Clandestinity and Civil Resistance

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versiónen español 

With the publication of the second bulletin of results of the July 28 election, giving Nicolás Maduro Moros as the winner with 51.95% of the votes, the regime confirms its decision not to reverse the mega electoral fraud perpetrated on July 28, and sustains with bayonets the coup d'état committed against the Popular Sovereignty (see From fraud to coup d'état, in

Thus, the evolution of this historical process that Venezuela is going through is between an opposition that seems to lack sufficient experience to face a narco-militarized tyranny that was completely exposed with the mega fraud committed, and returning to the practices carried out in the recent past, in 2014 and 2017, calling the population to the streets in a peaceful manner, but defenseless against the violence of a regime that murders and disappears opponents.

And why do I say this? Because of the family call today Saturday, August 3, made by María Corina Machado (MCM) to Venezuelans across the country to "meet all of us as a family, with our children, grandchildren, grandparents in all the cities of Venezuela", in the midst of an unleashed persecution and violence of the regime in all the streets of the national territory (see in Spanish El País América, María Corina Machado takes safety precautions and calls for a national march on Saturday, in

And not that we are asking Venezuelans to "cool down the streets" or give up the peaceful protest to which we are entitled, but to moderate it and adapt it to the political moment, applying it just when the only thing that is required for them to leave is the people in the streets. Otherwise, it will continue to bleed to death a population that the only thing it has done is to give everything, even its life, to be able to live in freedom.

It is for this very and precise reason that MCM has gone "into hiding" as El País America rightly headlines, announcing in a letter to The Wall Street Journal, that he is going underground:

"I am writing this from hiding, fearing for my life, my freedom and that of my compatriots under the dictatorship led by Nicolás Maduro. Mr. Maduro did not win Venezuela's presidential election on Sunday. He lost in a landslide to Edmundo Gonzalez, 67% to 30%. I know this to be true because I can prove it. I have receipts obtained directly from more than 80% of the nation's voting stations" (see MCM statement in letter to WSJ in USA, in

But it is not only MCM that must take "shelter". We all must do so, and even more so President Elect Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia (EGU), who after the coup d'état, as a career diplomat, can and must, as soon as possible, begin to coordinate from abroad all the necessary efforts to achieve the urgent and necessary international support for the struggle that Venezuelans must wage to achieve a brief and adequate solution to our circumstances. That is what Rómulo Betancourt did as the main political leader and head of the opposition, after openly declaring a coup d'état to the Popular Sovereignty.

In fact, the only party with experience in clandestinity in the contemporary history of Venezuela, has been Acción Democrática, being almost 10 years in that situation, from December 7, 1948 until January 23, 1958:

"On December 7, 1948 by decree of the government military junta, the Democratic Action party is dissolved throughout the country. From that moment on, it went underground, playing a leading role in what has come to be known as the resistance, until January 23, 1958, when the dictatorship of Marcos Pérez Jiménez was overthrown" (see in Spanish Henry Vaivads, Acción Democrática y su evolución histórica, in

Consequently, taking into account the experience we have already had in the past in a similar political occasion, where a tyranny has been revealed in all its dimensions, we must review what that party did in hiding. The guidelines given in full resistance by the Secretary General of that party, Alberto Carnevali, in the face of the fraud perpetrated by the dictatorship of Perez Jimenez, in the process to elect the Constituent Assembly to be installed in 1953, were not precisely directed in the direction of marching or concentrating the people in the streets, but to go underground and organize a great movement of Civil Resistance.

In a communiqué that we learned about at the time, courtesy of Dr. Alfredo Coronil Hartmann, son of Rómulo Betancourt, entitled "A la Rebelión Civil llama Acción Democrática" dated December 24, 1952, the guidelines of this civil resistance in clandestinity, from the perspective of that party, are established. Clearly, it must be taken into account that an opposition coordination of today would have to accommodate these guidelines to the present time and circumstance, but the concept in the face of what is in front of us is imperishable:

"Within a few days, the popular masses will receive precise indications on the forceful way to initiate this new and more active and belligerent stage of civil resistance. And to guarantee that this will be the permanent action that coordinates all the popular sectors, of all the democrats of the country, we are accelerating the execution of the following measures"..."...we are establishing an agile mechanism of organization to mobilize all the men and women without a party who are approaching our ranks to ask for an active participation in the struggle for the liquidation of this humiliating stage of our national history. Before them, our party will have to act with great breadth of criteria, respecting their own ideological convictions, but unifying them in the common struggle for the recovery of sovereignty, with the slogan that "no democratic citizen, even if he or she does not belong to any party, should remain inactive in the present offensive against tyranny".

"Then we will propitiate with all the other organized political forces a plan of civil rebellion against the dictatorship. We will seek in this coordination "coincident action" of a practical type, with each party preserving its ideological independence and its internal organizational autonomy. This coordination must respond to the slogan that "all political forces are obliged to enforce national sovereignty with the means at their disposal".

"Finally, we must boldly initiate a relentless offensive of civil rebellion in all fields of national life. All parties, all men and women, all worthy Venezuelans must unleash a coordinated and accurate mass action until we succeed in opposing tyranny in the deadly dilemma of recognizing national sovereignty or bloodily annihilating all the Venezuelan people".

"We will act realistically. With a clear conscience that our power is none other than the great power of a people inflamed because they have been brutally humiliated and humiliated. We will act without the slightest hesitation. Knowing that the people do not have weapons of war because they always naively trusted that the weapons of the barracks were to defend them and now they are being used against them. But convinced that the great political tragedy that saddens the nation does not allow the simplistic dilemma of fighting with weapons or not fighting at all. Because the patriotic national claim is conceived in another inexorable way: if we do not fight now until we triumph, the people will be enslaved ignominiously for an indefinite period of time. The people must defend their freedom right now at any cost and with whatever means they have in their hands. The people have to fight with their own resources, the endless resources of mass action, which in our country exist in invaluable conditions for the conquest of victory. We are the majority of the nation. We are a whole people. The dictatorship is without any social backing or moral support. An unbendable decision to fight prodigiously encourages our hearts. An overflowing faith ignites our blood. We count, in short, with precious human and moral factors sufficient to endow our fighting capacity with a power a thousand times stronger than the hardest armor of despotism" (see Alberto Carnevali, "A la Rebelión Civil llama Acción Democrática", December 24, 1952, in

This is the voice of experience, from a Venezuela that faced the same scourge of a regime that violated Popular Sovereignty, immediately establishing a plan. From now on NOTHING can be spontaneous because that costs lives. An organized and planned Civil Resistance would be in a position to minimize that fatality. At this stage, after a coup d'état, no one in the opposition can afford to work alone because this is no longer about a stolen election, some ballots and votes, but about the future survival of a nation, of our nation. It must be a very well organized struggle, in the same way as the election was, but in a very different way, directed for all, for the protection of our families, our children and for future generations.

Caracas, August 3, 2024

Blog: TIC’s & Derechos Humanos,



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