A matter of representation

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español

It was about time that the parties decided to take off the mask of "civil society" that they put on in the Aula Magna of the UCV three years ago, and assume their responsibility once and for all. No more saying that they represent us in any "Frente Amplio" or that they carry our voice to any meeting outside the country. They are them and that's it. From now on they represent themselves and nobody else.

The communiqué published by the so-called G4 and some signatory parties of the Unitary Pact of September 7, 2020, which agreed to hold the Popular Consultation, put an historic end to this masquerade that did immense damage to the opposition civil society, officially placing in the hands of the parties, the opinion and the opinion -the pure and simple representation- of the great mass of Venezuelans who do not belong to any party position, to the main opposition political parties (see in Spanish communiqué of the parties published by the Communications Center of the National Assembly, in https://twitter.com/Presidencia_VE/status/1379585467423789060).

That interception of the will of civil society by the parties in the political arena what it did was to take even further to the bottom the very little credibility they had already lost by founding that new Broad Front in March 2018 and that could not end in any other way in how it ended this week, with that communiqué of the parties sincere about their situation. But they did not do that because they wanted to. They did it because they were demanded to do so in that famous meeting in Bogota and the request of the United States for a genuine representation of Venezuelans from those leaderships that claim to represent us.

When the Ambassador of the United States announced this new platform of the Venezuelan opposition that the political parties now publish as a "reconfiguration of the United Alliance and the construction of a broader coalition with the civil society", he did not go into detail where the civil society was located in this context because in fact it was kidnapped by the parties and their Frente Amplio. Hence, from that moment on, I pointed it out as one more deception to the population. (see NELA, the next scam, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/p/nela-next-scam.html). As from this new communiqué, the parties cease to assume the representation of the civil society and paradoxically call "civil society" the Frente Amplio (?), which if it once had representation of any sector of the civil society, it definitely does not have it anymore because it was sustained by the political parties. From now on, this Broad Front, if it continues to exist in the future, will represent someone in the civil society that they themselves will have to reveal to Venezuelans because the parties have already shaken them off...

In my opinion, what is happening is healthy. Parties are parties, and civil society is civil society, and it is made up of all those factors mentioned in the communiqué published by the parties (organizations and personalities promoting the Popular Consultation, students, unions, productive sectors, trade unions...) who at the end of the day have been fighting and continue to fight without anyone representing us, exercising our own spokesmanship and representation against the regime and its opposition. From now on, nobody could claim to represent the citizens if the parties are accepting and requesting that from now on it is the civil society itself who agrees with them, the politicians, the actions to be taken in one way or another to get out of the regime.

But these agreements cannot be as they have been up to now, when the parties claimed to represent the citizens and went to negotiate outside the country without the Venezuelans agreeing with this course of action. No. Now the terms must be different. There has to be an open platform where we are all on the same level of decision, with the International Community as a witness, and where they respect the condition of citizen representation and collaborate directly with it and not through the parties, as has been happening so far. If Ambassador James Story is talking about a new unitary platform (NELA), it cannot be to reenchant the Frente Amplio of three years ago, which in fact is dead and buried by the same parties as of that communiqué, because if so, the call he is making is condemned to death before it is born.

After the Popular Consultation, things have changed for civil society in Venezuela. The 6.4 million people who participated in that civic event of proportions not yet fully recognized nationally and internationally, are promoting, through those who proposed and organized the Popular Consultation, a platform for the defense of that clear mandate of the Venezuelan people. We are not creating a new "organization" to represent anyone because each one has its own representation within the civil society. We are summoning and congregating through a Citizen Pact for the Constitutional Restoration all those wills vested or not with authority as established in Article 333 of our Constitution.

This is the true strength of the Venezuelan society that is standing as a single entity in the face of the outrages of a genocidal regime, with no other interest than to enforce what Venezuelans ordered in this Popular Consultation. Whether the opposition political parties are interested or not in getting out of the regime, that will be weighed by the Venezuelan society in its fair measure and we will not stand idly by in the face of that. We cannot ignore the political parties because institutionally they are still part of the international recognition of the political representation of the country. But neither can they ignore the people who are suffering in Venezuela and who are suffering the results of their inefficiency in the political management of this crisis. If they represent the political country, Venezuelans in their predominant majority represent the national country. If they finally understood who they are, we hope they have also understood who the rest of Venezuelans are. And in a situation of mutual respect, perhaps a solution for Venezuela will be possible.

Caracas, April 9, 2021

Blog: https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


Instagram: @laguana01

Telegram: https://t.me/TICsDDHH

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