The post-truth of electoral observation

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

I found myself surprisingly agreeing with Jorge Rodriguez when he angrily replied to Josep Borrell, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, that why would they come to observe the 21N elections if not to legitimize the regime: "...the truth is that they better not come! And what was it that made the main representative of the regime so angry in the dialogue in Mexico? Simply that it will be the same EU mission that will determine whether the elections are legitimate or not. Nothing less...(see in Spanish Jorge Rodríguez a Borrell: Si no es capaz de respetar, es mejor que la Misión de la UE no venga, in

And Rodriguez is right. From the regime's perspective, if what they want is to legitimize a profoundly illegitimate electoral act of a regime of the same ilk, I would have been equally annoyed with Borrell changing the terms of that socialist remark. If I were in his place, I would have said exactly the same thing: what good are they to me then? The regime wishes -and rightly so- that the International Community blesses this act that cannot be called elections.

But Josep Borrell said something with which he justified that statement and which was precisely what I warned at some point as the trap into which the opposition would fall if it decided to accept to go to elections with the regime: "The recognition that they are now officially giving to that electoral event means that any country that has given recognition to Juan Guaidó may stop doing so, because if in our own country those who supposedly oppose the regime decide officially that their "almost" fair elections are valid for them, nobody outside in their right mind has to say otherwise." (see Almost fair elections, in And that was precisely Borrell's way out! He practically said "if they recognize them, why wouldn't I recognize them?": "If the opposition decides to go and that is a path that allows opening a breach and achieving a greater institutionalization of the opposition, am I going to say that I don't send a mission because the elections are fraudulent?". Borrell was not going to be more papist than the Pope, and it still remains for them to start to stop recognizing Guaidó....

But beyond all that is what Venezuelans perceive as truth. It is one thing for an electoral observation to come to legitimize with its mere presence an illegitimate act of the regime, which we have already publicly denounced before the European Union and the international community (see in Spanish Comunicado ANCO, Carta pública a Josep Borrell, in, and quite another thing is that Borrell, in the name of the EU, says that his Mission is the one to decide whether or not this absurdity of the regime and its collaborationist opposition for 21N is or is not a free, fair and verifiable election, that is, that Borrell and his Mission would put the seal of approval on elections that are already ILLEGITIMATE, something that Josep Borrell knows very well. That is, Borrell and his Mission would put the seal of quality to elections that are already ILLEGITIMATE, something that Josep Borrell knows for a fact. And who in his right mind would put himself in the hands of such blackmail? Rodriguez may be an electoral delinquent, but he is not an asshole for not letting Borrell handle a truth as a post-truth.

And what is post-truth? According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, post-truth is the "1. f. Deliberate distortion of a reality, which manipulates beliefs and emotions in order to influence public opinion and social attitudes". Borrell is telling the world that the objective fact that an election like 21N will not be legitimate until they say so AND THAT IS FALSE. That is why I agree with Rodriguez. But that election is already illegitimate because the legitimate extremes for its convocation were not fulfilled, starting with the designation of a legitimate CNE of a legitimately elected National Assembly. That is why Borrell and his Mission do not decide that, without taking into account the fact that they, within the framework of their own Electoral Observation Manual, can only act in electoral processes in countries where Human Rights are respected, which is not possible in the Venezuela of the regime of Nicolás Maduro Moros (you can download the European Union Election Observation Handbook, Third Edition, 2016, in.

"In political culture, post-truth politics (or post-factual politics) is the name given to that in which the debate is framed by appeals to emotions disconnected from the details of public policy and by the repeated assertion of talking points in which factual replicas - the facts - are ignored. Post-truth differs from the traditional dispute and falsification of truth, giving it a "secondary" importance. It is summarized as the idea that "the fact that something appears to be true is more important than the truth itself." (see in Spanish Posverdad, Wikipedia, in

What facts are being deliberately ignored here in terms of public policy and by whom? That these regional elections are irritating and illegitimate. By whom? By the regime and its bought opposition. The facts are deliberately ignored by those acting and all Venezuelans who decided not to continue resisting the regime decided to turn a blind eye, ignoring that reality. Secondary importance is given to the transcendental fact of the truth that there is neither a legitimate National Assembly nor a legitimate CNE, the apparent truth being more important than the truth itself. That is the classic definition of post-truth....

If Venezuelans decide to look the other way on November 21 and attend what the regime is calling as regional elections, we will continue in this nightmare hiding the truth. For that, let's surrender once and for all the opposition flags and accept the Castro-Chavist-Madurist socialism, which is what they want through attrition. The truth is only one, no matter how much it hurts: as from November 21 there will be no official opposition in Venezuela but the pasty mixture resulting from a collaborationist lie: Regime+MUD/FA+Mesita. As from November 21, we will have to look for a new opposition, that is the only truth...

Caracas, October 9, 2021




Instagram: @laguana01


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