21N: Political positioning of civil society

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

It would not be the first time -nor the last- that I refer to the poor quality of the Venezuelan political leadership, both of the opposition and, of course, of the regime that consistently destroys Venezuela. This is a serious problem that exists not only in our country, but here we suffer it in greater depth in our condition of a nation physically and morally destroyed, precisely as a consequence of the poor quality of the decisions made by that same political leadership, for much longer than the Castro-Chavist-Madurist regime has been ruling.

Someone sometime will have to make an analysis and document the composition of the current political leadership responsible for the permanent defeats of the opposition. Where did that leadership come from, what did they study, what did they do to deserve to have the responsibility of making the decisions that have affected us all. The appreciation we have from the outside is measured by the results. My favorite example is the management of professional sports teams. If you have a management group that loses and loses games, the least the team owner does is replace the decision makers on the field. We see with great regularity the permanent changes in the management of professional sports teams because there if you lose games, you lose money. Losers are not tolerated.

We should not tolerate losers in politics either, as owners of the Sovereignty that we are and particularly of the "teams" that lead the Republic, because no money is at risk here (in the comparative sense of professional sports teams) but something much more important for all of us is at stake: health, security, education, justice, economy, territorial integrity, social peace and stop counting. All these things are in Venezuela in the hands of people with no preparation, no life experience and much less State experience. Hence the most incredible blunders that result today and will result tomorrow in serious damage to the Nation.

In this sense, in a clear example of the foregoing, the Deputies of the 2015 National Assembly have consistently refused to approve the 2021 PDVSA Ad Hoc budget, mainly destined to the hiring and payment of the current and future legal defenses necessary abroad to litigate in favor of Venezuela, in order not to lose, or at least to stop as far as possible, PDVSA's plaintiffs abroad from getting their hands on the assets exposed by the regime of Hugo Chávez and his subsequent criminals.

There would be nothing strange if, as usually happens when such blunders occur, the lawyers in charge of the defenses were to file lawsuits abroad for the collection of fees, with the consequent cut for delays and damages caused. That would be the icing on a fabulous cake for which those who are receiving the blows for them abroad, such as PDVSA's Ad Hoc Administrative Board, could not be held responsible, but who in the end, as also happens in these cases, would be held responsible before the public opinion no matter what they say, because those same absolutely irresponsible politicians who put them there, will crucify them when those assets are lost:

"We responsibly reiterate that in November 2020 we submitted the budget corresponding to the current year, with detailed information on the concepts on which PDVSA Ad Hoc management is based. During the course of the year 2021, we have requested a response and have urged the National Assembly to reach such approval. During our presentation of management results in June 2021, we made a public call to the Delegate Commission to approve the budget and indicated the risks inherent to inaction and the serious consequences for the National Patrimony. Likewise, we have repeatedly noted the requests made by the Office of the Special Prosecutor in the same sense, without any response so far. In this sense, we recall that the lack of resources in the defense of the rights of the Republic, brings as a consequence that the creditors advance in the attempt to foreclose PDVSA's assets." (see in Spanish PDVSA Ad Hoc Board Urges Approval of its Budget to Continue Defense of Foreign Assets - PDVSA Ad Hoc Communiqué to the General Public - Third Aspect - November 9, 2021, in https://www.bancaynegocios.com/junta-ad-hoc-de-pdvsa-exhorta-a-que-se-apruebe-su-presupuesto-para-continuar-con-la-defensa-de-activos-en-el-extranjero-comunicado/).

Unfortunately, the PDVSA Ad Hoc Board was left in the middle of a dogfight over the head of Juan Guaidó and the situation of his Interim Government, precisely because the G4 Deputies care very little -not to say nothing- about what ends up happening with PDVSA's assets abroad. At least they could wash their hands and be honest with Venezuelans, but in a perverse game of continuous deception, they let expectations run wild that they are indeed working to avoid the worst, because they have the assholes who will pay the price for them. The members of the PDVSA Ad Hoc Board should take the time to publicly denounce this behavior of the parties and save their responsibility before Venezuela. Otherwise they will be equally guilty of what may happen, even if they are not....

The Deputies are busy in a strategy of maintaining the interim interim and the Statute of the Transition, until a new situation of balance of power with the regime arises, which Juan Guaidó has maintained with the Government in Charge. However, that will be worth very little after January 5, 2022, as the G4 is negotiating with Maduro a recall that they know they are going to lose, recognizing the regime behind the backs of Venezuelans and stretching the wrinkle towards new elections for 2024. Those who have always supported this toxic "opposition", such as the main figures who were on the stage of the Aula Magna on March 6, 2018, pretending to be representatives of the civil society, are actively working in this new administration (see Two acts, one purpose: the re-launching of the MUD, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/p/two-acts-same-purpose-re-launching-of.html).  

Hence, there is no talk here of anything other than elections, suspiciously forgetting that there are no conditions, much less a democracy to support them. Here we are not only facing an "opposition" team that loses games because it is extremely mediocre, but also receives benefits for losing. Hence, civil society must categorically reject this behavior and come out directly in defense of its interests, even assuming political positions because its representatives have sold out.

This is the main background and basis of the communiqué issued by the Alianza Nacional Constituyente Originaria, ANCO on November 15 (see in Spanish Regroup to Refound the Nation: A National Commitment., in  https://ancoficial.blogspot.com/2021/11/comunicado-anco-reagruparnos-para.html). There it is stated: "...it is necessary in the political field to regroup the democratic and citizen forces to overcome the deficits of the political leadership. On November 21, 2021 we must close the fruitless cycle of this erratic democratic struggle". And what are these deficits? The decency that the country demands to get out of the regime and the crisis that accompanies us, and that is definitely not in their interest to solve. As from November 21, Venezuela will be handed over to the regime by the political leadership of the opposition. How do you think the levels of impotence and disappointment of Venezuelans will be in the face of this political leadership of the opposition after verifying that they have sold Venezuela for a pair of flip-flops, that is, for a co-government with Maduro?

Therefore, many new organizations, new proposals, new faces will be needed to give hope to Venezuelans that there are still moral reserves in this country to move forward in a macabre game that requires a lot of level, a lot of love and a lot of dedication for this country. When ANCO and those who accompany it in the Citizens' Conference for the Constitutional and Democratic Reestablishment assume a political position in the face of the vacuum in the leadership, it does so because it is not possible to achieve the objectives of our organization, among them the most important one, the call for the Original Constituent Power, without the existence of people in whom to believe for the future development of the country. If this does not exist now in the political leadership, we are willing to build another one at the height of the problem we are facing, no matter how long it takes, and aware that without this we will never have a Republic to refound...

Caracas, November 17, 2021

Blog: https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


Instagram: @laguana01

Telegram: https://t.me/TICsDDHH

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