Venezuela's new Independence

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

A few days ago, in the Conversatory to which I was invited by the friends of the Liberal Republican entitled "Depolarization, an alternative", the following question was proposed as a topic for discussion: "Should the factors that differentiate us from the minority queues of the normal distribution, of the improper reductionism, form a national alternative that makes possible a peaceful, constitutional, democratic, electoral and constitutional solution to the crisis that is punishing us?”. I answered with a resounding YES to that question in a previous note (ver Unidad para salir del régimen, en based on the actions that ANCO, Alianza Nacional Constituyente Originaria, had set in motion as a continuation of what we understand the civil society must carry out as the next step to enforce the mandate expressed by the Popular Consultation of December 2020. That is, the conformation of a Pact of those vested and not vested with authority, based on Article 333 of the Constitution, with the formulation of a Constitutional Restoration procedure.

In a simplified explanation of this instrument, ANCO, apart from publishing the text of the Pact for signature by anyone who wishes to sign it (see in Spanish Firma personalmente el Pacto para el Restablecimiento Constitucional, en makes an explanation of what Restoring the Constitution means: "To return the life of the nation to the principles, values and norms contained in the current Constitution. Life, health, wages, a stable currency, economic freedoms, political freedoms, justice, democracy, human rights, territorial sovereignty, independence, self-determination, among other principles and values contained in the Constitution, must be restored, as well as popular sovereignty, the separation of powers, the responsible exercise of the Public Power and the sovereign management of our patrimony and finances" (see in Spanish Conoce el Pacto para el Restablecimiento Constitucional, en

Therefore, by signing this Pact, we, the citizens, are creating "a national alternative that makes possible a peaceful, constitutional, democratic, electoral and constitutional solution to the crisis that punishes us", as stated in the question of the Conversatory. And that is because, as we said, "...It is the duty of every Venezuelan citizen -whether in authority or not- to COLLABORATE in the reestablishment of the Constitution (Art. 333). The reading and subscription of the Pact for Constitutional Reestablishment by all those who want to overcome the present situation in Venezuela is the first step. The guidelines and actions will be established in the Conferences for Constitutional Restoration. A joint effort is required, inside and outside the country, to eradicate the chaos and the crisis it causes. The signing of the Pact constitutes a clear action in defense of our citizen dignity and a firm step to overcome, among all of us, the ruin and decomposition that devours Venezuela".

And what are the Conferences established in this Pact? Are they a new political instance? Answer: "...las Conferencias constituyen instancias ciudadanas para ejecutar el procedimiento de restablecimiento constitucional. No son una nueva agrupación de partidos. No promueven candidaturas a ninguna instancia. No es una nueva expresión de la sociedad civil organizada. Su epicentro es constitucional-ciudadano. La Constitución y el Pacto definen el sentido y alcance de su actuación”.

What are we achieving with this approach: to place in a single National, International, State, Municipal and Parochial instance all those who are willing to act in an organized manner in a single direction in the struggles for the rescue of the country. The guidelines and actions will be decided in the Constitutional Restoration Conferences with a single direction. In this way, all Venezuelans, represented by their natural leaders, will be tuned into the same channel of civic protest around a single and clear objective: to enforce the mandate that the Venezuelan people established in the Popular Consultation.

The Pact brings together all citizens interested in getting out of this situation that corrodes the life of the nation, and that we see that if we do not get involved in an organized way, the political bodies that have been eroded after more than 20 years of continuous failures, deliberate or not, against the regime, will not be able to do much.

The proposed depolarization is already a certain fact because Venezuelans have decided that we want to live in democracy by rejecting the tyranny of Nicolás Maduro Moros and his regime supported by bayonets. And it is not that it is an alternative, it is a reality. What is needed is to take the necessary steps to make it a reality and that is what we are proposing. We have presented this proposal to the unions of the Empresas Básicas de Guayana and they have already signed the Pact (see in Spanish Representantes de la Inter Sindical de Trabajadores de Guayana refrendaron el Pacto para el Restablecimiento Constitucional, en We have presented it to the organized workers of PDVSA in the State of Zulia and they have already signed the Pact (see in Spanish Trabajadores petroleros se suman al Pacto de Restablecimiento Constitucional, en We have presented it to the Pensioners and Retirees of Venezuela and they have signed it (see in Spanish, Mas de 4 millones de jubilados y pensionados se adhieren al Pacto para el Restablecimiento Constitucional, en And so we have proposed it to multiple organizations throughout Venezuela through ANCO's collaborators in each State, and they have also signed. The installation of the Conference will take place on April 19 as an emblematic and commemorative date of the beginning of the struggle for the independence of Venezuela. Venezuelans will get out of this tyranny. We have the conviction and determination to do so, we have sworn so. The new Venezuelan Independence has already begun...

Caracas, April 2, 2021




Instagram: @laguana01


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