Humanitarian Electoral Solution

By Luis Manuel Aguana

A lot of people stayed with the title and didn't read any more. Many negative reactions without reading the content of a communiqué signed by people from civil society who want a peaceful, electoral and constitutional solution. Yeah, you read that right, ELECTORAL (see in Spanish ANCO respalda la solicitud de la SOCIEDAD CIVIL VENEZOLANA al Secretario General de la OEA para la aplicación de una SOLUCIÓN HUMANITARIA DE CARACTER ELECTORAL But electoral does not necessarily mean with the regime's CNE, or from the hands of Jorge Rodriguez and the new directive of a CNE pulled out of the sleeves of the Illegitimate Supreme Court of Justice of Baralt Avenue. What has been fundamentally the problem of Venezuela since 2004, the year of the Revocatory Referendum of Hugo Chavez? That the regime dismantled piece by piece since that year the only mechanism for political dispute resolution available to any country in the civilized world: an impartial, transparent and reliable arbitrator. Without that, all that remains for those who are party to a conflict is to resort to the garrotte. And the one who has it bigger, wins. In other words, the reason of the force, because the force of the reason of the majorities was dismantled. Period.

Now the country as a whole is crying out for that stick. And since the only institution in the country that since our founding as a Republic was the one that put order between the parties in conflict, the Armed Forces, was also dismantled, then those who want a solution to the political problem are clamoring for that force outside the country. And they are not wrong, the reasoning is correct from a cause and effect perspective: since everything was dismantled, then someone from the outside must come and fix what we Venezuelans broke.

From that perspective, any country in the world sees us as a chicken that sees salt. Since Venezuela's cancer has already grown, contaminating the region, the argument for asking for this "help" of strength is "if you don't get involved, then you will suffer from the same". And there's no shortage of reason for those who would argue that. Things will come, if the process of political, economic and social decomposition continues, to the point where there is nothing else to do. By that time there will be no Republic and everyone who gets in will get a piece of it. Yes, as you read it. Because if we get to that point, of course they will get in but it will not be to solve the problem of the Venezuelans but to solve their own problem, because at that point the one in control will be the one with the guns. And that won't be us.

How can you avoid that? In the War of Independence, there was someone who started the war, or at least gave reasons for starting it. And that was us. When we declared ourselves an independent nation from Spain, the Spaniards came down on us. The Venezuelans, under the supreme command of the Liberator, conducted the process from the very beginning. That was from starting the war, getting the real ones to fight in it, to hiring foreign officers to help us, to getting the last Spanish soldier out of our lands. And the thing gave to liberate four more nations. My question since this confrontation began was: who is in charge of doing what needs to be done? If the thing had only been a "declaration", Venezuela would still be a province of Spain.

Now, when Juan Guaidó came out, we all pointed to him as the one responsible for leading this process of liberation, for good or for ill. Do you think that if Guaidó asks for military aid from the countries that recognized him, to proceed with a military intervention, they will immediately give it to him by magic? I'll spare you the doubt: definitely not. First, a Crisis Cabinet would have to be formed, with experienced diplomats and institutional Generals to start negotiating country by country to get each one to change its political position, which it has already expressed in the different international forums: that they do not want a military solution for Venezuela. Of course they do not want it! I wouldn't want it either if I didn't see any Venezuelans raising a hand first to organize themselves as the Liberator did to fight a War of Independence to free his country. Even less so if, on top of that, they see the President who represents us, being the spokesman for a group of opposition parties who have openly told the world that they reject a military solution. So, what do we Venezuelans do? stubbornly insist that the countries come to "liberate" us? demonstrate in front of the White House for that until the Americans dare to put dead people in our country? (not that that doesn't serve to demonstrate how Venezuela is deteriorating, but definitely not to get things changed). That's the recipe for adding 100 more years to the 20 that Castro-Chavism-Madurism already carries.

