The real assets of Venezuelans

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

First of all, I would like to thank all my followers and tireless friends of ANCO for their messages of solidarity and affection for my speedy recovery from the COVID virus. I am still in that (the recovery cycle is long) but this fight is long and unfortunately we cannot lower our guard because what we have in front of us is a hydra with many heads and with a lot of money from Venezuelans, starting with those of the regime and its bought opposition. Hence my concern to resume at least some things I had left pending.

We have noticed that at the national level, the movement of the candidacies of the parties for 2024 has already begun. I don't have to prove that, in each of the States of the country it was the natural reaction of the leadership that lives off the periodic electoral carnivals of the regime, after the resounding failure of the spurious recall referendum of the regime and its opposition, which is accompanied by the parties, not only because it is a way to distract the population that "someday" we will get out of this nightmare, but because it is an extraordinary way to keep the "machinery oiled", as they call it, of the militancy at the time the electoral show begins.

This has worked very well for the local militancy of the parties, who historically have lived on the contributions of their national leaderships to move electorally in the regions. In the same way to the whole ecosystem that lives from them. That is, mobilizations, immediate logistics such as communications, meals, lodging, meetings and everything that makes it appear that a party is "moving" in favor of the people. There is nothing more narcotizing than this for the common Venezuelan after 1958.

This distorted behavior of party democracy is the real origin of the problem of political representation in Venezuela and one of the main reasons for our updated project The Great Change of ANCO, but that is another story that we will address in due course (for those interested in part of this history of the degradation of the parties see in Spanish Twelve Axes and a Destiny, The Strong Municipality, in

Under "normal" conditions, that is, without tyranny, this situation would be common and depends, of course, on party finances. And that is where a lot of things can be explained. Since this tragedy began, party finances have been plummeting. The contributors of the parties, illustrious patrons of the Venezuelan business oligarchy, corrupt of the contracts of the former democracy, the traditionally rich people of Venezuela, could not continue "contributing", not only because of the economic situation of the country, but also because of the threats of the regime, reason for which many did not survive, but others because they were too big and with inescapable commitments threw themselves into the arms of the regime. This represented a very serious problem for us. These people sold us out...

Consequently, it will not seem strange to you because we are not out of this tragedy yet. The effort made, not by the parties, but by Venezuelans, to put the "opposition" in winning places as of 2015 was diluted in a bunch of bought deputies, entire parties with ties to the regime, and deliberate policies in their favor that have harmed us in such a way that it has been impossible to get rid of this dirty sticker stuck in the soul of Venezuelans.

But the parties were able to find a way out with the establishment of the caretaker government in January 2019. This way out was perfect because they had their hands free from the financial impositions of the regime and could count on the aids coming from the US laws of aid for the rescue of democracy, not to mention what could be provided to them through what was seized from the corrupt through the decrees of the US government administration. What could go wrong?

Nothing should go wrong. However, what has always been wrong has been the political succession or who stays in power after Nicolás Maduro Moros. The problem of the parties is not that the regime leaves, but who is left after them. The pathological insistence to solve the Venezuelan crisis through elections that were not held as they should have been in 2019 has marked the entire national and international political cycle since 2019, dialogues and International Community included.

All the money provided to the Government in Charge has been used by the political parties to maintain this electoral strategy and party bureaucracy until the elections take place, which they expect the International Community to endorse once the regime gives in to hold them. And this WILL NOT HAPPEN until they are sure they will not lose. Remember Chávez in 2004, delaying his recall until Jorge Rodríguez appeared with the "SmartMatic solution"?

And why won't it happen? Because the regime will never relinquish control of the institutions and Public Powers (Judicial, Moral, Legislative), and even less the Electoral Power, which it exhibits as the jewel in its crown. I refer to the recent evidence: the flawed recall referendum of 26E.

However, in addition to the stubbornness to continue with the electoral route after the recall referendum of 26E, there are the interests of some parties that refuse to die giving a definitive solution to the Venezuelan problem. They are blithely ignoring that the constitutional solution was not exhausted with the recall referendum. That there is something called the National Constituent Assembly of Original Character, which is our last stop to get out of this problem in a peaceful and constitutional way, and to start a new transitional government that guarantees free, fair and verifiable elections. But I will leave it to Magistrate Emeritus Blanca Rosa Mármol de León to explain them in detail, in an extraordinary interview conducted by Contrapunto (see in Spanish BRML, Hay que llamar a una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente, at

But the Government in Charge is clinging to this solution that takes us to elections until 2024, without considering the seriousness of the situation of Venezuelans. It is necessary to warn Venezuela THAT WE CANNOT HOLD ON TO BE KILLED FOR QUOTAS UNTIL 2024. We cannot let the MUD and its collaborationism convince Venezuela to wait for impossible elections for 2024, lying shamelessly to the US that "we will win" and using the funds they are giving them for that. Money that belongs to Venezuelans. That is an UNACCEPTABLE situation.

In my recent note I argued that the very existence of the interim government is to save Venezuelans from this tragedy without losing another moment (see in Spanish The interim government is not justified without a Constituent Assembly, in Without anything else that leads us to a solution that is not applied this year, anything else IS NOT JUSTIFIABLE, unless it already works for an Original Constituent that restores the legitimate Public Powers in less than a year. Otherwise, ITS EXISTENCE IS NOT JUSTIFIABLE. If the Interim embarks with the MUD for elections in 2024, IT WILL BE PART OF THE PROBLEM, NOT OF THE SOLUTION.

However, this is not enough. The main reason for any government, interim, caretaker or permanent, is the welfare of its citizens. It is not there to safeguard financial assets, nor shares of its state-owned companies, nor the reserves of the Central Bank. ITS INSOLVABLE RESPONSIBILITY is with the welfare of the population. The defenders of Juan Guaido and his Government in Charge have focused their case of remaining at the head of that interim to take care of the assets and to be the face of the opposition before the International Community. But neither the assets are under their custody but those of the countries and their respective laws, and the opposition face will only serve until those same countries decide so. 

And then, what is left for Guaidó and the interim government? To defend a solution that immediately removes these criminals from our hands to prevent the continuation of deaths, torture, hunger, the COVID pandemic, the destruction of our economy. He cannot constitutionally use his Presidency in Charge to prolong this situation any longer.

The real assets that Juan Guaidó must protect are the LIFE, HEALTH AND SAFETY OF ALL VENEZUELANS. That is what we have left here and now. With that covered, if anything was lost along the way we will get it. We are the size of the commitments we face. Maybe that should not be forgotten by those who want to stubbornly insist on deceiving this noble and brave people...

Caracas, February 8, 2022




Instagram: @laguana01



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