Unquestionable triumph

By Luis Manuel Aguana

Versión en español


In order not to repeat many times the same message through the social networks responding to those who point out ANCO, and especially me, as traitors and "guaidolovers" for having accompanied the Government in charge in the Popular Consultation, I write this explanatory note against the wise popular advice that states that "do not clarify because you get dark". And I must do so, not because I feel bad about all those remarks, nor with the intention of explaining my conduct to anyone. At my age I only owe explanations to the Creator when it is my turn to appear before Him. ANCO as an institution has already explained its position on this issue sufficiently. But since I have my own opinions, I am interested in expressing them because perhaps with that I clarify many of the points that the past and present enemies of the Popular Consultation are making against the process that ended with its face-to-face phase on December 12, 2020, and that are affecting many who participated in good faith in that process.


In my first note after the consultative process I explained a sequence of events that negatively affected the Consulta Popular and that some indicated had the characteristics of a forensic report (see Ties of change, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/p/times-of-change.html). I didn't have that intention but in reality it was. The real intention was to present the crude reality before a Venezuela that lives in a permanent lie and that, in spite of all that garbage that was done to us, when they saw characters from civil society take a step forward with the tenacity that they demonstrated, they trusted in their seriousness and honorability to make themselves present in what turned out to be the BIGGEST CIVIC PROTESTS MADE IN VENEZUELA SINCE JULY 16, 2017. I called my note "Times of change" because from this triumph on, that is what we will start to see from now on, the Civil Society taking a more and more leading role in what will happen in Venezuela from now on.


The Venezuelans went over malicious advice such as: "we already did a consultation in 2017", or "are you going to waste your time voting in that Guaidó consultation", or this last one which has been very poisonous: "you are going to be fooled again! Venezuelans understood the message directly and clearly: WE ARE THE DEPOSITORIES OF THE SOVEREIGNTY, WHEREAS WE DEMAND THE DISCONTINUATION OF THE USURPATION OF NICOLAS MADURO MOROS, WE REJECT THE FRAUD OF THE 6th AND WE ORDER TO MANAGE THE INTERNATIONAL AID FOR THE RESCUE OF DEMOCRACY AND TO TAKE CARE OF THE HUMANITARIAN CRISIS, voting by millions in the Popular Consultation called by the Civil Society.


And I wonder what was the problem with anyone who calls himself a Democrat calling the people to a consultation to request that? Why is anyone afraid of what the people have to say? That's why we haven't all moved in the right direction of shaking off the tyrant, but of fighting for whoever is leading the opposition. Thank God the majority understood the message above all the problems pointed out in my note. The account of those problems gave much more value to that courageous step of all those who participated, especially those volunteers who helped make this possible throughout the country.


Of the many messages I received there was one in particular that I responded to a very upsetting reader who answered my note of November 27 (see in Spanish, Algunas preguntas acerca de la Consulta Popular, in https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/2020/11/algunas-preguntas-acerca-de-la-consulta.html) pointing out to me that I would not count on his vote for the " consultica " that was going to be held because the National Assembly had not done anything to make the 2017 consultation effective. For obvious reasons and not having its authorization to make its note public, I will only set out part of my response which perhaps will serve to clarify a little more our position before public opinion of working with the Government in charge under the circumstances indicated in my previous note:


That "consultica" as you call it is not a product of the Guaido Presidency "and its evildoers. It is the product of the work of many years of a group of honest, rights-minded Venezuelans who proposed a clear course of action to those who, as much as you and I do not want to, are the internationally recognized representatives of the opposition. I feel like throwing that up, but that's the way it is. Multiple meetings with spokespersons from outside the country always pointed out that our consultative proposal MUST FIRST BE HEEDED BY THE GOVERNMENT IN CHARGE before being approved by those who have the guns to charge for it. We proposed this route and it was "accepted" and I put it in quotes because they have tried to change it in favor of their interests and we have prevented it from within. Yes, from within. Because we got involved with them, knowing them, to make it effective because the beneficiaries would not only be them as politicians, who we will have to face in due course, but the Venezuelan people who have to endure threats that if they don't vote on 6D they won't be fed. So it was that all of us at ANCO got into this with Guaidó, risking our reputation which is the only thing we have so that people like you tell us that we are cheating them and that we are prevaricating with them. That is the cost I am willing to pay in order to get out of this nightmare in two phases: first the regime and then its opposition.


I am sorry that I cannot count on your help in this. That is another cost that we have to bear. A lot of people who were hurt very badly, to the point that without knowing it they also hurt those they are trying to help. This is not a Guaidó "farce". Guaidó is the least likely to be involved in this mise en scène. The Popular Consultation IS OUR CIVIL SOCIETY ACHIEVEMENT (read my most recent note, The Popular Consultation is just the beginning, https://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/2020/12/la-consulta-popular-es-solo-el-comienzo.html).


In honor of the truth and recognition of the reader who wrote me, I must say that I also received another note of apology from her, informing me that I was not aware of many of the things I indicated in my communication and thanking us for what we were doing in favor of the liberation of the country. Admitting that is not easy in such an intoxicated environment that has been created among us. I took my hat off to her because I discovered the true Venezuelan, honest and willing to help when the situation calls for it, and that if you speak to her clearly and with the truth before you, she responds favorably.

That is what has not happened with the current Venezuelan situation that demands from those who are at the forefront of politics an indisputable and foolproof seriousness and integrity. Unfortunately, nobody believes that these values exist anymore. But I can say with knowledge of cause and without a doubt that those representing ANCO in this Organizing Committee of the Popular Consultation, Enrique Colmenares Finol and Blanca Rosa Mármol de León, have that moral stature. A campaign has already been unleashed to attack them, believing that by doing so they are defending their interests or their possible plot of power. It is useless for them to do so because we Venezuelans have already spoken out and we are going to collect that result.


In this sense I must indicate the following: the indisputable result of the Popular Consultation must be charged to ALL VENEZOLANS, unlike the 16J-2017 Consultation, which had a direct leader, the National Assembly. All Venezuelans, whether or not they are invested with authority as of December 12, 2020, are obliged to manage what is necessary before the International Community "to activate cooperation, accompaniment and assistance that will allow us to rescue our democracy, attend to the humanitarian crisis and protect the people from the crimes against humanity" by order of the Depositary of Sovereignty in question No. 3.


Consequently, those who now ask us what we are going to do after the Popular Consultation will have their answer from us. But I want to answer you from now on that instead of asking what WE are going to do, you should rather ask yourselves what YOU are willing to do for the recovery of freedom. We have already made and taken the first step, and you can be sure that we will continue to take others.


No matter how many insults we receive on the networks, and no matter how much the enemies of the Popular Consultation try to minimize that achievement by working with the President in charge, that INDISCUPTIBLE TRIUMPH belongs from now on to all Venezuelans, even to those who rejected the process, as a first step to a much superior one, to achieve the liberation of Venezuela. Let us put aside pettiness and work together to achieve it. It will be the same for all of us when we get it....


Caracas, December 16, 2020


Blog: http://ticsddhh.blogspot.com/

Email: luismanuel.aguana@gmail.com


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