cannot consider this route as viable for our interests, and even less if it involves trampling the rights of the candidate and of the 2.4 million Venezuelan voters of October 22, 2023, so the selection of another candidate via "conclave" is invalid just to satisfy the regime, to continue in a negotiation that we are losing, forcing an electoral route that is clearly rigged from the beginning. Zapata said it well in one of his immortal caricatures, which are already the heritage of all Venezuelans: "What happens, mijita, is that you vote, and vote, and vote, and vote... And you never learn!”.

We are then at a point of no return. Either we fight the electoral option with MCM as we should, or we assume, once and for all, our condition of a country subjugated by a tyranny that does not admit its displacement from power by electoral means, seeking among all of us another solution to the problem. In both cases, the road to that solution will be very difficult, but it will surely be accompanied by the majority of citizens if the true leadership reveals itself once and for all, leading the way.

Caracas, January 29, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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