The King is naked

By Luis Manuel Aguana

I wanted to stay calm and not write anything about Juan Guaidó's tour until it was over, but it's not going to be possible. I almost eat my fingers to keep from touching the keyboard after seeing him kneel in Spain at the Puerta del Sol, in horrifying memory of Hugo Chavez and his crucifix, asking the Venezuelans to forgive him for the atrocities committed. But we had to wait. The tour was not over. However, instead of boarding the plane to the United States, he decided to go to Canada.

Perhaps, I said to myself, Canada is the prelude to the real reason for the jump from the other fence, the United States (see The jump of the other fence, in But no! We received the regrettable news that "During a press conference held after the meeting with Champagne, Guaidó approved the meetings that the Canadian government has held in recent months with the Cuban authorities to try to unblock the Venezuelan crisis and at the same time denied that there was any possible meeting with Donald Trump". (see in Spanish 2001, en (our underline).

In my opinion, that pitiful statement killed with the feet what they once wanted to do with their hands, and from two different sides: a shot in the heart, finishing off the tour with one in the head. It gives us Venezuelans a shot in the heart when it tells everyone that it plans to seek negotiations - another table, then - but this time with the country that has invaded us and now has a seat on the regime's Council of Ministers. Doesn't the Colombian experience tell them anything?

That is to say, that instead of making a tour to urgently plan with the International Community - read the most influential and powerful - the eviction of the regime and its allies from our country, we are beginning to understand that it was to seek arrangements - again - with those who are exhausting us, but this time through different channels. Is that why Juan Guaidó jumped the other fence? What a disappointment! In my opinion, and for all intents and purposes, as far as the interests of Venezuelans are concerned, that tour ended at the same moment that Guaidó expressed that statement to the world.

And it's not that we have "something against Guaidó" as some people insist on saying. It's not about Guaidó! "Desguaidoseamos" the speech a long time ago (see “Desguaidoseando” the speech, in  The fact is that the character who holds that position owes us Venezuelans an explanation. As I said in that note, Guaidó IS THE ONLY ONE RESPONSIBLE for being able to do something to alleviate the situation of millions of Venezuelans, having assumed the responsibility of President-in-Charge. It is not that we put ourselves in the position of "poor guy, he has made an enormous effort" to fight against this situation. No. I put myself in the position of demanding results because it is my right to do so and it is a matter of responsibility.
What has happened in Venezuela is so serious that anything that comes after it must take into consideration learning this hard lesson that has cost and continues to cost many Venezuelan lives. Guaidó has been accompanied on his tour by the delinquents of Cucutazo and "ambassadors" that no one can explain what they are doing there. Don't we have the right to be suspicious? However, many see what has happened on this tour in a superficial way only because of the support offered on the streets of Madrid. ANY one of our legitimate representatives as a people devastated by this tragedy so great and so evident to the world would have been acclaimed in the way Juan Guaidó was received.

What would be left to do immediately - I insist - to anyone with that investiture who would be hurt by what happens in his country after escaping as he did? (and I'm not saying that Guaidó is not in pain.) Running off to see who he can find so that TOMORROW he can help solve the suffering of so many people! That's what anyone would do. Some might say that I am being petty in my assessment. Well, if that's what I have to do, I accept it, just like in my long years of executive practice in various management positions, I have to accept as a boss when some decision turned out not to be to the liking of the people under my responsibility. Successful results always came first for the stability of the people and the corporation that had given me the responsibility. RESULTS were required of me. I was not told "poor guy, he made a huge effort". No. At the time of my evaluation if there were no results there were consequences. That's why I had to train more and work more, to do better and better. They call that experience...

And that's the dilemma we're facing here. We have a whole country one year waiting for results from Juan Guaidó and his team. Those are the people there in charge of strategy and action. And so far what we have seen as a result of all the international aid received is the main person responsible asking for forgiveness as Chavez did, after a year of suffering of the population, having been given the greatest national and international support that any politician in the opposition has ever had.

There were voices with seasoned experience such as that of former Ambassador Diego Arria who offered to help Guaidó organize an Arria Formula at the United Nations so that the world's most important political forum, the UN Security Council, could discuss possible alternatives to immediately resolve the Venezuelan crisis. Even Dr. Arria offered in an interview with PanAm Post to return to the country with other important personalities accompanying the President in charge, to force a situation of edge with the regime (see in Spanish Diego Arria dispuesto a volver a Venezuela en avión con Guaidó, en

All of that was dismissed. It is impossible that all the suggested alternatives are incompatible with any solution that the Guaidó team wants to give to the crisis. How could a Formula Arria be incompatible with solving our situation? Even Russia has just used it to air the issue of chemical weapons in Syria! But Guaidó and his team had the nerve to dismiss that. What can we Venezuelans think? Guaidó decides not to travel to the United States, our greatest international ally in resolving the crisis, nor to meet with President Trump, nor to sit at the United Nations to speak at a Formula Arria on the ONLY stage in the world where they can authorize formal forceful action against these criminals.
We Venezuelans will have to evaluate after this tour is over whether the net results were positive to alleviate our tragedy, regardless of how inflated the representatives of the official opposition come back saying that they ate it and that tomorrow Maduro will leave in another "Operation Freedom", or the well-known story that we will get out of this with elections. Some of us will continue to work tirelessly on alternatives that directly summon the People's Sovereignty as the only one capable of deciding the destiny of the Venezuelans, who sooner or later will end up imposing themselves, because stubborn reality will end up discovering that the King of the story is naked and has nothing on his balls…

Caracas, January 28, 2020


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