Venezuela's List

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español


We must not forget, but neither must we stay in the past. We have to continue and evaluate the environment in order to continue fighting. We Venezuelans are very fond of making appointments and situations perennial, even if conditions have changed. And we do not realize that they have changed until we suffer the consequences. Nobody can say that the second presidency of Carlos Andrés Pérez took place because Venezuelans wanted en masse the so-called Saudi Venezuela back, and the best exponent of it was the same CAP, who did not hesitate to exploit that in his campaign to return to power. And when he tried to take the bulls by the horns, as we say in Creole, to bring order to the country, the majority did not water down their eyes to take them to the bonfire with their own party in front. That is our history and our stamp.

It is incredible that even Venezuelans at this level of Castro-Chavista-Madurist tyranny fear "another Tascón List" on the occasion of the threats made by the regime for the 6D elections and the call for a Popular Consultation, and I will explain why. Luis Tascón, a rather second-rate deputy in Hugo Chávez Frías' governing party, played a leading role in one of the most regrettable and darkest episodes of the country's political life, as he was the author of the infamous Tascón List, which he inaugurated in order to keep a whole era of lists of persecution and crimes against the population by Lesa Humanidad. For those young people who were still in primary school and do not yet understand the depth of the damage they did, see the work reviewed for history and justice by the NGO Active Citizenship

 (see in Spanish Ciudadanía Activa (2006), “The List: Citizens Under Suspicion”,, “The List: Citizens Under Suspicion Part 1/5”,, “The List: Citizens Under Suspicion Part 2/5”,, “The List: Citizens Under Suspicion Part 3/5”,, “The List: Citizens Under Suspicion Part 4/5”,, “The List: Citizens Under Suspicion Part 5/5”, The regime knows that this damage to Venezuelans has yet to be paid for here and in international justice. 

When Luis Tascón died a little over 10 years ago, I wrote a note entitled Un Réquiem por Luis Tascón  (see in Spanish inn, where among other things I pointed out that I always believed that this sordid engineer was only a disposable part of a whole machinery of discrimination that had (and still has) its greatest culprits alive and kicking still and that have shielded themselves behind the guilt of Luis Tascón to bury something that is still very much alive: the contempt for the dignity and human rights of people.


No more listening to the barbarity that has reverberated throughout the planet " Whoever does not vote for 6D does not eat " (as proof, read for posterity and shame of Venezuelans the ABC International of Spain, It is clear that ALL VENEZOLANS ARE ALREADY ON A LIST, some higher than others in the attention of the regime.


After more than 15 years of the famous Tascón and Maisanta Lists (this last automated version of the original List and which is still used in the public sector as a mechanism of political discrimination and a filter for interacting with the socialist government), these faithfully fulfilled the job for which they were designed: to create a situation of panic among the population to prevent anyone from thinking of doing anything to get out of the mess we are in, by avoiding action, signing, or taking political positions.


In a country where the majority of us are already poor in solemnity and dependent on the crumbs that the regime "gives" to the population to subsist through a mechanism of food bags, a threat that implies that you will be subjected to hunger if you do not do what the regime wants, makes you understand that you are already registered even if you have not signed any list. In fact, the regime no longer needs the lists to decide who eats and who does not eat.


Everyone in Venezuela has a number stuck on their back that will be activated when the regime wishes and for the most unlikely reason. Today it is because of the fraudulent elections of 6D-2020. Tomorrow it will be anything else the regime decides to blackmail us over. We are all on a list, employees and retirees from the public administration, and even active and retired Social Security members, which includes all private individuals. All this information is held by the regime.


So, the List includes all of Venezuela. It is a great Tascón List where Venezuelans do not have to sign anything to be included. So what difference does it make if you participate in a Popular Consultation or do not go to vote on December 6 in a fraudulent election? It makes no difference. The regime considers us all its enemies and will always use the last resort of a tyranny to force citizens to obey: threat and fear.


But it won't be the fear of being put on a List. If you are Venezuelan you are already on one, you don't need to sign or do anything. And the list will no longer be called Lista de Tascón, but Lista de Venezuela. We are all on it. Nor will the fear be that they will take away a bag of food. Hyper-super-inflation took it away from us long ago! And for those who are lucky enough to still receive them, it comes at the discretion of the regime, as if people ate every 2 or 3 months. They no longer have anything to take from us. Perhaps the last thing will be that they take away our freedom and take us all away, even the families of those who will drag us into the dungeons. But that is not necessary either. We are all imprisoned in our homes because of COVID-19 and because of the lack of gasoline and transportation.


These days I had the opportunity to see the film "Milada" filmed in honor of the political leader Milada Horáková who fought until her death in communist Czechoslovakia. After resisting in her country against the Nazis and being in their concentration camps, the communists who arrived after the war treated her even worse, and she did not leave her country after the entry of Soviet communism, doing the political work that had to be done inside, helping those who did decide to leave. Incredible, isn't it? She said she had always been persecuted for doing what she thought was right. The communists vilely executed her by not bending her democratic convictions. I wish the Venezuelan opposition political leadership had an ounce of that courage. We would be an incredibly different country.


Milada Horáková's heartbreaking story serves me to describe what many of us decided to do in Venezuela. To stay, to resist and to continue, because there are no longer any Lists to fear, because there is only one List and it is the one of all Venezuelans. And if all of us who are on it stand up and face it, deciding to throw them out of power, as we are now demanding in that Popular Consultation, we will leave once and for all in the past that there were Venezuelans unworthy of their people, capable of creating Lists to persecute their own compatriots, and from there build together the new pages of a citizen's deed, which with the favor of God, will soon conclude with a free country without Lists and without exclusions?


Caracas, December 4, 2020





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