The Myths of Government in Charge

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

A debate has arisen - by no means new, only that now it has more public volume - about the relevance of the continuity of the Government in Charge of Juan Guaidó Márquez, this time due to the statement of Julio Borges in his resignation from the Government in Charge as Commissioner of Foreign Relations (see in Spanish El Nacional Julio Borges: The Interim Government has to disappear, in

The resignation of this nefarious character of Venezuelan politics, head of one of the G4 parties, can be interpreted in many ways, starting with the internal struggle within the 2015 National Assembly for the "succession" that must take place in the official opposition after January 5, 2022. Borges jumps off the boat of the Government that they gave themselves with the unconstitutional Statute of the Transition, in order to examine from the outside "how they", the Primero Justicia party, will be left in the new political reality that will take place at the beginning of next year.

But the basic question is not whether Borges or anyone else says that the "Interim Government has to disappear" but whether its continuity is beneficial or not for Venezuelans.

Until Borges said so in his resignation, several Venezuelans had already asked ourselves the question of the "64 thousand lochas" of the old quiz show of Efrain de la Cerda: What is the use of a Government in Charge that has not had a positive impact on anything that is happening in Venezuela? Is there any sense in the continuation of a presidency that, having international recognition, has not appointed a Crisis Cabinet -including the Military High Command- to fight precisely with the help of the International Community, the tyranny that is destroying Venezuela and Venezuelans? Having no territory over which to rule, his obligation was none other than to expel the regime. In fact he already had, in case you do not remember, the authorization of 6.4 million Venezuelans due to the 3rd Question of the Popular Consultation held from December 7 to 12, 2020.

But those questions were already known to Julio Borges prior to his news of his resignation, and during his administration he did not move an inch to achieve that, using those positions to do what he was used to do: to place his people. But he stated that the Government of which he was a part is useless precisely at the right moment, not for the convenience of Venezuelans but for the political convenience of him and his party, seeing that more and more people are asking us that question, showing a supposed empathy that he definitely does not have with Venezuelans. He demonstrated that with that statement.

Many opinionators and anchors of television programs, now very famous on the Internet, and other Venezuelan "influencers" have come out in the defense of the Government in Charge. These same characters were the media builders of these jewels of current Venezuelan politics when they had their programs on Globovisión and Radio Caracas, and widely read columns in El Nacional and El Universal. And from their new trenches in the social networks they are still defending their positions without making a minimum analysis of whether or not maintaining a Government in Charge is positive or not for Venezuela.

For many it would seem obvious that Juan Guaidó should remain in his post and his figure as President in Charge should continue because "he is the only one internationally recognized" and "we would lose the assets that the Maduro tyranny would otherwise have". These myths of the Government in Charge are repeated ad nauseam. But the obvious has always been suspicious to me because it is so evident.

It is true that the International Community, starting with the United States, has injected external legitimacy to this Government in Charge because up to now it has been convenient for its interests, not ours. There are reasons of State in the countries of the International Community that point to the fact that it is necessary to recognize someone here as legitimate, under penalty of assuming costs that otherwise they would have to assume by letting this cancer that Maduro and his criminals in power represent run in time for all the countries of the region.

So that by "recognizing" Guaidó (it would have to be seen what this recognition is about since most of the countries of the world still maintain formal diplomatic relations with the Maduro regime, even when there is a Guaidó envoy) a sort of "sanction" is established - without being so - to the regime, but which foists on this "recognized" Government in Charge the responsibility of "getting rid of Maduro" (after all, this problem belongs to the Venezuelans) without having a tail to sit on.

It must be recognized that the Venezuelan Constitution provided the magic formula to disengage from the problem with the figure of a "Government in Charge for 30 days until elections are called" and it has worked very well for both the International Community and the opposition politicians to take advantage of the administration of the aid. But what about the Venezuelans? They are really screwed... I wish they would understand that we do not want "aid", we want them to help us get rid of Maduro and his criminals as soon as possible! That would be the best help. And to eternalize an intermediary joker figure definitely does not collaborate to achieve that.

Now, indicating that "if it were not for the Government in Charge", PDVSA's assets abroad or the Central Bank's gold that is in custody in England would have been lost, is another road myth of the politicians of the official opposition. Ask Horacio Medina as President of the Ad Hoc Board of PDVSA if they approved the resources he requested to the Government in Charge and its Delegate Commission to defend the assets of the industry in the United States for more than a year. Yes, you guessed it, they did not approve them (see in Spanish PDVSA Ad Hoc Board Urges Approval of its Budget to Continue Defense of Foreign Assets - PDVSA Ad Hoc Communiqué to the General Public - Third Aspect - November 9, 2021, in

If Venezuelan assets have not been lost, it is because the respective international governments have protected those assets as a consequence of the sanctions against the Maduro regime. And that will continue to happen whether or not Juan Guaidó is in a Presidency in Charge until Maduro leaves and there is a government that is truly legitimate in Venezuela. And unfortunately for them, that is not Juan Guaidó's until there is no valid election in Venezuela no matter how much they have "recognized" him in 2019. For them Guaidó will be disposable according to the circumstance and the interests that are managed in the complex chess of the international powers.

So, where does this situation lead us? Is the Presidency-in-Charge a hindrance or not to Venezuela's recovery? That is the real question. And I answered it in a past note, by the way before Borges' resignation: "It is time to start looking for a solution to the mess created by the political opposition. A simple way would be for Juan Guaidó, acting honorably as Dr. Jekyll, to "commit suicide" to the Presidency-in-Charge and the Statute of the Transition, thus killing Dr. Hyde, and assuming purely and clearly the Presidency of the Republic, fully complying with the obligations required by the Constitution. Otherwise, it would be preferable for Venezuelans that the monstrosity disappears with him. But after 3 years of asking him to do so, I believe it is useless to continue demanding this exercise of political maturity". (see The strange case of Guaidó and G4 parties, in

Will Juan Guaidó be capable of "committing suicide" the Presidency in Charge and the Statute of the Transition in favor of the needs of Venezuelans, declaring himself Constitutional President of the Republic with the powers and obligations required by the Constitution, with no other "statute" than his own conscience? At that time I indicated that it was useless to continue demanding after 3 years this exercise of political maturity. But seeing that the castle of shuffles they built for themselves in 2019 is falling on their heads, this time with the interested help of one of their fundamental pillars, maybe, just maybe, it may be possible for them to think better.

And in the event that this is not the case, for Venezuelans it is preferable to follow the path alone rather than in bad company. I believe that we would have a better chance of getting out of the usurpation as long as the International Community (and especially the US) understands that our problem is not for 2024, but for yesterday and all the previous years that the regime has stolen the elections from us. That we prefer an election of Constituent representatives to decide the future of Maduro, of his regime and of Venezuela without the intervention of the constituted powers and with the participation of an impartial international arbiter, with the coercive force of the nations. That would be the real help, if there is still that backing from the International Community TO VENEZUELA, not to Juan Guaidó....

Caracas, December 7, 2021




Instagram: @laguana01


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