Back to the West

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español 

A very precise e-mail, entitled “Bundeswehr 1948” (Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany, 1948), and received from my dear friend Victor Poleo, a comrade in struggle since the beginning, an expert in energy (he was Vice-Minister of Energy and Mines 1999-2001) and an analyst like very few others of the Venezuelan political reality, reminded me of that copla llanera of the Negra del Maraquero, when in the voice of Marcelino the truth is laid bare: “Venezuela was forced to join the insane anti-West movement, an anti-Nature fact”.

But I prefer that Victor himself -of course with the permission he gave us to make his words public, given the open and completely libertarian disposition that characterizes him- tell us the whole story from the beginning and then we can see what options we have -if any- to get out of the problem:

“The present German Federal Army (Bundeswehr) succeeded in 1948 to the Whermacht (war makers) disbanded in 1945 by the victorious Western powers in WWII,

Within two years it was possible to denazify Germany's armed forces with the selective contribution of former Whermacht officers.

The debased and ruined FANB is the knot of knots to get rid of the anti-Western pranate.

Venezuela was forced to adhere to the insane anti-Western movement, an anti-Nature fact.

Our culture is Western.  We do not commune with Ayatollahs, nor ex-Soviets, nor the one-party China.

We are the winners on 28J in returning to the West.

Urrutia-diplomat has the mandate to return us to the West and to reject Almagro et al.

Urrutia-diplomático establishes a military mutual defense pact with the West/NATO.

Military cleansing and purge of the FANB, of Hezbolah and Hamas, of FARC and ELN, ... of the pranate of Miraflores and Fuerte Tiuna by force.

Such “sovereignty” goes on vacation for two years.

By extension, the Havana primary cancer is eradicated, lulas and petros incinerated.

I believe I understand that Elizabeth Burgos would collegiate such a predicament.”

 (Víctor Poleo, 10-11-2024) (emphasis added).

I do not believe I am making “disclosure” of something we do not know, as well as the anti-Western interests that move the action of those who govern the country, by getting us into a war that is not ours. I made reference to this in 2017 and the situation has exponentiated, worsening to levels that we do not know if they can be reversible (see in Spanish, Una guerra ajena, en A road ahead that very few of us are perceiving, and that reduce Venezuela's problem to the simplicity of a domestic situation, which can be solved with the traditional methods that our history shows us.

In highlighting this situation, Poleo reminds us that it is there where the whole problem we have is centered, as well as the correct emphasis that should be given to the struggle by those who are now responsible for the leadership of the opposition, seeking the right direction for its solution, and clearly pointing out the obstacles they will encounter, starting with an ideologized FANB that requires a subsequent “cleansing and purge” like that which occurred with the German Whermacht.

In this scenario, the best argument that this “Urrutia-diplomat” should put forward before all the countries leading the fight for the preservation of Western culture, is that Venezuela is already A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY, not only of the USA, but of the entire American continent, and immediately be ready to enter into a conflict to defend the style and way of life to which we have always been accustomed, style for which we voted massively on July 28th.

Now, how far is it possible for a “military mutual defense pact with the West/NATO” to be realized in order to save our country for the West? How far would a future Venezuela, under a new political leadership, be willing to go?  That is a good question we should all be asking ourselves, and it is similar to the question asked of people who become naturalized US citizens when they swear an oath to defend that nation. They should be willing to put their lives into the wars of their new country. It's not like you're going to pretend to enjoy the “American lifestyle and dream” for free. “There is no free lunch”, as they themselves say. You have to pay for it...

From the point of view of our hemispheric position, we would have to abandon our historical neutrality -which in practice no longer exists with the regime- and align the country openly and completely to the Western bloc for the defense and preservation of our way of life, based on the principles of freedom and democracy, including militarily. That would lead to a clear definition of with whom we would do business and agreements in the future about our almost unlimited natural resources.

That would be a completely new posture that would guarantee this “Urrutia-diplomat” to negotiate with whomever he must negotiate with to guarantee that the country begins to move towards a new pro-Western geopolitical circumstance, defining along the way how “the hard way” this “military cleansing and purge” that Poleo indicates is carried out, to begin a new era of changes in the country.

Venezuelans as a people did not ask to be in this situation, they got us into it, so now it is up to us to support a repositioning at the hands of those who can negotiate it. We and our historical political circumstance of more than 60 years of mistakes and a very mediocre political leadership, have generated a geopolitical position that must now be changed and set in another direction with those who have the strength to help us get out of this problem.

It is important for Venezuelans to know what this whole crisis is really about: whether we return to the West because we were taken out by interested external forces that saw the opportunity to take advantage of mediocre politicians like Chávez, or whether Venezuela remains in the hands of an authoritarianism that defends the flags of a culture it does not even understand. The answer is obvious, but not only because the “Havana primary cancer” is eradicated or the “lulas and petros (are) incinerated”, but also because it is preferable to consciously pay the price that freedom and development imply, than to pay it obliged equally but in slavery and misery.

Caracas, October 13, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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