Venezuelans love immediate solutions (and who doesn't?). "My thing to be given to me now" is part of our vocabulary. I've written enough of that on this blog. That's cultural. Everyone in Venezuela wants to know how to get out of this very complex problem in 240 characters of Twitter. And unfortunately that's not possible. It is easier to ask Guaidó (not that he is defending it) to authorize 187#11, or to "apply TIAR or R2P" (things that are far, far beyond his control). That's if it fits in those 240 characters. Guaidó or any G4 politician has not even begun to consider any of that because they have NO GOVERNMENT TO CONDUCT ANY STRATEGY. And apparently they don't intend to have it either. Then we might as well ask him that or something else.

As things stand, we will continue to wait for the country to find itself in a situation of greater political disintegration with each passing day. And that process is happening faster and faster. So what should we be looking for? First we don't stay calm. As long as there is life, there is hope. Now we think of the new mantra of "alone we cannot" but in another sense. In this sense, we ask the countries, as Venezuelans directly suffering from this serious problem, to consider solutions in the set of things that THEY CAN DO for Venezuela. That is where creativity should be applied. In other words, not to ask them to put up their dead but to help us build on the strengths we do have to solve the crisis. And what is our greatest strength? That every Venezuelan in the world wants to end this nightmare. And that's a telluric force like a grade 10 earthquake. The big question is how do we channel and apply it? How can we be helped from the outside with that?

And it is from there that the HUMANITARIAN SOLUTION OF ELECTORAL CHARACTER arises. Ask the closest countries which are within the framework of the OAS (read implicitly: NOT those in the UN), and to its Secretary General, Luis Almagro, who has been an advocate in the struggle for our freedom, and who has already met countless times to discuss the Venezuelan case, TO ACT AS ARBITRATORS, NOT AS INTERVENERS IN OUR CONFLICT, in substitution of the one that the regime destroyed, and to achieve with their help that AN ELECTORAL EVENT completely conducted by the OAS takes place. It is clear that the group of criminals that govern Venezuela will never want to be in good standing, let alone have an impartial arbitrator. But it is not to them that this solution is addressed, but to their masters, the Russians, the Chinese and other countries on which they rely.

For those skeptics who still believe that these countries could ignore a solution like this, I remind you that they are indeed vertebrates, and are led by politicians who also seek a satisfactory solution, and are fully aware that they are using a bunch of criminals for their benefit, and would clearly prefer that situation to change without harming their interests.

In this direction, and only as an example, I remind you of the communication that ANCO addressed to the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin on February 11, 2020 (see in Spanish ANCO entrega carta al Presidente de Rusia, Vladimir Putin, en and that today it is necessary to make public, which was officially answered on May 25, 2020 through its Ambassador in Venezuela, Mr. Sergey Melik-Bagdasarov. There it is clearly stated on behalf of President Putin that "Russia has advocated the settlement in Venezuela by the Venezuelans themselves" (see answer in Spanish from the Russian Embassy, at . Then Russia as a country could hardly oppose a solution like the one expressed in our proposal to the OAS, if there were enough regional pressure to make the criminals who sustain themselves at the expense of those countries give in. In the same way, China and the rest of the countries that accompany the regime. We're not saying this doesn't need to be worked out diplomatically, or that the solution is just around the corner. Of course it needs to be worked out! But it is a solution that if it is within the reach of those countries and that they would be willing to help if we contribute ideas that can go the way that they are willing to go.

There are definitely no magical or immediate solutions, however strong, to the serious problem that we Venezuelans have. We have proposed a solution as part of Venezuelan civil society. Civil society does not belong to any group, nor can any group claim to represent it as a whole. There are those who believe in a solution of strength. We respect that. What is unacceptable is that we are condemned for believing that there are solutions that could be better and more expeditious, raised in the appropriate instances and doing the work that needs to be done. They attack us without discussing the substance with arguments, because of the wording of the letter, or because of those of us who signed it, who are fully entitled to propose another solution. That doesn't even deserve a response. The solution proposed is aimed at Venezuela, and only its People's Sovereignty will have the final word in due course.

Caracas, June 17, 2020


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